Hannes B. Mosler

für Sozialwissenschaftliche Ostasienstudien mit dem Schwerpunkt Korea

Zur Person
Publikationen und Vorträge

ORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-9443-9177


Forsthausweg 2
47057 Duisburg
LE 713


  • Professor/in, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften

  • Professor/in, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Montags 14-16h nach Vereinbarung.

Zur Person

Akademische Abschlüsse

2011 - Promotion, Politikwissenschaft, Seoul Nationaluniversität (SNU)
2003 - Magister, Kulturwissenschaft und Koreastudien, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (HU)


Akademischer Werdegang

2020 - heute, Professor (W2), Institut für Politikwissenschaft / Institut für Ostasienstudien, Universität Duisburg-Essen
2019 - 2020, Professor (W2), Institut für Koreastudien / Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
2013 - 2019, Professor (W1), Graduate School of East Asian Studies / Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universität Berlin
2009 - 2013, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universität Berlin



AKSE                  Association for Korean Studies in Europe
AREA Ruhr       Alliance for Research on East Asia Ruhr
DGA                   Deutsche Gesellschaft für Asienkunde
DKF                    Deutsch-Koreanisches Forum
DVPW                Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft
EAN                    European Research School Network of Contemporary East Asian Studies
SoKEN               Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network
VfK                     Vereinigung für Koreastudien im deutschsprachigen Raum


Gremienarbeit / Funktionen

seit 2022 Research Committee Member of the Kim Dae-Jung Academy (KDJA)
seit 2022 Director of the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST)
seit 2022 Co-Director of the Alliance for Research on East Asia Ruhr (AREA Ruhr)
seit 2021 Steering Committee Member of EastAsiaNet
seit 2019 Editorial Board Member of Pacific Affairs
2021-2022 Chairman of the Vereinigung für Koreastudien im deutschsprachigen Raum (VfK)
2017-2021 Council Member of AKSE
2016-2021 Treasurer of IPSA Research Council 42 - Security, Integration and Unification
2015-2023 Research Advisory Council Member (Korea-Japan) of ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia


SekretariatKarin Teuchler

LehrbeauftragteDr. Hee Kyoung Chang

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: heekyoung.chang@uni-due.de

Wiss. Mitarbeiterin / DoktorandinBohyun Kim

Raum: LE 729
Telefon: +49 203 379 3947
E-Mail: bohyun.kim@uni-due.de

DoktorandVicent Plana Aranda

DoktorandBenedikt Staar

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: benediktstaar@gmail.com

DoktorandinElisabeth Rachstein

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: -

DoktorandinMisun Kim

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: -

DoktorandEetu Laustela

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: -

DoktorandMinkyun Park

Raum: -
Telefon: -
E-Mail: -

SprachlektorDr. Stefan Knoob

Raum: LE 649
Telefon: +49 203 379 2776
E-Mail: stefan.knoob@uni-due.de


► Politische und soziale Fragen des modernen Koreas
► Politische Parteien, Parteiengesetze und Wahlen
► Parteigeschichte und Parteireformen
► Politisches System und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit
► Politische Bildung, Geschichtspolitik und politische Erinnerung
► Populismus und Postdemokratie


"Research exchange project on civic education" (2009-2013)

Organization and coordination support between the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) and Korean Civic Education Institute (KOCEI).

"Political Party Database Project" (PPDB) (2013-2018)

Country coordinator for Korea, China, and Japan within the; project managers: Prof. Dr. Susan Scarrow (University of Housten) und Prof. Dr. Paul Webb (University of Sussex); supported by: Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) et al. (PPDB website)

"The Change of Dynamics and the Dynamics of Change of Political Structures" (2014-2019)

Sub-project responsibility as part of the research project „Transcoding as Cultural and Social Practices" funded by the Academy of Korean Studies in the realm of Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies. This was a jointly conducted project of both Korean Studies institutes in Berlin and Bochum, led by Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee, Prof. Dr. Marion Eggert, and Prof. Dr. Joerg Plassen.

"PinEAD – Populism in East Asian Democracies" (2020-today)

This joint project sets out to take a comparative and close look at Populism in East Asian Democracies (PinEAD) to understand the form populism takes in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan; the project is led by Axel Klein, Hannes Mosler (both IN-EAST) and Frédéric Krumbein (Tel Aviv). (PinEAD website)

Comparative Regionalism in New Eurasia: Trilateral Perspectives for ROK’s New Northern Policy (US, Europe and Korea) (2021-today)

The aim of this project is to study South Korea’s New Northern Policy in the context of the challenges and opportunities given by China's Belt and Road Initiative and the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy, and to develop a Eurasian strategy, which through revitalization of minilateralism can contribute to the efforts of establishing a peace system on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. The project is led by Prof. Jae-Seung Lee at (Korea University).


► Politische und soziale Fragen des modernen Koreas
► Politische Parteien, Parteiengesetze und Wahlen
► Politisches System und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit
► Zivilgesellschaft und politische Institutionen
► Politische Bildung, Geschichtspolitik und Erinnerungskultur
► Demokratisierung, (Post-)Demokratie und Populismus

Publications and presentations

show Publications

2013. Sarajin chigudang, kongjŏnhanŭn chŏngdanggaehyŏk [Ortsvereine verschwunden, Parteireform im Leerlauf]. Koyang: In'gansarang. Koreanisch. 456 S.

2011. Tamnonbunsŏk-chŏk chŏpkŭn-ŭro koch’arhaebon chedogaehyŏk-ŭi chŏngch’aek kyŏljŏng kwajŏng-e taehan yŏn’gu. Han’guk chigudang p’yeji sarye-rŭl chungsim-ŭro [Diskursanalytische Studie zu politischen Entscheidungsprozessen institutioneller Reformen in Südkorea mit Fokus auf die Abschaffung der Parteiorganisationen auf Wahlkreisebene]. Dissertation. Koreanisch. 364 S.

2009. Sŏngsukhan minjujuŭi-rŭl wihan minjujŏngch‘i kyoyukchŏllyak [Strategien politischer Bildung für eine reife Demokratie]. Seoul: Em-Ad. Koreanisch. 361 S. (Koautor: Dr. Chun Sun-Ill)

2004. Nationalismusdiskurse in Südkorea. SEARI Arbeitspapiere zur sozialökonomischen Ost-Asien-Forschung, Band 10, Universität Bremen. Magisterarbeit. 135 S.

2020. ASIEN-Sonderheft (Themenschwerpunkt) - Politics of Memory in Korea, ASIEN 154/155.

2020. South Korea's Democracy Challenge. Political System, Political Economy, and Political Society. Berlin: Peter Lang Academic Publishers.

2018. The Quality of Democracy in Korea. Three Decades after Democratization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Ko-Herausgeber: Eun-Jeung Lee, Hak-Jae Kim.

2017. Facetten deutsch-koreanischer Beziehungen - 130 Jahre gemeinsame Geschichte. Peter Lang Academic Publishers. Ko-Herausgeberin: Lee, Eun-Jeung.

2015. Lost and Found in Translation / Circulating Ideas of Policy and Legal Decision Processes in Korea and Germany Peter Lang Academic Publishers, Ko-Herausgeberin: Lee, Eun-Jeung.

2015. Civil Society on the Move: Transition and Transfer in Germany and South Korea. Peter Lang Academic Publishers, Ko-Herausgeberin: Lee, Eun-Jeung.

2015. Länderbericht Korea. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Ko-Herausgeberin: Lee, Eun-Jeung.

Journal articles
2024. "Das südkoreanische Wahlsystem und die Parlamentswahl vom 10. April 2024," Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), Heft 3/2024, S. 651–669.

2023. "Reaktionen auf Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine und Südkoreas Außenpolitik auf Abwegen," in: ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 164/165, 197–209.

2023. "The Nord Stream pipe dream: How an outdated Ostpolitik misguided Germany’s foreign policy toward Russia," in: The Korean Journal of International Studies 21(2), 239–276.

2023. "Politics of Memory in South Korea: President Yoon Suk-yeol's 2022 Memorial Address on the Kwangju Democracy Movement," Studia Orientalia 124, 1-20.

2022. "Populism in East Asian Democracies: Report on the International Lecture Series of the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (Oct 2020–Feb 2021)," International Journal of Taiwan Studies 5 (1), 187-201. co-authors: Axel Klein and Frédéric Krumbein

2020. "Contentious Memory Politics in South Korea: The Seoul National Cemetery," ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 154/155: 66–92.

2020. "Understanding the Politics of Constitutional Resilience in South Korea," Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 33 (2): 459–491.

