For prospective students (Physics)
The Faculty of Physics offers the Bachelor of Science (Physics) and Master of Science (Physics) degree programs. The three-year Bachelor's program is completed with the Bachelor of Science (Physics) certificate. The two-year Master's program requires a Bachelor of Science in Physics or comparable degrees to be recognized by the faculty as an entry requirement and is completed with the Master of Science (Physics) certificate.
E = Register and get started!
Buddy System of the Faculty of Physics
We offer a two-tier buddy system to give you the best possible start to your studies. Buddies are students from the lower years of study who are happy to pass on their first-hand experience to you. This means that you will receive comprehensive support before you start your studies and during the first two semesters and can begin your studies without worries.
What is physics?
Physics explains the world and makes it comprehensible. This is done by mapping reality into models. So if you always wondered in your school days why friction is neglected in the evaluation of experiments, you will learn in your studies why this is not a good idea, for example, in the case of a parachute jump! Physics also looks beyond the end of its nose: "Des Pudels Kern oder Schrödinger's Katze" is by no means only interesting for veterinarians and literary scientists, but also occupies physicists in their search for the core of our being.
What skills should you have for a physics degree?
Studying physics first of all requires a desire and interest in the interrelationships in nature and technology. After all, studying and working should also be fun. Clear, logical thinking and the ability to analyze extensive and exciting problems with perseverance are helpful qualities. You must also be able to calculate. Enjoyment of mathematics is especially important if you want to be theoretically oriented. If your interest lies in experimental or applied problems, the will to deal with technology is an advantage.
Structure of the study program
he three-year bachelor's program is followed by a B.Sc. degree. Following the bachelor's program, a two-year master's program is possible.
Curriculum Bachelor Physics
FS = semester
Curriculum Master Physics
FS = semester
Occupational fields and job market for physicists
The career opportunities after your studies are wide-ranging. When looking for a job, the solution-oriented approach to challenges during your studies, the mathematical training and the sharpening of logical thinking will help you. The networks you will build during your studies are also very important. Contrary to all prejudices it has to be said: The physicist is a social animal!
What is the job description of a physicist?
In the profession, the physicist is expected to be scientifically independent, flexible and able to familiarize himself/herself independently with new fields of work. Physicists find employment, for example:
- in research and development laboratories in industry and in sales,
- in large-scale research institutions (e.g. Max Planck and Fraunhofer Institutes),
- at state institutes,
- in the university sector,
- in institutes of environmental protection
- at banks, insurance companies, management consultancies.
Information and advice for prospective students on how to get started is also provided by the Academic Advising Center.
Research topics of the Faculty of Physics
You can find out about current research topics at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen by clicking on the link below. As you can see, the research spectrum is very broad. In addition, the faculty is and has been active in a leading role in large collaborative research centers!
What makes the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen special?
The Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen is a medium-sized, manageable faculty. This offers great advantages:
- No anonymous mass operations: teachers and students know each other by reputation and name after a while. Professors and staff are open for questions at all times and ready to help where they can.
- Research-near studies: You can establish closer contacts with the research groups after the fourth semester and gradually get involved in a special field.
- Teamwork: The individual operation helps to get in contact with other students. You will certainly find someone to work with. Physics means "teamwork". The earlier you start, the better.
- Bilingualism: The basic lectures in experimental and theoretical physics will be additionally held in English from the third semester onward - directly after the lectures in German.

Flyer studies in physics
All information about the studies in physics clearly arranged as a flyer.
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