UDE Bundles Expertise
New Faculty of Computer Science
- von Astrid Bergmeister
- 01.09.2023
Autonomous systems, AI-based software and social media: computer science is revolutionizing society, business and science in radical ways. The UDE is further expanding its competence in computer science by founding a Faculty of Computer Science in October. For students, the new faculty offers the optimal platform for their qualification. Scientists will find the best conditions to conduct groundbreaking research on current and future topics and to actively engage in shaping them.
"We combine our already established expertise in computer science, cognitive science and business informatics, and systematically expand them. This gives us an even more attractive research and study profile that meets national and international demand," says UDE Rector Prof. Dr. Barbara Albert, positioning the founding of the faculty in strategic planning.
The new faculty is aimed at comprehensively covering the fundamental areas of the discipline of computer science, as well as making visible the special expertise of research at the University of Duisburg-Essen: for example in the areas of human-centered digital technology, embedded systems, cyberphysical systems, robotics, software engineering, or digitization of services and commerce. "Computer Science at UDE is already very well established in research and teaching and is involved in many European and national projects. The new faculty will make computer science at the UDE even more powerful. In the new faculty, we are bringing together our high-performance computer science institutes, which are currently located in the engineering and business sciences. We are expanding them and exploiting synergy potentials," says founding dean Prof. Dr. Torben Weis. At present, around 5,600 students at the UDE are enrolled in various German and English-language computer science programs.
The range of subjects offered by the new faculty includes Bachelor's/Master's programs in General Computer Science, Applied Cognitive and Media Science, Software Engineering, and Business Information Systems, as well as the Computer Science Teaching Degree.
Image: Human-assisted scanning of the environment: Interactive VR application allows for users to direct a robot through camera positioning during environmental scans.
Further Information:
Prof. Dr. Torben Weis, Founding Dean, Faculty of Computer Science, +49 203/37 9-4210, torben.weis@uni-due.de