2020. "South Korea’s April Revolution through the Lens of West Germany," Korea Journal 60 (3): 118–150.

2020. "The Contested Political Remembrance of the Kwangju Uprising and Presidential Speeches in South Korea," S/N Korean Humanities 6 (1): 47–92.

2019. "The Elephant in the Unification Room: How North Koreans think about the Workers’ Party," Historical Social Research 44 (4): 325-49. co-author: Bong-Ki Lee.

2019. "Namnamgaldŭng - Partisan Media Framing of Political Polarization in South Korea," Korea Observer 50 (3), 331-354. co-author: Hee Kyoung Chang.

2019. "Translating constitutional norms and ideas: Genesis and change of the German 'Free Democratic Basic Order' in Korea," Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2: 195-223.

2018. "Regionalwahlen in Südkorea 2018," ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 148 (Juli), 51-67.

2017. "The Institution of Presidential Impeachment in South Korea, 1992-2017," Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, Heft 2, 111-134.

2017. "Decoding the 'Free Democratic Basic Order' for the Unification of Korea," Korea Journal 57(2), 5-34.

2017. "President Moon Jae-in − The Right Choice for South Korea," Asia Policy Brief June 2017, Bertelsmann Stiftung.

2016. "Führungswechsel bei den zwei großen Parteien Südkoreas: Der Wahlkampf zur Präsidentschaftswahl 2017 ist bereits eingeläutet," ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 141 (Oktober 2016), 68–79.

2016. "Der Demokratiediskurs in Südkorea - Im Spannungsfeld von freiheitlicher und liberaler demokratischer Grundordnung," Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Sonderheft 51/2016, 567–588.

2016. "Die 20. Parlamentswahlen in Südkorea 2016," ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 139 (April 2016), 92–106.

2016. "Das Verbot der Vereinten Progressiven Partei in der Republik Korea," Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl), 47. Jg., H. 1, S. 176 – 194.

2016. "An unexpected pioneer in Asia: the enfranchisement of foreign residents in South Korea", Ethnopolitics 15(2) (online first 19. September 2014). Ko-Autorin: Luicy Pedroza, 187-210.

2014. "The Cosmopolitization of Remembrance — The Kwangju Uprising and the UNESCO “Memory of the World” Register", ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 133 (Oktober 2014), 73-89.

2014. "Judicialization of Politics and the Korean Constitutional Court: the Party Chapter Abolition Case", Verfassung und Recht in Übersee, Heft 3 (Oktober 2014), 293-318.

2014. "Krieg um die Geschichte: Die Schulbuch-Kontroverse in Südkorea", ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 131 (April 2014), 57-67.

2012. “Curtailing political parties efficiently: the policy decision to abolish party chapters in South Korea”, ASIEN - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 125 (October 2012), 8-34.

2010. "An »external perspective«: Market, State and Civil Society in South Korea and Japan." In:  Hassel, Anke  und Christoph Pohlmann (Eds.). Market and State in European Social Democracy: Progressive Perspectives on Developing a Social and Sustainable Market Model. International Policy Analysis. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. July 2010. 31-40.

2010. "Regionalwahlen in Südkorea. Deutliche Absage an das rechtskonservative Regierungslager." 2010. Perspektive. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Referat Asien und Pazifik, Juni.

2008. „Tangwŏnhyŏbŭihoe (chiyŏkwiwŏnhoe) silt'aejosa-wa chedogaesŏn pang’an“ [Eine Analyse der aktuellen grass-roots-Parteiorganisationen und Vorschläge zu deren Reform]. Forschungsbericht angefertigt für die südkoreanische Wahlaufsichtsbehörde NEC. 2008. Koreanisch. (Koautoren: Prof. Dr. Kim Yong-ho, Prof. Dr. Jung Young-tae, Prof. Dr. Yoon Sang-jin.)

2008. „Chigudang-ŭn wae 2004-nyŏn-e p‘yejidoeŏnnŭn’ga? – Tajunghŭrŭmmohyŏng-ŭl chŏgyonghan chŏngdangjojikkaehyŏk kyŏljŏnggwajŏng yŏn’gu“ [Warum wurden die Parteiorganisationen auf Wahlkreisebene 2004 abgeschafft? Analytischer Blick auf den Politikprozess der Parteireform durch die Linse des Multiple Streams Modells]. Journal of Korean Politics, Vol 17, No. 2, 2008, 121-161. (Koreanisch).

Book chapter

2024. "바깥에서 본 민주화 이후의 한국 민주주의 현주소," 신진욱 (책임편집). 김대중 시대의 민주주의와 인권. 서울: 지식산업사, 335-384.

2023. "Out of Proportion: The 2019 Electoral Reform and the State of Representative Democracy in South Korea," in: Lim, Sojin. Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula. London: Routledge, 1-30.

2023. "German Diplomats' and Journalists' Perspectives on the April Revolution in South Korea,” In: Cross-Border Interactions and Encounters Between Germany and Korea / Ahn, Yonson; Kim, Jihye (Hrsg.). - Lanham: Lexington Books, 2023 - (Korean communities across the world), 185 – 211.  
2023. "Characteristics of the German Proportional Representation Election System’s Reform History and Its Implications for South Korea," in: Ryu, Hong Lim (ed.): Re-Writing Democracy in South Korea. Seoul: Institute for Future Strategy (Seoul National University) and Seoul Broadcasting System (SBS) Foundation, 24–44. (Korean)  
2023. "Das politische System Südkoreas," in: Derichs, Claudia, Thomas Heberer und Gunter Schubert (Hrsg.). Die politischen Systeme Ostasiens. Springer VS, 401-483. Ko-Autor: Aurel Croissant.
2022. "Changing South Korean politics without taking power? The pesidential power trap three years after impeachment," in: Dumin, Julia (ed.). South Korea after the 2017 Impeachment Implications for Politics, Society, and Democracy. Nomos: Baden-Baden, 23-66.
2022. "Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland und Perspektiven auf Südkorea," in: Renner, Alexander und Kwang-Jun Tsche (Hrsg.): Vergangenheitsbewältigung und Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland und Südkorea. Seoul: Kyunghee University Press, 227–240.
2021. "Political structure changes in South Korea since 1948," in: Lim, Sojin and Niki J.P. Alsford (eds.). Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea. Routledge, 45-64. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003026150.
2021. "The Oldest Societies in Asia: The Politics of Ageing in South Korea and Japan," in: Goerres, Achim and Pieter Vanhuysse (eds.). Global Political Demography. The Politics of Population Change. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 195-217. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73065-9_8. co-author: Axel Klein.
2021. "제8장 - 불편한 진실: 남북통일 시나리오에서 조선로동당이 지닌 문제점과 잠재력," <통합 그 이후를 생각하다> 사회평론, 이우영 등 저, 232-264.
2021. "The Constitutional Court as a Facilitator of Fundamental Rights Claiming in South Korea, 1988–2018," in: Arrington, Celeste L. and Patricia Goedde (eds.). Rights Claiming in South Korea. Cambridge University Press, 126-150. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108893947.007.
2020. "Characteristics and Challenges of South Korea’s Presidential Government System," in: Mosler, Hannes B. (ed). South Korea's Democracy Challenge. Political System, Political Economy, and Political Society. Berlin: Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 25-66.

2020. "Introduction: South Korea’s Democracy in Light of the Candles," in: Mosler, Hannes B. (ed). South Korea's Democracy Challenge. Political System, Political Economy, and Political Society. Berlin: Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 9-21.

2018. "Democratic quality and the rule of law in South Korea: The case of the prosecution," in: Mosler/Lee/Kim (eds.). The Quality of Democracy in Korea. Three Decades after Democratization. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 73-120

2018. "Introduction," in: Mosler/Lee/Kim (eds.). The Quality of Democracy in Korea. Three Decades after Democratization, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-23. co-author

2018. "Conclusion," in: Mosler/Lee/Kim (eds.). The Quality of Democracy in Korea. Three Decades after Democratization, Palgrave Macmillan, 305-319. co-author

2018. "Citizenship and Migration in South Korea: In the forefront of democracies?," in: Kim, Youngmi (ed.) Korea's quest for economic democratization - Globalization, Polarization and Contention. Palgrave MacMillan, 209-232. co-author.

