Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Makrosoziologie und Transnationale Prozesse


Can we understand the world and focus on a single nation-state at the same time? The answer clearly is: no. In times of globalization the nation-state as unit of macrosociological analysis must be revisited. Looking at migrants, for example, who earn and consume, work and live in more than one nation-state, it is misleading to place them in the context of arrival and to ask how “integrated” they are in Germany.

As an alternative our group develops theories of inequality and transnational methods of empirical research that can tackle a multiplicity of national and transnational context relations. Today not only migrants, but also many professions, international organizations, elites, non-governmental organizations, etc. are challenged by the multiplicity of geographic and social contexts. We want to overcome the “methodological nationalism” inherent to much of sociology and offer a point of entry into Global Studies.

As part of the Institute’s focus on “Global and Transnational Sociology” the research group on “Macrosociology and Transnational Processes” contributes to theories of globalization on the basis of empirical research on skilled migration, professions and professional organizations, as well as transnational inequalities.

We are teaching in German and English and welcome further questions!