Structured doctoral programmes

PhD programmes at the UDE

As an alternative to the individual doctorate, you can obtain your doctorate in a structured doctoral programme. Such programmes usually offer you an accompanying curriculum, the acquisition of additional qualifications, a fixed time frame, and funding.

Below you will find an overview of all current structured doctoral programmes at the UDE. Current job postings can usually be found on the website of the respective programme.

DFG Collaborative Research Centers

DFG Collaborative Research Centers (CRC) are long-term university-based research institutions, established for up to 12 years, in which researchers work together within a multidisciplinary research programme. Supporting early career researchers is a key goal within CRCs. The aim is to promote the doctoral researchers’ academic independence and enable them to gain further qualifications. CRCs often have integrated research training groups in order to offer structured doctoral training.

Click here for an overview of CRCs at the UDE

DFG Research Training Groups

DFG Research Training Groups (RTG) are institutions of higher education for supporting the next generation of researchers, which are funded by the DFG for a maximum of nine years. RTGs are characterized by a thematically focused research programme and an accompanying qualification concept.

International Research Training Groups represent a special type of programme, which offer joint doctoral training between a group at a German university and a partner group abroad.

You can find an overview of all DFG Research Training Groups at UDE here.

Graduate Schools

Graduate Schools are an adoption of the Anglo-American term for the institution of doctoral studies. They are permanent institutions for the education of doctoral candidates. Graduate Schools offer excellent research and training conditions for doctoral researchers from Germany and abroad. The working language is often English. As a rule, affiliation with a graduate school does not include funding; this must be secured elsewhere (e.g. from the funds of the chair or a third-party funded project).

 Graduate Schools at the UDE

Logo Mercator Graduiertenkolleg Toleranz Gemeinsinn

Gerhard Mercator Graduiertenkolleg Weltoffenheit, Toleranz und Gemeinsinn
Graduate School of Biomedical Science (BIOME)
  Graduiertenkolleg zu querschnittlichen Fragen der Leh­rerbildung (GKqL)
Logo IN-EAST School

IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies
  Water Graduate School

Graduate Schools within the University Alliance Ruhr

AREA Ruhr Doctoral Programme “Transnational Institution Building and Transnational Communities in East Asia” (funded by Mercator Research Center Ruhr MERCUR)
Ruhr Graduate School in Economics (RGS Econ)

Doctoral colleges, research colleges, and further doctoral programmes

In addition to the DFG Research Training Groups and the Graduate Schools, the UDE runs many other doctoral programmes and research colleges that offer you a disciplinary or interdisciplinary structured doctoral training.

Else Kröner Doctoral College


ELAN Essener Ausbildungsprogramm
"Labor und Wissenschaft" für den aerztlichen Nachwuchs


Graduiertenkolleg PATHwayS

International Max Planck Research Schools

Logo IMPRS Re-charge
International Max Planck Research School on Reactive Structure Analysis for Chemical Reactions (RE-CHARGE)

International Max Planck Research School for Sustainable Metallurgy (IMPRS-SusMet)
International Max Planck Research School on the Social and Political Constitution of the Economy (IMPRS-SPCE)
Logo IMPRS-LM png International Max Planck Research School for Living Matter: from molecules to dynamics (IMPRS-LM)

NRW-Programm Digitale Gesellschaft: Interdisziplinäres Graduiertenkolleg (Promotionstandems)

Ethik und Verantwortung in der digitalen Gesellschaft: Datenpraktiken in Verwaltung und Journalismus
Prof. Christoph Bieber, Faculty of Social Sciences (together with HHU Düsseldorf)

Inzivilität in der politischen Online-Kommunikation: Typen, Ursachen, Wirkungen und Interventionen
Prof. Nicole Krämer, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, Faculty of Engineering (together with  the University of Bonn)

PhD Programmes

Logo School of Governance

NRW School of Governance Doctoral College

PhD Programme International Relation/Peace and Development Studies

PhD Programme funded by Hans-Böckler-Stiftung

Logo Hans Böckler Stiftung The Political Economy of Inequality, from 2020
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Till van Treeck, Faculty of Social Sciences

Joint PhD Programmes within University Alliance Ruhr

„Regulatorische Immunmechanismen“ – Promotionskolleg der Universitätsallianz Ruhr (RIMUR)
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Nina Babel, University hospital, RUB
Involved UA Ruhr universities: RUB, UDE
Funding: since 2019 (by MERCUR)

Promotionskolleg "Präzisionsprotonentherapie – Praxisbezogene Physik und Chemie an der Schnittstelle zur Medizin
Spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Kevin Kröninger, Fakultät Physik, TU Dortmund
Involved UA Ruhr universities: TUDo, UDE
Funding: since 2020 (by MERCUR)

Joint Doctoral Research Colleges within University Alliance Ruhr, funded by VolkswagenStiftung

MEDAS 21 "Global Media Assistance: Applied Research, Improved Practice in the 21 Century"(since 2018)
Scripts for Postindustrial Urban Futures: American Models,Transatlantic Interventions (since 2018)

As per March 2023. This page will be updated regularly and is subject to errors and changes. Please inform us by e-mail if something is outdated or missing.

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