2018. "130 Years Diplomatic Relations between Germany and Korea," in: Cho, Joanne Miyang and Lee Roberts (eds.). Transnational Encounters between Germany and Korea. Affinity in Culture and Politics Since the 1880s. Palgrave Macmillan, 27-52. co-author

2017. "Einleitung”, in: Mosler, Hannes B.  und Eun-Jeung Lee (Hrsg.). Facetten deutsch-koreanischer Beziehungen - 130 Jahre gemeinsame Geschichte. Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 7-12. co-author

2017. "Deutsch-koreanische Geschichte im Licht verfassungsrechtlicher Übersetzungen”, in: Mosler, Hannes B.  und Eun-Jeung Lee (Hrsg.). Facetten deutsch-koreanischer Beziehungen - 130 Jahre gemeinsame Geschichte. Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 57-92.

2016. "Translations of constitutional ideas: the genesis of the ‘Free Democratic Basic Order’ in Germany, Korea and Taiwan", in: Lee, Eun-Jeung and Marion Eggert (eds.). The Dynamics of Knowledge Circulation - Cases from Korea. Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 237-264.

2016. "Kyǒngjebaljǒn toyak-ǔi chogǒn: 1960-nyǒndae taehanmin'guk kyǒngjebaljǒn kwajǒng-esǒ-ǔi pǒp-ǔi yǒkhal [Ready for takeoff? Law and development in Korea’s 1960s]", in: The Escape from Hunger in Korea.

2015. "The Deterioration of South Korean Democracy," in Brendan Howe (ed.) Democratic Governance in Northeast Asia - A Human-Centred Approach to Evaluating Democracy (UK: Palgrave Macmillan), 25-50.

2015. "Introduction”, in: Lee, Eun-Jeung and Hannes B. Mosler. (eds.). Civil Society on the Move: Transition and Transfer in Germany and South Korea. co-author: Eun-Jeung Lee.

2015. “Legal translations 'Made in Korea'”, in: Lee, Eun-Jeung and Hannes B. Mosler (eds.). Lost and Found in Translation. Peter Lang Academic Publishers, 115-164.

2015. "Introduction”, in: Lee, Eun-Jeung and Hannes B. Mosler. (eds.). Lost and Found in Translation. Peter Land Acadmic Publishers. co-author: Eun-Jeung Lee.

2015. "Das Wahlsystem Südkoreas", in: Lee, Eun-Jeung und Hannes B. Mosler (Hrsg.). Länderbericht Korea. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 129-144.

2015. "Politische Parteien Südkoreas", in: Lee, Eun-Jeung und Hannes B. Mosler (Hrsg.). Länderbericht Korea, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 113-128.

2015. "Einleitung", in: Lee, Eun-Jeung und Hannes B. Mosler (Hrsg.). Länderbericht Korea. Ko-Autorin: Eun-Jeung Lee.

Book reviews
2023. (book review) "Narratives of Civic Duty: How National Stories Shape Democracy in Asia by Aram Hur," Political Science Quarterly, https://doi.org/10.1093/psquar/qqad045.

2021. Top-Down Democracy in South Korea. By Erik Mobrand. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2019. 201 pp. ISBN: 9780295745473 (paper), The Journal of Asian Studies, 80 (1), 204-205.

2018. South Korea at the Crossroads. Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rical Powers. By Scott A. Snyder. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018. 355 pages, International Quarterly for Asian Studies, Volume 49, Spring 2018, 141-144.

2015. "Study Peace, not War! The Origins of the Panmunjom Regime. The Korean War and Liberal Peace Projects [P'anmunjŏm ch'eje-ŭi kiwŏn: han'gukchŏnjaeng-kwa chayujuŭi p'yŏnghwahihoek]," by Kim Hak-Jae. Seoul: Humanitas, 2015. 708 pp., Journal of Contemporary Korean Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, 246-252.

2014. "Korean Political and Economic Development: Crisis, Security, and Institutional Rebalancing. By Jongryn Mo and Barry R. Weingast. Harvard East Asian Monographs 362. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013. 218 pp. \$39.95 (cloth).", The Journal of Asian Studies, 73 (May 2014), 558-560.

Commentaries, working papers
2023. “Introduction: Populism in the Liberal Democracies of East Asia,” In: Mosler, Hannes (Hrsg.): Populism in the Liberal Democracies of East Asia: South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Duisburg: DuEPublico, Working Papers on East Asian Studies, 1-10.

2023. “South Korea – No Country for Populism?,” In: Mosler, Hannes (Hrsg.): Populism in the Liberal Democracies of East Asia: South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Duisburg: DuEPublico, Working Papers on East Asian Studies, 29-36. 2022. Interview mit dem Portal Kleine Fächer über das „kleine Fach“ Koreanistik, Kleine Fächer, 24. Oktober 2022.

2022. "Lessons Learned? South Korea’s Foreign Policy toward North Korea under the Moon Jae-In Administration," IN-EAST Working Papers 132, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen.

2019. "Reformbedarf! Südkoreas Verfassung im Dornröschenschlaf?," East Asia Working Paper Series No. 4, Centrum für Asienwissenschaften und transkulturelle Studien, Universität Heidelberg. (Juni)

2014. "Südkorea: Präsidentin Park Geun Hye ein Jahr im Amt", IKS-Working Papers, No. 2014-001 (3. März 2014)

2013. "Präsidentin Park Geun-hye ernennt ihre Minister und steht wie ihre Bürger vor einer ungewissen Zukunft - Kommentar zur Regierungsbildung am 11. März 2013" (12. März 2013)

2012. "Rechtskonservative Park Geun-hye wird erste Frau im Amt:Trotz und wegen ihres Umgangs mit der Vergangenheit - Kommentar zur 18. Präsidentenwahl am 19. Dezember 2012" (31. Dezember 2012)

2012. "Regierungspartei stellt Diktatorentochter als Präsidenschaftskandidatin auf - Kommentar zu den Vorwahlen der regierenden Neue Welt Partei am 21. August 2012" (28. August 2012)

2012. "Keine der volksverdrossenen Parteien konnte das parteiverdrossene Volk überzeugen - Kommentar zur Wahl des 19. Parlaments am 11. April 2012." (17. April 2012)

2011. "Das Pendel schwingt zurück. Regierungspartei zeigt Nerven, Oppositionspartei probiert Handlungsfähigkeit - Kommentar (PDF) zu den Nachwahlen vom 25. April 2011." (3. Mai 2011)

2010. "Kein Stimmungsumschwung im Volk, aber klare Ansage der Wähler - Kommentar (PDF) zu den Nachwahlen vom 28. Juli 2010." (31. Juli 2010)

2010. "Deutliche Absage an das rechtskonservative Regierungslager - Kommentar zu den Regionalwahlen vom 2. Juni 2010." (6. Juni 2010)

2009. "Gewaltige Teilung über politische Konflikte. Kommentar zur Mediengesetz-Entscheidung des südkoreanischen Verfassungsgerichts." (17. November 2009)

2009. "Das 'Transformer-Dilemma'. Kommentar zur Kabinettsumbildung." (3. Oktober 2009)

2009. "Klare Absage an die Regierungspolitik. Kommentar zu den Nachwahlen zum 18. Parlament in Südkorea." (4. Mai 2009)

show Presentations and invited talks

"Das komplexe Innere Südkoreas Außenpolitik  in Zeiten multipler Krisen," Nordostasiatische Friedenssommerschule 2024:  „Frieden in Nordostasien in einer Zeit des globalen Wandels“, Zentrum für Deutschland- und Europastudien (ZeDES), Chung-Ang-Universität, 26.-31. August 2024.

“2024 Parliamentary Election and Its Implications in South Korea”, International Institute of Korean Studies (IKSU) Summer School at the University of Central Lancashire, 19.06.2024.

“Causes and Sources of South Korea’s Fragile Democracy”, Mapping Democratic Fragility Workshop at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 5.-6.06.2024.

“The 2024 General Elections and Democracy in South Korea”, EPEL Guest Lecture at Babes Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 16.05.2024.

“Backsliding democracy and precarious foreign policy in South Korea”, ROK-EU Strategic Dialogue 2024, Asia Institute at the University of Bologna, Italy, 22-23.04.2024.

"Südkoreas Demokratie – Politische Polarisierung und die Parlamentswahlen vom 10. April 2024", Universität Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Verein zur Förderung des Studiums im fortgeschrittenen Alter, 15.04.2024.

“Previewing the 2024 South Korean General Elections”, panel discussion about South Korean Elections CPG Online Event, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 03.04.2024

“Latent Triggers for Populism in South Korea”, workshop on “Populism and Democracy in East Asia”, Department of Political Science, Seoul National University, 08-09.03.2024.

“Historical recurrence of the Disproportionate South Korean Electoral Deform,” A book talk on 'Politics, International Relations and Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula', IKSU Book Talk Series, Central University of Lancashire, 21.02.2024.2024.

