Management Team

Prof. Dr. Oliver Hallich, Head of Department
Room R12 V04 D11 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3006 • E-Mail: 

Prof. Dr. Neil Roughley, Deputy Head of Department
Room R12 V04 D79 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3468 • E-Mail: 

Dipl.-Kff. Leslie Arnolds, Administrative Coordinator
Room R12 V04 D07 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-4050 • E-Mail: 

Administrative Offices:

For responsibilities, contact information and opening hours, please refer to the secretariats page or the staff pages:

Please note: The Department's administrative offices are currently organized largely from home due to the current Corona virus situation. Please also see the corresponding notices on the doors. Telephone enquiries during office hours and email are of course possible.

Special areas of responsibility and contact persons for student counselling at the Institute

Responsibilities for Teaching Modules

University Professors

Professor Dr. phil. Oliver Hallich
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D11 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3006 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Dirk Hartmann
Office hours during the lecture period: by agreement only • Room R12 V04 D02

Professor Dr. phil. Andreas Niederberger
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D93 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3474 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Neil Roughley
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D79 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3468 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Raphael van Riel
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D89 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-2671 • E-Mail:

Substitute Professor for Didactics of Philosophy

Dr. phil. Dagmar Comtesse
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D87 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-4637 • E-Mail: 

Emeriti and Retired University Professors

Professor Dr. phil. Dr. h.c. lic. phil. Carl Friedrich Gethmann
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D08 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Helmut Girndt
Phone: [+49] (0)211/9660732 • E-Mail: ​

Professor Dr. phil. Thomas Spitzley
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D21 • E-Mail: 

Adjunct Professors and Private Lecturers

Professor Dr. phil Bernd Gräfrath (retired since 11/2024)
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D91 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3484 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. rer. nat. Hans Werner Ingensiep
Office hours during the lecture period: Fr. 17:00 • Room R12 V04 D82 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3504 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Achim Lohmar
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D08 • Phone: [+49] (0201) 183-3565 • E-Mail: 

Professor Dr. phil. Thorsten Sander
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D82 • E-Mail: 

Scientific Staff and Scholarship Holders

Dipl.-Kff. Leslie Arnolds (Administrative Coordinator)
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D07 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-4050 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Lars Dänzer
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room A-202 (Geb. Altendorfer Str. 5-9) • Phone: [+49 (0)201/183-6363 • E-Mail: 

Sven Ender M.A.
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D02 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-4631 • E-Mail: 

Sarah-Lea Effert M.A.
Room R12 T01 F08 • Phone: [+49](0) 201/379-7035 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Samuel Mason
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D85 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3957 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Hichem Naar
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V02 D19 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-6363 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Alina Omerbasic-Schiliro
Room R12 V04 D17 • E-Mail: 

Kai Ploemacher
Room R12 V02 D94 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Jan Podacker
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D95 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3483 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Christian Prenzing
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D95 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3483 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Stefan Rinner
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D89 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3269 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Lukas Schwengerer
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D89 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3269 • E-Mail: 

Christopher Tölle
Room R12 T01 F08 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-3266 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Eva Weiler
Office hours during the lecture period: see LSF entry • Room R12 V04 D19 • Phone: [+49] (0)201/183-6708 • E-Mail: 

Dr. phil. Christiana Werner
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V02 D17 • E-Mail:

Lecturer, Winter Term 2024/25

Anke Fehring M.A.

Priv.-Doz. Dr. phil. David Hommen
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D82 • E-Mail: 

Anita Kenedi
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D82 • E-Mail: 

Oliver Lück

Tilla Resheff

Dr. med. Mikolaj Walensi
Office hours during the lecture period: not available • Room R12 V04 D82 • E-Mail: 

apl. Professorin Dr. phil. Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann 

Franziska Wolf M.Ed.