Graduate Programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences
You want to study for a PhD at our Faculty? Find out more on this website.


Graduating at the UDE
Counsellor for PhD students
We support you with your questions concerning the doctorate, such as preparation for the doctorate, admission to the doctorate, and how to proceed with formal regulations. Check the “contact” button to get in touch.
Preparation for a Doctorate
Good preparation saves time and provides an overview of the phases and requirements of the doctorate. We offer activities which inform on how to prepare and design a doctorate.
Collegial Consultation
Our PhD counsellor offers collegial consultations on disputation, before lectures, selection interviews for scholarships, job interviews and other challenges of the doctoral phase
Training Activities
We offer activities to support your studying. Training on scientific writing, time and self-management, dealing with methods, publication strategies, moderation skills, application design, financing a doctorate, English coaching and much more.
Networking Opportunities
You should use the opportunity to exchange ideas and network with other doctoral students. We offer regularly meeting doctoral groups. Come and visit us!
You can also register for the newsletter by sending an email to
Doctoral Coaching
When things get stuck: Coaching for doctoral students! Final coaching or coaching in phases of great challenges are possible by arrangement.
Structured Doctoral Programmes
We offer different support oportunities. Find out more under "Structured Doctorate".