“New Paths to South Korea’s New Northern Policy in the Indo-Pacific Era,” Conference Transformation of Eurasian Geopolitics: Implications for Korea and Northeast Asia, organized by the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies in cooperation with the Ilmin International Relations Institute, University of Korea. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center, Washington DC, January 30, 2024.

“Practices of Presidential Pardoning Power in South Korea, 1997-2022,” 2023 IKSU Korean Studies Summer School, University of Central Lancashire, June 28 - 30, 2023.

“Contested memory politics in citizenship education: the state of South Korean history textbooks after recent reforms,” 31st AKSE Conference, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, June 22-25, 2023.

“The subtleties of memory politics in South Korean history textbooks,” Annual Conference of the East Asia Network in Europe, University of Duisburg-Essen, online, April 14, 2023.

“South Korea's April Revolution Through the Lens of West Germany,” International Workshop on "Korean and German Encounters and Interactions", Goethe University Frankfurt, January 20-21, 2023.

“The European Union’s perspective on inter-Korean relations,” International Conference on “Revisiting Inter-Korean relations – What are the challenges and opportunities for the Unified Korea?,” Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, 19 December 2022.

"Pardoning presidents and social reconciliation the South Korea," 11th World Congress of Korean Studies, ‘Korean Culture Shared with the World’, Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, South Korea, 19 - 21 October 2022.

"Characteristics of the Zeitenwende in Germany’s Ostpolitik and its implications for South Korea’s Nordpolitik," International Workshop on the Korean Peninsula Situation and Korea-EU Relations, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 23 September 2022.

"Erinnerungskultur und Geschichtspolitik in Deutschland und Korea," Duksung Women's University, 13 September 2022.

"Back to the future? The genesis of Germany’s Zeitenwende and its implications for South Korea’s Nordpolitik," New Regionalism in Eurasia: The Challenge of Geopolitical Transition, Korea University, International Studies Hall, August 31.

"The 2022 presidential election in South Korea: candidates, campaigns, and consequences," 2022 IKSU Korean Studies Summer School, University of Central Lancashire, 20 - 22 June, 2022.

"The Kwangju Democracy Movement and politics of memory in South Korea," Keynote at the 11th meeting of NAJAKS (Nordic Association for Japanese and Korean Studies), University of Helsinki, Finland, 19-20 May 2022.

"Excuse me?! The politics of pardoning presidents in South Korea," 2022 Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network Annual Conference (SOKEN) Conference "Korea in Transition: Political, social and economic challenges in the post-COVID era," - University of Bologna, 5-6 May, 2022.

"Passing the past? Pardoning presidents as memory politics in South Korea," East Asia: Dynamics of Interactions, EastAsiaNet (EAN) conference and young scholars’ workshop, The Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 8–9 April 2022.

"Roundtable zu den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Südkorea", DGA-Diskussionsforum online, 25. März 2022, 15:00-16:30.

"The 2022 Presidential Election and the Future of Democracy in South Korea", 2022 Nordic Korean Studies Days, University of Copenhagen, March 7–11, 2022.

"Out of proportion – South Korea’s representative democracy caught in the steeplechase of electoral reforms," 2022 IKSU Annual International Conference “Korean Politics and International Relations at Crossroads: Past, Present and the Future”, University of Central Lancashire, UK, 7-8 January 2022.

“Challenges and Opportunities of South Korea’s Policy toward North Korea”, presentation at the seminar "Can Unification be achieved on the Korean Peninsula?," organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Office, Wissenschaftszentrum Bonn, 29 November 2021.

"K-Populism under the Moon Jae-in administration (2017-2020)," 30th AKSE Conference (Academy of Korean Studies in Europe), La Rochelle, France, 28-31st October 2021.

"Populism in East Asian Democracies,", Panel 8: Populism and Protest in Asia, Populism, Protest, and New Forms of Political Organization: Ten Years after the Movements of the Squares, Joint conference of the DVPW Populism Group & the PSA Populism Specialist Group, Freie Universität Berlin, 8-10 September 2021. (co-presenters: Frédéric Krumbein and Axel Klein)

(chairing panel on) "Sustainable Economy and Resilient Society in North Korea," 2021 Korea Global Forum for Peace (KGFP), Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea, August 31 - September 2, 2021.

"The Politics of Constitutional Resilience in Japan, the Philippines, and South Korea," as part of the panel Constitutional Transitions to Democracy: Paths and Legacies (RC13 Democratization in Comparative Perspective), 26th World Congress of Political Science (IPSA), Lisbon (Portugal), 10-14 July 2021.

"Why there is no populism in South Korea (yet!)," 2021 IKSU-AKS Korean Studies Summer School, International Institute of Korean Studies, University of Central Lancashire, 28-30 June 2021.

"Objects in the mirror are more distant than they appear – Populism in South Korea," panel "Populism in North- and Southeast Asia – In Search of a Phenomenon," Biennial DGA conference, hosted by AREA Ruhr, Transnational Asian Studies — Multi-Level Dynamics of Identity Formation and Institution Building, Duisburg and Bochum, March 10–12, 2021.

"South Korea’s double-edged herd immunity against populism," Tübingen Korean Studies Lecture Series, Universität Tübingen, 24 February 2021.

(discussant at roundtable on) "Korea at the Cross Roads between China’s Belt and Road Initiative and US’ Indo-Pacific Strategy (online conference), Department of Asian and North African Studies (Dr. Jong-Chol An), Marco Polo Centre for Global Europe-Asia Connections (MaP), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 26 November 2020.

"The Public Official Election Act and representative democracy in South Korea," K-Law Forum 2020 Views from the World, Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI), November 19~20, 2020.

"Remembrance Culture in Germany and Perspectives on South Korea," German-Korean Conference on Rectifying Past Wrongs and Remembrance Culture in Korea and Germany, supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Seoul National University Law School, October 28, 2020.

"The Politics of Constitutional Resilience in South Korea and the Philippines," 10th World Congress of Korean Studies “Korean Studies, Past and Present", The Academy of Korean Studies, South Korea, October 22, 2020.

(chairing session on) "Dynamic International Relations on Korean Peninsula," Korea Global Forum for Peace, Peace and Prosperity on the Korean peninsula: Past, present, and future, Ministry of Unification of the Republic of Korea, Seoul, September 7 -9, 2020.

(discussant of panel on) "Cooperation between the ROK and Europe for Global Peace and Prosperity," Korea-Europe Policy Network Meeting, August 31 – September 1, 2020, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin.

"The Kwangju Uprising 1980 and the Politics of Memory in South Korea," IN-EAST Forum Lecture, University of Duisburg-Essen, Wed, June 24, 2020.

"Changing South Korean politics without taking power? Presidential governance two years after impeachment," Conference on South Korea after the 2017 Impeachment - Implications for democratic consolidation, Technische Universität Dortmund, 22-23 November 2019.

"The Korean People's Continuous Determination to Self-Determination," International Academic Forum on the Republic of Korea’s Centennial Vision, The Presidential Commission on Centennial Anniversary of March 1st Independence Movement and Korea Provisional Government, Yonsei University, Seoul, November 7-8, 2019.

"The Politics of Constitutional Reform in South Korea," Korea at the Crossroads: Economic Development, Political Dynamics, and Social Changes in the Contemporary Korean Peninsula, 2019 Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network (SOKEN) Workshop, 1-2 November 2019, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK.

"민주화 이후 한국 헌법, 왜 개정이 안 되는가?," 서울대학교 정치외교학부 해외석학 초청강연, 사회대 국제회의실 (16동 349호), 오후 4시, 2019년 9월 3일.

"Reformbedarf! Warum liegt Südkoreas Verfassung im Dornröschenschlaf?," Zentrum für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Vortragsreihe „Understanding Contemporary Korea – Korea in East Asia“, 18.15 - 19.45 Uhr, 27. Juni 2019.

"Participation, deliberation, initiation – recent political innovations in South Korea" as part of the panel Evaluating the first two years of the Moon Jae-in-government: accomplishments and challenges at 29th AKSE Conference, 11-14 April 2019, Rome (Italy).

"Frozen? The Curious Case of Constitutional (Non-)Reforms in S. Korea," EPEL Lecture at Oxford University, Lecture Room 2, Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, 7 March 2019.

"Update Required! The Politics of Constitutional Reforms in South Korea," EPEL Lecture at the University of Malaga, Department of Korean Studies, School of Social and Labor Studies, 21 February 2019.

"Political remembrance and the memorial site of the Seoul National Cemetery: Contradiction, discrimination, and contestation," 8. Tagung der Vereinigung für Koreaforschung (VfK) e.V. im deutschsprachigen Raum, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 30. November bis 1. Dezember 2018.

