In accordance with the well known and accepted rule in the engineering field, the author sequence of all publications (1989 to present) is related to the FLAE system (first-last-author-emphasis system).

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Publikationsliste Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Söffker (1989-2011)

Journal- and book contributions

Ameyaw, D. A.; Bejaoui, A.; Boschmann, W.; Donandt, K.; Shyshova, O.; Thind, N. S.; Söffker, D.: _Automation approaches making new generations of inland vessels safe: What is _(really) needed for realizing safe remote and autonomous operating ships?. Ship Technology Research Journal, Taylor & Francis Group, special issue title "Automation in Inland and Short Sea Shipping", 2024, submitted.

Bejaoui, A.; Söffker, D.: Behavior planning and prediction based on action spaces applied to human-guided vehicle systems. IEEE Access, 2024, submitted.

Benrabia, I.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and evaluation of forecasting models for energy production in wind and photovoltaic systems. Energies, 2024, submitted.

Diepers, F.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Investigation of the Influence of Training Data and Methods on the Control Performance of MPC Utilizing Gaussian Processes. In: Allgöwer, F. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer, Stuttgart, Germany, 2024, accepted.

Kipchirchir, E.; Söffker, D.: IPC-based Robust Disturbance Accommodating Control for Load Mitigation and Speed Regulation of Wind Turbines. Wind Energy Journal, 2024.[PDF][LINK]

Rastin, Z.; Söffker, D.: Multi-Level Feature Extraction and Classification for Lane Changing Behavior Prediction and POD-Based Evaluation. MDPI Automation, 2024.[LINK]

Rastin, Z.; Söffker, D.: Advanced POD-Based Performance Evaluation of Classifiers Applied to Human Driver Lane Changing Prediction. IEEE Access, 2024, submitted.

Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2024.[LINK]

Salighe, S.; Trivedi, N.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D. : Decoupled model-free adaptive control with prediction features experimentally applied to a three-tank system as a nonlinear MIMO system following time-varying trajectories. MDPI Automation, 2024.[LINK]

Söffker, D.; Bejaoui, A.; Shyshova, O.: Progress towards multidimensionally scalable assisted and/or automated ship navigation and control - part II: human in the interaction loop. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Taylor & Francis Group, special issue title "Advances on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships", 2024, submitted.

Söffker, D.; Boschmann, W.; Shyshova, O.: Progress towards multidimensionally scalable assisted and/or automated ship navigation and control - part I: reliable and autonomous guidance - a contradiction?. Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, Taylor & Francis Group, special issue title "Advances on Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships", 2024, submitted.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: A quantitative model of takeover request time budget for conditionally automated driving. IEEE Access, 2024, submitted.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: A Lane Change Assistance System Based on Prediction of Driver Intention. IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2024, submitted.

Ali, A. M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Intelligent Real-time Power Management of Multi-Source HEVs based on Driving State Recognition and Offline Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2023, pp. 247-257.[PDF][LINK]

David, R.; Söffker, D.: A review on Machine Learning-based models for lane changing behavior prediction and recognition. Frontiers-Future Transportation, Lausanne, Switzerland, Vol. 4, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Söffker, D.: Quantification of human behavior levels by extending Rasmussen's SRK model and the effects of time pressure and training on the levels switching. Heliyon, 9(4), 2023.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Söffker, D.: Data driven-based human reliability analysis for individualized performance with different data clustering approaches for dynamical changing situations. Heliyon, 2023, submitted.

Kipchirchir, E.; Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Prognostics-based adaptive control strategy for lifetime control of wind turbines. Wind Energy Science Journal, 2023, pp. 575Ð588.[PDF][LINK]

Kipchirchir, E.; Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive robust observer-based control for structural load mitigation and speed regulation in commercial wind turbines. IEEE Access, 2023.[LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Vibration Reduction of Flexible Structures using Model-Free Adaptive Control Algorithms. IEEE Access, 2023, submitted.

Ameyaw, D. A.; Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: How to evaluate classifier performance in the presence of additional effects: A new POD-based approach allowing certification of machine learning approaches. Machine Learning with Applications (Elsevier), Volume 7, 15 March, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Ameyaw, D. A.; Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Evaluating Machine Learning-Based Classification Approaches: A New Method for Comparing Classifiers Applied to Human Driver Prediction Intentions. IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022, pp. 62429-62439.[PDF][LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Ameyaw, D. A.; Madan, N.; Söffker, D.: New Metric for Evaluation of Deep Neural Network Applied in Vision-Based Systems. Applied Science, Vol. 12, No. 7, 2022, pp. 3251.[PDF][LINK]

David, R.; Söffker,D.: A study on a HMM-based state machine approach for lane changing behavior recognition. IEEE Access, Vol. 10, 2022, pp 122954-122964.[PDF][LINK]

Demmerling, A. L.; Wei, X.; Söffker, D.: Extended tapping torque test to differentiate metalworking fluids. Tribology International, Vol. 175, 2022, 107819.[LINK]

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: A Review of HMM-Based Approaches of Driving Behaviors Recognition and Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TIV), Vol. 7, No. 1, March, 2022, pp. 21-31.[PDF][LINK]

