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20 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M.Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff,
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
19 - The Study of the Thermal Properties of γ-Mn from Mn-Cu Alloys
M. Acet, W. Stamm, H. Zhres, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff
Physica B 161, 67 (1989)
18 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M.Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
17 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M.Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
16 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M.Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
15 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M.Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff,
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
14 - Magnetostriction and magnetovolume effects in bcc Invar-type Cr75(MnFe)25 alloys
M. Acet, H. Zhres, W. Stamm, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff,
Physica B 161, 63 (1989)
13 - Magnetic anisotropy of Gd(0001)/W(110) monolayers
M. Farle, A. Berghaus, and K. Baberschke
Phys. Rev. B39 Rap. Comm. 4838-4841 www
12 - Magnetic irreversibitities in the quasi-binary Fe-Ni-Cr INVAR system
G. V. Lecomte, B. Rellinghaus, and E. F. Wassermann
Physica B161 (1989) 49-52.
11 - Determination of Electron Scattering Length in Thin Discontinous Gold Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann
Physica A 157 (1989) 177
10 - Magnetoresistance in Thin Pd-C Mixture Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and D. Hallfarth
PR B 39 (1989) 915
9 - Antilocalization and Electron-Electron Interactions in Thin Granular Palladium - Carbon Mixture Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and D. Hallfarth
PR B 39 (1989) 3015
8 - Metal-Insulator Transition in Thin Granular Palladium-Carbon Mixture Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann
Thin Solid Films 174 (1989) 225
7 - Magnetic and Structural Behavior of Fe-FexNi1-x Multilayers
E. Becker, G. Dumpich, U. Kirschbaum and E. F. Wassermann
Physica B 161 (1989) 294
6 - µSR-Study of fcc Fe1-xNix Invar and Non-Invar Alloys
S. Murayama, D. Ikeda, Y. Miyako, K. Nagamine, K. Nishiyama, T. Yamasaki, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann
Physic a B 161 (1989) 39
5 - FMR in Bulk and Thin Films of FePt- and FeNi-Invar Alloys
R. Kordecki, T. Kochmann, H. Volz, J. Pelzl, E. Becker, G. Dumpich and Z. Frait
Physica B 161 (1989) 285
4 - Determination of Electron Scattering Length In Thin Inhomogeneous Gold - Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann
Physica A157
3 - Magnetoresistance in thin palladium - carbon mixture films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and D. Hallfarth
Phys. Rev. B39 915 (1989)
2 - Metal - Insulator Transition In Thin Granular Palladium - Carbon Mixture Films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann
Thin Solid Films, 174 225 (1989)
1 - Antilocalization and electron-electron interaction in thin granular palladium - carbon mixture films
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and D. Hallfarth
Phys. Rev. B39 3015 (1989)