"Massenproteste als nicht institutionalisierte Form effektiver politischer Partizipation unter Bedingungen begrenzter Demokratie in Südkorea," im Panel Partizipation und innovative Formen der demokratischen Willensbildung als Reaktion auf die Grenzen der Demokratie in Ostasien des DVPW Kongresses „Grenzen der Demokratie“, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 25-28 September 2018.

"Aktuelle politische und gesellschaftliche Situation in der Republik Korea," Internationale DAAD Akademie, Regionalkompetenz: Republik Korea (Südkorea), DAAD-Hauptstadtbüro am Gendarmenmarkt, Markgrafenstraße 37,10117 Berlin, 11. Oktober 2018.

"Democratic quality of democracy and the rule of law: the case of the prosecution," 2018 Paris Workshop of the Social Sciences Korean Studies European Network (SSKSEN), Universite Paris Diderot - UFR LCAO (Paris), August 31 - September 1, 2018.

"Antagonistic Conflict Structures within South Korea" in the panel Conflict and Integration between and within Divided Societies in the session RC42 Security, Integration and Unification, 25th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, to be held in Brisbane (Australia), 21-25 July 2018.

"Contested political remembrance in South Korea: the memorial site of the Seoul National Cemetery," GEAS Open Colloquium Freie Universität Berlin, May 14, 2018.

"Rivaling mnemotopes in Korea? The May 18th National Cemetery and the Seoul National Cemetery," Conference on The Political in the Institutionalization and Ritualization of Public Remembrance, The Institute of Korean Studies (IKS), Freie Universität Berlin, May 11 (Fri), 2018.

"The institution of constitutional adjudication and fundamental rights claims in South Korea," The Evolution of Rights in Korea - GW Institute for Korean Studies Signature Conference, The George Washington University, Washington D.C., 20-21 April 2018.

"Making and maintaining Cold War citizens in South Korea: political polarization and anticommunist legacies in socialization, law, and memorial sites," roundtable session Cold War Citizens: Understanding and Fighting the Cold War in the Contemporary Asia, AAS Annual Conference, Washington DC, March 22-25, 2018.

"Unconventional youth? Political participation and the 2016/17 candlelight demonstrations in South Korea," Asia Pacific Studies Programme Asian Youth Political Participation (II), International Institute of Korean Studies, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 29 January 2018, 17:00-19:00.

"Studying political polarization in divided nations,“ international conference on Inner and outer perspectives on the integration of North and South Korea’s minds, University of North Korean Studies, Seoul, 27 January 2018.

"Political Polarization in South Korea – Historical Roots of a Present Problem," EPEL Lecture at Korean Studies, University of Frankfurt (Main), January 25, 2018, Thursday 10:15 – 11:45.

"Mobilizing bias – political polarization in South Korea," FU-HUJI Workshop: The ‘End of History’ reversed? Renationalization, Populism, and Political Communication in East Asian, European and Israeli Democracies, The Truman Institute, Abba Eban Hall, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dec. 3-4, 2017.

"Die Demokratisierung und das politische System in Südkorea", Vortrag im Rahmen des Korea Foundation Workshops zur Lehrer-Weiterbildung 2017, Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin-Dahlem, Freie Universität Berlin, 23. – 26.11.2017.

"Political demography of South Korea," Global Political Demography Workshop, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg-Essen, 22-24 November 2017.

"Politische Geschichte Südkoreas, 1948-2017," Workshop & Discussion "Korea - Ein Land zwei Systeme", Deutsch-Koreanische Gesellschaft Hamburg e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung Hamburg, Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg, Rothenbaumchaussee 64, 11. November 2017.

"Antagonistic conflict structures within South Korea," Conference on Conflict and Integration as Conditions and Processes in Transitioning Societies of Eastern Europe and East Asia, Seminarzentrum (L116), Freie Universität Berlin, November 8 (Wed) - 10 (Fri), 2017.

"Korean Studies as Social Sciences - Theoretical, Methodological, and Practical Questions," Korean Studies in the Social Sciences in Europe: Workshop to establish the European Association for Korean studies Scholars in the Social Sciences, Center for East Asian Studies, University of Turku, 30th June - 1st July, 2017.

"Die Kwangju-Widerstandsbewegung im historischen Kontext Südkoreas," Historisches Lernen in Deutschland und der Republik Korea: Auf dem Weg zu einem Kulturvergleich. Workshop des Instituts für Geschichtswissenschaften der Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in Kooperation mit der Stiftung 18. Mai und dem Korea-Verband, Berlin, Dienstag, 13. Juni 2017.

"Revisiting the Romanization of Korean: An Initiative for the Standardization of the McCune-Reischauer Transcription System," part of the panel "The Future of a Globalized Korean Studies: Discussing the Discipline’s Self-Understanding, Approaches, and Methods", 28th AKSE Conference, Prague, 20-23 April 2017.

"Reloading democracy? The institution of presidential impeachment in South Korea," Guest Lectures at CEAS 2016-2017, University of Turku, Finland, Tue, April 4, 2017, 14–16 o’clock, Pub4.

"The ban of political parties  in South Korea and Germany," Guest Lectures at CEAS 2016-2017, University of Turku, Finland, Mon, April 3, 2017, 16–18 o’clock, Pub4.

“Presidential Impeachment and Democracy in Korea“, invited lecture as part of the series “Introduction to the Korean Economy and Society“ at Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen, January 18, 2017.

"Gangnam Blues: South Korea between Boom and Crisis," Teil des Podiums im Rahmen der Dialogreihe „Asia Briefing“, veranstaltet von der Bertelsmann Stiftung und der Zeitschrift „Internationale Politik“ (IP), Bertelsmann Repräsentanz,
Berlin, 22.November 2016.

"Politics and emotions - Forms of protest in the South Korean parliament before and after the reform of the National Assembly Act, " 2016 Conference for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics (CIAP2016) on Emotions in Politics & International Relations, University of Leeds, UK, October 19-22, 2016.

"Decoding the ‘free democratic basic order’ for unification of Korea," in the panel “Translation” or “Transcoding” – Methods for Intercultural Transfer of Policy between Germany and Korea with Focus on Unification at the 24th IPSA/AISP World Congress of Political Science, July 23–28, Poznań, Poland.

"Cosmopolitization of remembrance – the 1980 Kwangju Uprising," as part of the panel "Contemporary globalization: social movements, political engagements, and geopolitical imaginations" at the conference "Beyond the Sinosphere. Modalities of Interwar Globalisation: Internationalism and Indigenization among East Asian Marxists, Christians, and Buddhists, 1919-1945," Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, Germany,13-15 July 2016.

"Analyzing the 20th General Elections in South Korea", lecture at Paris Diderot University, Conference EPEL 3, Histoire socio-politique de la Coree, May 4, 2016.

"No more rage against the machine? Forms of protest in the South Korean parliament before and after the reform of the National Assembly Act", AAS 2016 Annual Conference, Washington State Convention Center & Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, Washington Thursday, March 31, 2016 – Sunday, April 3, 2016.

"History and development of Korean Studies at Freie Universität Berlin," presentation at the international workshop for Korean Studies at the University of Turku, Finland titled “Bridging the globe by Korean Studies: A conference for Korean Studies Challengers and Leaders”, 25th -26th of February, 2016.

“Qualitäten der Demokratie Südkoreas - Das Beispiel der Staatsanwaltschaft als zentrale Element der Rechtsherrschaft,” invited lecture as part of the AKS exchange lecture series, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum, January 28, 2016.

“Political System and Decision Making in South Korea – Power, Parties, Politicians“, invited lecture as part of the series “Introduction to the Korean Economy and Society“ at Mercator School of Management, University of Duisburg-Essen, December 2, 2015.

"Is South Korea stuck in the 1950s? The dissolution of the UPP in 2014 and the translation of the free democratic basic order (fdBO)", The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2015, "Bridging the Gap: The Promise of Politics in a Polarized and Fragmented World," August 25-27 (Tue-Thu), 2015, Gyeongju, South Korea.

"Translating legal Institutions in Korea: Origin and changes of the “free democratic Basic Order”", Panel: "The translation of ideas and institutional change in Korea: Democracy, economy, property, and policy", 27th AKSE Conference
10–13 July 2015, Bochum.

"The rule of law and quality of democracy in South Korea", 2015 International GEAS Workshop "Quality of Democracy in Korea. Three Decades after Democratization", Freie Universität Berlin, May 22nd – 23rd, 2015, Seminaris Convention Center, Berlin.

