Latest news

30.07.2024 - 16:24:37

Postdoc Appreciation Week Germany (PAW 2024) - Programme is online!

Inspired by the celebration of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in the USA and the UK, the PAW Germany coordination team once again invited researchers …

26.07.2024 - 13:17:01

SSC Brown Bag Session "Seed Funding/DFG-Erstantragsvorschuss" on 29 August - register now!

The Science Support Center (SSC) invites you to a virtual (breakfast) break, this time on the topic of ‘Seed Funding’.

Would you …

26.07.2024 - 13:00:57

Call for Applications: 38th funding round of UDE Postdoc Seed Funding - apply now!

UDE Postdoc Seed Funding: Postdocs (up to five years after their doctorate) can apply for seed funding of up to 30,000 euros until 13 September …

15.07.2024 - 11:36:49

"Together" - Peer group coaching for international doctoral researchers at UDE: apply by 31 July!

Our new coaching format is entering its second round and this time is explicitly aimed at international doctoral candidates of UDE. The 1-year …

08.07.2024 - 11:53:15

Job offer at GC Plus! Coordinator (f/m/d) for Tenture Track Mentoring & the promotion of women in the scientific qualification phase (EG 13 TV-L, 100 %)

At the Graduate Center Plus, you will be responsible for promoting women in the scientific qualification phase. The position aims to consolidate …

04.06.2024 - 11:45:07

mentoring³: Apply by 30 June for the next programme line for female doctoral researchers!

Female doctoral researchers from all subject groups at the University Alliance Ruhr can now apply for the next programme line in the mentoring³ …

04.06.2024 - 11:39:43

(Home) Training Days: "Die eigene Forschung für ein fachfremdes Publikum verständlich machen" on 27 June - register now!

In this workshop, participants will develop key messages, storylines and initial format ideas for communicating their research to a non-specialist …

29.04.2024 - 16:29:48

Transdisciplinarity and Science in Society. Training Program for Meaningful Science-Society Conversations on 22 & 23 May - register now!

Contemporary scientific and research practice no longer takes place exclusively in isolated disciplinary contexts, but in discussion and exchange …

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Early career researchers in portrait

Introducing ...

In this series, we portray early career researchers of the University of Duisburg-Essen at irregular intervals. Have an inspiring read!

Foto von Katarzyna Jendrzey auf dem Campus der QUT
© privat

Introducing ... Katarzyna Jendrzey Of research and freedom

In her doctoral project at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Katarzyna Jendrzey is investigating how migration is addressed and perceived in children's books. Since April 2018 she has been researching and doing her doctorate in the Research Group “Sozialisationsforschung” (Faculty of Educational Sciences). Now the social scientist is in Australia for four months to improve her language skills. Afterwards she will travel to the ISA Conference in Brazil in summer and will present her first paper there.

Read the complete portrait
Dr. Stephane Kenmoe während eines Vortrags am International Centre for Theoretical Physics
© International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Introducing ... Dr. Stéphane Kenmoe Promoting Science in Cameroon

Dr. Stéphane Kenmoe has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen for three years. Born in 1984 in Cameroon, he is actively involved in promoting African early career researchers and building networks. In his home country, he is known for TV appearances in which he explains scientific phenomena in a generally understandable and humorous way.

Read the complete portrait