Election of members

Review Boards of the DFG

von Rafael Burnat | 2023-08-31

(Bild: Serghei - stock.adobe.com)

Dear Sir or Madam,

The election of the Review Board members of the German Research Foundation (DFG) takes place between 23rd October 2023, 2 pm and 20th November 2023, 2 pm. This election is an important element in the system of scientific self-governance with regard to the distribution of grants by the DFG. Therefore, the DFG would like to ask all researchers who are eligible to vote to participate in the election.

Researchers are eligible to vote if they have completed their degree and have successfully passed their oral doctoral exam before the first day of the voting period or hold a professorship and are working in scientific or academic research at a voting centre on, but not limited to, the first day of the voting period.

For the Universität Duisburg-Essen and the Universitätsklinikum Essen we are the voting centre and therefore responsible for the administration of the election. We will compile a list with all researchers who are eligible to vote at our institution (electoral register) and make sure that these people get their election notification.

In the coming weeks you will receive your election notification which includes your access information for the online voting system. You will get the election notification via deaneries. Please keep your election notification in a safe place and make sure that only you are able to use the access information. If you lose the election notification after receipt – even through no fault of your own – you cannot receive a replacement notification.

With your access information you will be able to log onto the online voting system during the voting period. You have six votes which you can freely distribute to candidates for different Review Boards and/or different subject areas. You can give up to three votes to the same candidate. You will find detailed instructions on how to vote on your election notification.

You can find further information on the Review Board Election under www.dfg.de/rb-election2023. Information on the function and duties of the Review Boards as well as their current members can be found under www.dfg.de/review_boards.

Kind regards

DFG-Wahlstelle an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
und am Universitätsklinikum Essen

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Sachgebiet Akademische und hochschulpolitische Angelegenheiten
Rafael Burnat
Günter van den Boom
Campus Essen, Raum T01 S04 B55
Tel. 0201 18 33939/ oder 0201 183 36972

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