“Translating Legal Institutions in Korea: the ‘Free Democratic Basic Order’”, presentation at the panel “The Translation of ‘Western’ Legal Ideas in Korea: Genesis, Change, and Impact”, Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference, Chicago, March 26-29, 2015.

„Der Demokratiediskurs in Südkorea – Im Spannungsgeld von freiheitlicher und liberaler demokratischer Grundordnung“, DVPW-Tagung ‚Demokratie‘ jenseits des Westens: Theorien, Diskurse, Einstellungen, Universität Hamburg, 18.‐20. März 2015.

"Kooperation und Konflikte in Ostasien aus der Sicht Südkoreas", Duisburger Ostasientag – "Ostasien: Wie viel Konflikt, wie viel Kooperation?", In-East - Institute of East Asian Studies, Gerhard-Mercator-Haus, Campus Duisburg, 4.12.2014.

"Korean Studies in Europe", special lecture, Department of Global Korean Studies, Sogang University, Seoul, September 11, 2014.

"Korea's Concept of Public Diplomacy and its Practice in Germany", presentation at the 2nd FU-KoreaNet International Workshop, 8.-9. June 2014, Ewha Womans University, Seoul.

"The local making of the ‘free democratic basic order’ in Korea and Germany", presentation at the conference ‘The Making of a Global Economic Player? Korea in Comparative Perspective’, 12-14 June 2014, Central European University (CEU), Budapest.

"Politische Entwicklung Südkoreas seit der Staatsgründung", Vortrag bei der Veranstaltung ‘130 Jahre Freundschaft zwischen Korea und Deutschland. Korea: Ein Land zwei Staaten’, Bildungsurlaub 5.-9. Mai 2014, Politische Bildungsstätte Helmstedt.

"Institutionalization of a ‘Free Democratic Basic Order’ in Korea and Taiwan", presentation at 'Final AKS-Conference - The Circulation of Knowledge and the Dynamics of Transformation', FU Berlin, Seminaris Campus Hotel, 28.02 - 01.03. 2014, Berlin.

"Parteiverbot als Verfassungsrecht und –wirklichkeit in Deutschland und Korea", Vortrag auf der 1. FU-KoreaNet Konferenz "Deutschland und Korea - Eine besondere Freundschaft. 130 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Beziehungen", Freie Universität Berlin, Seminarzentrum L115, 29.-30. November 2013.

"Einführung des Ausländerwahlrechts - Südkorea macht es (ganz Asien) vor?", Vortrag bei den Tübingen Korean Studies Lectures, Koreanistik der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingenin Kooperation mit dem King Sejong Institute, 6. November 2013.

"An unexpected pioneer in Asia: the decision to extend voting rights to foreign residents in South Korea", Vortrag auf der Konferenz "Polarization in Divided Societies: Korea in a global context", Central European University, Budapest, September 2-4th, 2013. (together with Luicy Pedroza)

"An unexpected pioneer in Asia: the decision to extend voting rights to foreign residents in South Korea", Vortrag auf der IMISCOE conference, Malmö University, August 24-28th, 2013. (together with Luicy Pedroza)

"Proposal for a Joint Research Project", Vortrag im Rahmen des 3rd Joint Workshop on Korean Studies in Korea and Abroad (Korean Studies FU Berlin – Korean Studies Yonsei University) "Introductory Courses in Korean Studies: Concepts, Experiences, Improvements", Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, July 12th, 2013.

"German Party Politics: Insights on party law, organization, and programs", Vortrag im Rahmen des Joint Workshop of the Graduate School of East Asia Studies (GEAS), Freie Universität Berlin and the East Asia Future Foundation (EAFF) "Policies on unification, economy, welfare, environment, and political parties", Freie Universität Berlin, Seminaris Hotel, June 24-25th, 2013.

„Gibt es eine koreanische Art der Parteienorganisation? Wandel und Kontinuität formaler und informeller politischer Institutionen“, Vortrag im Rahmen des Bewerbungsverfahrens zur Besetzung einer Juniorprofessur für Koreastudien (Politik Koreas) an der Graduate School of East Asian Studies der Freien Universität Berlin, Akademischen Senatssaal, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 35, 14195 Berlin, 4. Dezember 2012.

"Politisches System und dynamische Demokratie in Korea", Vortrag im Rahmen des Korea Foundation Workshop für deutsche Sozialkundelehrer, 22. - 24. 11. 2012, Seminaris Hotel Dahlem, Berlin.

"Vom ‚Musterschüler‘ Südkorea lernen: Ein erster Kriterienkatalog für negative Judizialisierung", Vortrag im IKS-Forschungskolloquium, Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universität Berlin, 7. November 2012

"Chiyŏkhak-ŭrosŏ-ŭi han'gukhak-ŭl nŏmŏ '21segi han'gukhak'-ŭro-ŭi t'albaggum" [Beyond Korean Studies as Regional Studies: Change for a 21st Century Korean Studies], presented at the Second Joint Workshop on Korean Studies in Korea and Abroad, Yonsei University Yeonheui Hall, Conference Room 201, Seoul, September 11, 2012.

"Juridification of the policy decision process: The constitutional decision on party chapter abolishment in South Korea in comparative perspective", presented at the 22nd World Congress of Political Science organized by the International Political Science Association (IPSA), Universidad Complutense de Madrid at the Moncloa Campus, Madrid, July 8 - 12, 2012.

“Legal translators and interpreters: creative transformations in South Korean legislation, law and adjudication”, presented at “Lost or Found in Policy Translation? 2012 International Conference” within the Project of ‘Circulation of Knowledge and the Dynamics of Transformation’ AKS-FUB/RUB Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Berlin, March 29th - 31st, 2012.

"Indirect judicialisation of politics and economization of democracy in South Korea: The constitutional decision on party chapter abolishment in comparative perspective." World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2011 organized by KPSA (Korean Political Science Association). August 22-25, 2011, at the University of Incheon & Yonsei International Campus.

"Comparative study of the constitutional status and actual interpretation of political parties in South Korea and Germany with focus on party organization." 25th AKSE (Association of Korean Studies in Europe) Biennal Conference, June 17–20, 2011, at the International Center for Korean Studies of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. (Koreanisch)

"Politik Südkoreas: Präsidenten, Parteien, Positionen", Vortrag im Rahmen der Lecture Series "Entdeckung Korea? Schätze aus deutschen Museen", Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst Köln, 8. Mai 2011, Köln.

"Institutioneller Wandel unter dem Mikroskop: Politikprozessanalyse der Reform der Parteiorganisationen auf Wahlkreisebene 2004." Koreatage 2010. Korea im Wandel. 5.-6. November 2010. Seminarzentrum der Freien Universität Berlin.

"Institutional Change under the microscope: Policy Process Analysis of South Korean Political Party Chapters’ Reform in 2004." 5th World Congress of Korean Studies: Korean Studies for the Advancement of Global Civilization. Oct. 25-28, 2010 at Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.

„Eine Analyse der aktuellen grass-roots-Parteiorganisationen und Vorschläge zu deren Reform“. Jährliche Konferenz der Korean Political Science Association (KPSA), Seoul, Dezember 2008. (Koreanisch)

„Die Abschaffung der Wahlkreisorganisation und deren Wiederherstellung als Parteimitgliederversammlungen: 2004-2005.“ Frühjahrskonferenz der Korean Political Science Association (KPSA). Seoul, Mai 2008. (Koreanisch)

„Parteisystem als Governance-Funktion?: Kritische Bestandsaufnahme der südkoreanischen Parteitheorie des 21. Jahrhunderts.“ Weltkongress für Koreastudien. Busan, August 2007. (Koreanisch)

Contributions to the media / public

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"Gerät Südkoreas Demokratie ins Wanken?," tagesschau.de, 06.01.2025.

"Interview: Verhaftung von Yoon in Seoul gescheitert," tagesschau, 03.01.2025

"Interview: Parlament in Südkorea setzt auch Interimspräsidenten ab," RadioEins rbb, 27.12.2024.

"South Korea: From Prosecutor To President To Pariah," Global Finance, 26.12.2024.

"박정희·전두환·윤석열…역사가 반복되는 이유," 한겨레신문, 2024년 12월 06일.

"Südkorea: Amtsenthebung für Präsident Yoon?," ZDF heute journal, 6.12.2024.

"Präsident Yoon Suk-yeol ist am Ende. Interview von rbb24 zu den Eskapaden von Südkoreas Präsident Yoon Suk-yeol," rbb InfoRadio, 4.12.2024.

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"독일이 사면권을 쓰는 법", 한겨레신문, 2024년 8월 25일.

