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2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1981 1979 1972 0 |
22 - Magnetic and structural modifications in Fe and Ni films prepared by ion-assisted deposition |
W. A. Lewis, M. Farle, B. M. Clemens, and R. L. White J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994), 5644 - 5646 www |
21 - Ferromagnetic resonance determination of fcc to hcp structural change in epitaxial Co/Mn superlattices |
K. Ounadjela, Y. Henry, M. Farle, and P. Vennegues J. Appl. Phys. 75 (1994), 5601-5603 www |
20 - Magnetization of thin Gd gilms on W(110) near the Curie temerature |
M. Farle, W. a. Lewis J. Appl. Phys. 75, 5604-5606 (1994) www |
19 - In-plane magnetic and structural anisotropies in Fe and Ni films produced by ion assisted depositon |
W. A. Lewis, M. Farle, B. M. Clemens and R. L. White Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 316, 857-862 (1994) www |
18 - ac MOKE, ac MCXD, and ac susceptibility: a new approach in ultrathin film magnetism |
A. Aspelmeier, M. Tischer, D. Arvanitis, M. Russo, M. Farle, K. Baberschke Digest A 31671, 857-862133-134 (1994) |
17 - Two Parameter Scaling of the Conductivity for Insulating Granular PdxC1-x Films |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Physica B 194-196, 1101 (1994) |
16 - Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Thin Inhomogeneous Gold Films |
G. Dumpich, S. Friedrichowski Z. Phys. B 94, 3 (1994) |
15 - Significance of Quantum Size Effects in the Conductivity of Granular PdxC1-xFilms |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Phys. Rev. B 50, 4802 (1994) |
14 - Epitaxial Fe16N2 Films Grown by Sputtering |
C. Ortiz, G. Dumpich and A. H. Morrish Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 2737 (1994) |
13 - Structural Properties of Granular PdxC1-x Films |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Phys. Rev. B 50, 7838 (1994) |
12 - IR-Spectroscopy of Fe-Ni and Fe-Pt Invar Alloys |
B. Buchholz, E. F. Wassermann, W. Pepperhoff and M. Acet Jour. Appl. Phys.75,7012 (1994). |
11 - Two Parameter Scaling of the Conductivity for insulating granular PdxC1-x films |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Physica B194-196 1101-1102 (1994) |
10 - Significance of quantum size effects in the conductivity of granular PdxC1-x films |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Phys. Rev. B50 (7) 4802-4809 (1994) |
9 - High-temperature moment-volume instability and anti-Invar of -Fe |
M. Acet, H. Zhres, E. F. Wassermann and W. Pepperhoff Phys. Rev. B 49, 6012 (1994). |
8 - Anti-Invar in Fe-Ni |
M. Acet, T. Schneider, H. Zhres, E. F. Wassermann and W. Pepperhoff J. Appl. Phys. 75, 7015 (1994). |
7 - Magneto-optical spectroscopy as a structure and chemical order sensitive probe |
D. Weller, G. R. Harp, R. F. C. Farrow, A. Carl and J. Sticht Epitaxial Growth Processes, Vol. 2140 86-94 (1994) |
6 - Structural properties of granular PdxC1-x films |
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and E. F. Wassermann Phys. Rev. B50 (11) 7838-7844 (1994) |
5 - Photothermally modulated ferromagnetic resonance investigations of epitaxially grown thin Fe (001) films |
R. Meckenstock, O. von Geisau, F. Schreiber, E. C. da Silva, and J. Pelzl J. de Phys. IV Volume 4, C7-663 (1994) |
4 - Magnetic in plane anisotropy of MBE grown Co/Cu (111) superlattices |
F. Schreiber, A. Soliman, P. Bdecker, R. Meckenstock, K. Brhl, J. Pelzl, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 135, 215 (1994) |
3 - Spatially resolved photomodulated microwave absorption and thermal wave images of boron doped silicon |
O. von Geisau, R. Meckenstock, F. Schreiber, and J. Pelzl J. de Phys. IV Volume 4, C7-133 (1994) |
2 - Ferromagnetic Resonance Studies of Anisotropies in Co/Cu(111) Multilayers |
A. Soliman, F. Schreiber, R. Meckenstock, P. Bdeker, K. Brhl, J. Pelzl phys. stat. sol. 186, 437 (1994) |
1 - Anisotropy studies of molecular-beam-epitaxy-grown Co(111) thin films by ferromagnetic resonance |
F. Schreiber, A. Soliman, P. Bdeker, R. Meckenstock, K. Brhl, J. Pelzl, and I. A. Garifullin J. Appl. Phys. 75, 6492 (1994) |