„공무원에게 정치적 자유 돌려줘야”, 한겨레신문, 2024년 7월 21일.

“물컵 절반에 침 뱉는 일본…반복되는 대일 자충수 외교의 비극“, 한겨레신문, 2024년 6월 17일

„독일 연방헌법재판소 구하기”,한겨레신문, 2024년 5월 13일

“Südkoreas Demokratie ist fragil“, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 10. April 2024.

“South Korea’s Midterm Election Tests Democratic Resilience”, 9DASHLINE, April 9, 2024.

„Wahlen in Südkorea: Bedenkliche Entwicklung für die Demokratie“, Frankfurter Rundschau, 7. April 2024.

“국회박물관의 일그러진 자화상”, 한겨레신문, 2024년 3월 25일.

“한국 국회의원 자질이 떨어지는 이유... 독일 보면 알게 된다”, 오마이뉴스, 2024년 2월 22일.

„기로에 선 독일, 극우종양에 맞서다 (At a crossroads, Germany confronts far-right tumor),“In: The Hankyoreh - Seoul: Hankyoreh, Heft 19.02.2024, S. 25, 2024.

„10 Fragen an: Hannes Mosler,“ Interview mit dem Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea, Netzwerk Junge Generation Deutschland-Korea, 26.01.2024.

“전몰자 묘지 위 용서와 화해를 위한 노력 (Reconciliation over the Graves, Work for Peace in Korea),” The Hankyoreh, no. 08.01.2024, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2024.

“흔들리는 한국 민주시민교육, 독일 경험서 교훈 얻었으면 (South Korea's faltering civic education and possible lessons from Germany),“ The Hankyoreh, no. 04.12.2023, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2023.

“독일에서 벌어진 한일 역사 전쟁 (The history war between Japan and Korea in Germany),” The Hankyoreh, no. 29.10.2023, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2023.

“Deutschlands Krise mit der extremen Rechten: "Das Recht auf zivilen Ungehorsam" rettet den Tag“ - Artikel von Kwak Jeong-su mit Statements von Hannes Mosler, Hankyoreh vom 06.10.2023.

“Die Zivilcourage, dem Präsidenten „Nein“ zu sagen” – Artikel von Kwak Jeong-su zum Fall von Oberst Park Jung-hoon, dem ehemaligen Leiter des Ermittlungsdienstes des südkoreanischen Marine-Corps mit Statements von Hannes Mosler, Hankyoreh vom 17.9.2023.

“제 머리 깎기에 성공한 독일 의원들 (Electoral Reform in Germany and South Korea),” The Hankyoreh, no. 11.9.2023, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2023.

“Weshalb der Barbie-Film in Südkorea floppt” - Interview von Jenni Gärtner mit Hannes Mosler, Deutschlandfunk Nova, 04.08.2023

“’고릴라’의 등장을 놓친 독일, 한반도의 경우는? (Gorillas in the Diplomatic Mist),” The Hankyoreh, no. 7.8.2023, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2023.

“민주주의는 인간적으로 (Interpersonal Democracy),” The Hankyoreh, no. 3.7.2023, Hankyoreh, Seoul, p. 25, 2023."

Mehr als K-Pop und Kimchi - Warum uns Südkorea fasziniert," Deutschlandfunk Nova, 23.03.2023.

„말뿐인 윤 대통령의 자유민주주의… 해외 시선도 따갑다 (President Yoon’s lip service to liberal democracy),“ Social Korea, 14.03.2023.

"Wertepartner mit Schwächen," Frankfurter Rundschau, 3.1.2023. 

"Mensch ärgere Dich nicht in Südkorea," Briefe an die Herausgeber, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20.1.2023, S. 17. 

"Political Pardons in South Korea: President Yoon’s Relationship to Rule of Law," 9Dashline, Feb. 21, 2023. 

"President Yoon and Liberal Democracy – a Yawning Gap between Words and Deeds," Ohmynews / Social Korea, March 13, 2023.

"거대 양당 패싸움 두고만 볼 것인가 (What Should Be Done for the Reform of South Korean Politics. Will we only watch the big two-party gang fight?" Ohmynews / Social Korea, 26.12.2022.

"SDF 2022 Special TV Documentary "Declaration of Farewell to Unfavorable Politics" by SBS with comments from Hannes Mosler," SBS, 27. Oktober 2022.

"XX 외교참사, 외국 학자가 본 윤 대통령의 섬뜩함," OhmyNews, 04.10.2022.

"[SDF다이어리] 독일 정치인들은 왜 안 싸울까? 하네스 모슬러 한국·독일 연구 정치학자 인터뷰," SBS, 02.10.2022

"Südkorea: Neue Hoffnung auf Familientreffen?," Interview mit der Deutschen Welle (DW Nachrichten), 13.09.2022.

"제왕적 대통령제’ 더 이상 안 된다," Social Korea, 18.07.2022

"민주당과 국민의힘, 그들만의 민주주의," OhmyNews, 17.05.2022

"누구도 대표하지 못했다... K-민주주의의 비극," OhmyNews, 30.03.2022.

"Japans endlose Schlussstrichpolitik," Gastbeitrag, Frankfurter Rundschau, 27.03.2022.

"Diktatur im Höhenrausch: Nordkorea feuert erneut Raketen ab," Interview mit der Deutschen Welle (Der Tag), 28.1.2022, ab Min. 16'09".

"Fatale Schlussstrichmentalität. Briefe an die Herausgeber," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 7.1.2022, Nr. 5, S. 25.

"Moon sagt Besucht in Tokio ab - Provokationen auf beiden Seiten," Briefe an die Herausgeber, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 22.7.2021, Nr. 167, S. 18.

"Musterschüler - Südkorea und Taiwan haben Corona so gut bewältigt wie kaum ein anderes Land - Aber warum?," Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (Michael Abschlag), 7. November 2020.

"Wie K-Pop die Börse erobert - 7 Sänger aus Südkorea mit Milliarden-Aktie," BILD-Zeitung, 15. Oktober 2020.

"Darum ist Südkorea der Corona-Sieger," BILD-Zeitung, 02. Oktober 2020.

Interview on the conflict between North and South Korea, Arirang TV, 18. June 2020.

Interview on standoff between North and South Korea, Deutschlandfunk Nova radio broadcasting, 17. June 2020.

Interview on historic German rapprochement policy and present tensions on the Korean peninsula, Arirang TV, 16. June 2020

"Trauma endures of South Korea's Gwangju Uprising," Agence France-Presse (AFP), 17. Mai 2020.

"Wer könnte auf Kim Jong-un folgen?," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 22. April 2020.

"Wahlen in Südkorea trotz Corona," Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF), 14. April 2020.

"“통행금지는 최후 수단” 코로나 위기 속 독일 민주주의 논쟁," 한겨레신문, 5 April 2020.

"Auf der Spur der Erkrankten," Interview mit Sandra Kegel, Frankfurter Allemeine Zeitung, 23. März 2020.

"Going South - South Korea's presdeint curbs the power of prosecutors," The Economist, 16 January 2020.

""일본과 독일이 과거사를 다루는 태도..'헌법 1조'부터 달라"," CBS 시사자키 정관용입니다, 2 October 2019.

"Wehret der Müdigkeit!," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Briefe an die Herausgeber, S. 18, 23. September 2019.

"Ein Handelsstreit und eine alte Schuld," Frankfurter Rundschau, 17. September 2019.

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"獨 기업들도 고분고분하진 않았다…"적극 싸워야"," MBC 뉴스데스크, 15 August 2019.

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"獨모슬러 교수 "협약 하나로 과거사 해결? 獨에선 상상못해"," 연합뉴스, 2019년 8월 4일.

"Nordkoreas Unterhändler: Er ist wieder da," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Martin Benninghoff, 4. Juni 2019.

"Gipfeltreffen von Kim Jong-un und Vladimir Putin," Der Morgen, Radio Bremen 2, 7:00 Uhr, 25. April 2019.

"„Kim Jong-un ist beträchtlich verärgert“," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 23. March 2019.

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"Koreagipfel: Interview Hannes Mosler," Lage der Nation, 01. March 2019.

"Hanoi Summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, News, 16:00, 28 Februar 2019.

"Hanoi Summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, News, 11:00, 28 Februar 2019.

"Hanoi Summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, News, 16:00, 27 Februar 2019.

"Hanoi-Gipfel zwischen Nordkorea und den USA," Deutsche Welle, Der Tag, 15:00, 27 Februar 2019.

"Kim und Trump – beste Männerfreunde?," Der Tag, Deutschlandfunk,14:00, 27 February 2019.

"Kim Jong-uns China-Reise verrät viel über Nordkoreas Masterplan vor dem Trump-Treffen," Business Insider, 9. Januar 2019.

"2018 sees thaw between North and South Korea," Deutsche Welle, News, 21:00, 18 December 2018.

"Kim empfängt Moon in Pyongyang," Deutsche Welle, Der Tag, 21:00, 19 September 2018.

"Trotz Internet-Verbot - Der YouTube-Kanal "North Korea Now" gibt Einblicke in das Land," Focus-Online, 15. August 2018.

"Youtube-Channel „North Korea Now“ Videos zeigen Kims verrücktes Reich", BILD-Zeitung, 14. August 2018.

"Deutschlands Rolle in Korea: „Nordkorea soll diplomatisch ausgehungert werden“," FAZ, 26. Juli 2018.

"Líder sul-coreano tem futuro de desafios após cúpula Trump e Kim," R7 Noticias, 1 July 2018.

"Annäherung USA und Nordkorea - "Friedensprozess muss behutsam durchgeführt werden" (Interview)," Deutschlandfunk, 12. Juni 2018.

""Kim will mit seinen 34 Jahren noch etwas erreichen" (Interview)," Freie Presse, 12. Juni 2018.

"Experten sehen Deal mit Skepsis und Freude," Schwäbische, 12. Juni 2018.

"Korea-Forscher Mosler: „Mehr ist unter den Bedingungen nicht erreichbar“ (Interview)," FAZ, 12. Juni 2018.

"Trump-Kim-Treffen Nichts zu verlieren (Interview)," tagesschau.de, 11. Juni 2018.

"Vor Korea-Gipfel: Der Weg ist das Ziel," FAZ, 11. Juni 2018.

"Kim will Sicherheit - Der Politologe Hannes Mosler über die Rolle Amerikas im nordkoreanischen Atomkonflikt, gescheiterte Abkommen und die Gunst der Stunde," FAZ Woche, Nr. 23, 1. Juni 2018, 30-32.

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"Verwirrspiel um Nordkorea-Gipfel," Deutsche Welle, Der Tag, 21:00, 25 May 2018.

"Trump Cancels Summit. DW's Brent Goff talks to Hannes Mosler, Korea expert at Berlin's Free University, about the US President's decision that caught the world off guard," Deutsche Welle News, 21:00, 24 May 2018.

"Korea-Experte Hannes Mosler, FU Berlin, über das geplante Gipfeltreffen von Trump und Kim," tagesschau, 11:00, 23 May 2018.

"Nordkorea-Diktator droht mit Absage des Trump-Treffens Was steckt hinter Kims Macht-Spielchen?," BILD-Zeitung, 16 May 2018.

"Kim und Moon – kann man dem Frieden trauen?," Berliner Morgenpost, 30 April 2018.

„Experte analysiert den Handschlag der Hoffnung: Wer ist der Gewinner des Korea-Treffens?,“ BILD-Zeitung, 28 April 2018.

„SWR2 Aktuell: Historisches Korea-Treffen - was bringt Frieden, wenn Nordkoreas,“ SWR2, 18:50, 27 April 2018.

„Interview on North-South Summit,“ Deutsche Welle, 17:00, 27 April 2018.

„Interview zum innerkoreanischen Gipfeltreffen,“ Deutsche Welle, 16:30, 27 April 2018.

„Interview on North-South Summit,“ Deutsche Welle, 16:00, 27 April 2018.

"Interview zum innerkoreanischen Gipfeltreffen," N24 Nachrichten, 12:30, 27 April 2018.

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„Historisches Treffen von Nord- und Südkorea,“ rbb RadioEins, 12:10, 27 April 2018.

„Interview on North-South Summit,“ Deutsche Welle, 08:00, 27 April 2018.

"Popmusiker in Nordkorea: Propaganda Style!," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20. April 2018.

"Trump möchte beim Treffen mit Diktator Kim gerne „flexibel“ bleiben," BILD, 24. April 2018.

"Experte erklärt: So stehen die Chancen für ein Friedensabkommen," BILD, 24. April 2018.

"Interview on joint US-South Korean military exercises," Deutsche Welle, 12:00 o'clock, 2 April 2018.

"Plötzlich spricht Nordkoreas Diktator von Abrüstung. Die Experten-Analyse," BILD-Zeitung, 29 March 2018.

"Interview on Kim Jong-uns state visit to China," Deutsche Welle, 21:00 o'clock, 29 March 2018.

"Interview zu Kim Jong-uns Staatsbesuch in China," Deutsche Welle, 21:30 o'clock, 29 March 2018.

"Interview zu Kim Jong-uns Treffen mit Xi Jinping," N-TV, 11:00 o'clock, 29 March 2018.

"Interview on planned summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, 15:00 o'clock, 9 March 2018.

"Interview on planned summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, 16:00 o'clock, 9 March 2018.

"Interview zum geplanten Gipfeltreffen zwischen Nordkorea und den USA," Deutsche Welle, 20:00 Uhr, 9 March 2018.

"Interview on planned summit between North Korea and the USA," Deutsche Welle, 21:00 o'clock, 9 March 2018.

"Wie sicher kommt dieser Frühling? - Entspannung zwischen Nord- und Südkorea," Cicero, 8 March 2018.

"Interview - Südkorea verstehen," Republik, 13 February 2018.

"North Korea tensions rise ahead of Olympic Games," The Day, Deutsche Welle, 8 February 2018.

"Hannes Mosler on the unified Korean peninsula flag at the joint entrance of North and South Korea’s Olympic teams," Deutsche Welle News, 8pm, 17. Januar 2018.

"Hannes Mosler on the joint entrance of North and South Korea’s Olympic teams," Deutsche Welle News, 7pm, 17 January 2018.

"NKorea refusing to discuss nuclear arms with South," Deutsche Welle News, 20:00 o'clock, 9. Januar 2018.

"Panmunjom: Hier liegen Krieg und Frieden direkt nebeneinander," BZ, 9. Januar 2018.

"President Trump: My button is bigger than yours," Deutsche Welle News, 16:00 o'clock, 3. Januar 2018.

"North Korea to reopen phone line to Seoul," Deutsche Welle News, 15:00 o'clock, 3. Janaur 2018.

"Interview zum Gesprächsangebot Nordkoreas an Südkorea," Deutsche Welle Nachrichten, 2. Januar 2018.

"Ein Land voller Dynamik,“ in: gate-germany.de. Südkorea Länderprofil, S. 9-11.

"Kampf der Worte - Was die angebliche Kriegserklärung der USA in den Köpfen der Nordkoreaner auslöst," Focus Online, 26. September 2017.

"Interview on standoff between North Korea and the US," Deutsche Welle News, 11. August 2017.

"Nordkoreas Machthaber provoziert weiter mit Raketentests," Sören Kittel, Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 29. Mai 2017.

"Ousted South Korean President Park Geun-hye in court for bribery trial, Interview with Professor Hannes Mosler, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin," Deutsche Welle News, 23. Mai 2017.

"Las relaciones nucleares de las dos Coreas," Semana, 13. Mai 2017.

"South Korea elects a New President, Interview with Professor Hannes Mosler, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin" The Day, Deutsche Welle, 9. Mai 2017.

"Südkorea wählt neuen Präsidenten - Interview mit Hannes Mosler, Institut für Koreastudien der Freien Universität Berlin," Der Tag, Deutsche Welle, 9. Mai 2017.

"Professor Hannes Mosler, Freie Universität Berlin, zur Beliebtheit Moons bei Jungwählern," Tagesschau, 9. Mai 2017.

"Präsidentschaftswahlen in Südkorea: Verhältnis zu den USA neu definieren," SWR2, 9. Mai 2017.

"Richtungswahl in Südkorea wird von Atomkrise überschattet," Berliner Morgenpost, 9. Mai 2017.

"专访:萨德问题上,文在寅有多少行动空间," Deutsche Welle, 17. März 2017.

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"Parks Amtsenthebung "wichtiger Startschuss" für Südkorea," Deutsche Welle, 10. März 2017.

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"Han Togil ŏllon-ŭi chŏnmang [A German Media's Outlook]," Ohmynews (reporter Kwŏn Ŭn-bi), 23 December 2016.

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"News Focus - Foreign scholar's view on Choi Soon Sil scandal," tbs eFM This Morning Show, 30. November 2016.

"Präsidentin Park nicht entkommen lassen," Jun.-Prof. Hannes B. Mosler im DW-Gespräch, Deutsche Welle, 29.November 2016.

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