Moulik, B.; Bose, B.; Ali, A.M.; Söffker, D.: Energy management strategy for electric vehicles and connected renewable energy systems in a micro grid environment of a university campus. Transforming Mobility Ð What Next?, 2022, pp. 195Ð217.[PDF][LINK]

Owino, L.; Söffker, D.: How much is enough in watering plants? State-of-the-art in irrigation control: advances, challenges, and opportunities with respect to precision irrigation. Frontiers in Control Engineering, Lausanne, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Improved model-free adaptive predictive control based on recursive least-squares estimation algorithm. Asian J. Control, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Sheng, W.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: A novel adaptive boosting algorithm with distance-based weighted least square support vector machine and filter factor for carbon fiber reinforced polymer multi-damage classification. Structural Health Monitoring, Vol. 22(2), 2022, pp. 1273-1289.[LINK]

Sheng, W.; Liu,Y.; Söffker,D. : A novel AdaBoost algorithm with distance-based WLSSVM and filter factor for CFRP multi-damage classification. Structural Health Monitoring, 2022, accepted.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Determination of takeover time budget based on analysis of driver behavior. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 3, 2022, pp. 813-824.[PDF][LINK]

Thind, N. S.; Hering, J.; Söffker, D.: Fast and precise generic model for position-based trajectory prediction of vessels. MDPI Automation, No. 4, 2022, pp. 633-645.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: Wind Turbine Disturbance Accommodating Control Using H infinity Optimization. Wind Energy, June, 2021.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: State-of-the-Art in Integrated Prognostics and Health Management Control for Utility-Scale Wind Turbines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021.[PDF][LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: Stator-Rotor Contact Force Estimation of Rotating Machine Automation. Automation, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2021, pp. 83-97.[PDF][LINK]

Ameyaw, D. A.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: A novel feature-based Probability of Detection (POD) assessment and fusion approach for reliability evaluation of vibration-based diagnosis systems. SHM Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2020, pp. 649-660.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Bach, R.; Söffker, D.: Robust control of a hydraulic cylinder using an observer-based sliding mode control: Theoretical development and experimental validation. Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier, Vol. 95, 2020.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive Step Size Control of Extended/Unscented Kalman Filter using Event Handling Concept. Frontiers Mechanical Engineering, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

David, R.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: State Machine approach for lane changingdriving behavior recognition. Automation, MDPI, Special Issue: Automation in Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 1, 2020, pp. 68-79.[PDF][LINK]

Demmerling, A. L.; Söffker, D.: Improved examination and test procedure of tapping torque tests according to ASTM D5619 using coated forming taps and water-mixed metalworking fluids. Tribology International, Vol. 145, 2020, pp. 106151.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Structural load mitigation control for wind turbines: A new performance measure. Wind Energy, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2020, pp. 1085-1098.[PDF][LINK]

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: State-based open-loop control of plant growth by means of water stress training. Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 230, 2020.[LINK]

Sheng, W.; Peng, G.D.; Yang, N.; Kang, Y.; Söffker, D.: Suppression of sweeping fluctuation of Fabry-Perot filter in fiber Bragg grating interrogation using PSO-based self-adaptive sampling. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 142, 2020.[LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: On the Relation Between Smooth Variable Structure and Adaptive Kalman Filter. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 6, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Ali, A.M.; Ghanbar, A.; Söffker, D.: Optimal control of multi-source electric vehicles in real-time using Advisory Dynamic Programming. IEEE, Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 68, No. 11, 2019, pp. 10394-10405.[LINK]

Ali, A.M.; Shivapurkar, R.; Söffker, D.: Optimal situation-based power management and application to state predictive models for multi-source electric vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 68, No. 12, 2019, pp. 11473-11482.[LINK]

Deng, Q.; Wang, J.; Hillebrand, K.; Benjamin, C.R.; Söffker, D.: Prediction performance of lane changing behaviors: a study of combining environmental and eye-tracking data in a driving simulator. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Vol. 21, No.8, 2019, pp. 3561-3570.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: Risk Areas Determination for Autonomous- and Semi-autonomous Aerial Systems Considering Run-time Technical Reliability Assessment. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2019.[LINK]

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Explorative Frequency Analysis of Leaf Temperature Behavior of Corn (zea mays) at Water Deficit. Plants, MDPI, Vol. 8, No. 4, 2019, pp. 105.[LINK]

Labsuch, M.; Cunha, A.P.A.; Wirtz, S.F.; Reichenberger, S.; Cleve, E.; Söffker, D.; Barcikowski, S.: Acoustic emission control avoids fluence shifts caused by target runaway during laser synthesis of colloids. Applied Surface Science, 2019, pp. 887-895.

Owino, L.; Hilkens, M.; Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Automated Measurement and Control of Germination Paper Water Content. Sensors, MDPI, Basel, Vol. 19, No 10. Special Issue: Smart Sensing Technologies for Agriculture, 2019, pp. 2232.[PDF][LINK]

Rothe, S.; Kudszus, B.; Söffker, D.: Does classifier fusion improve the overall performance? Numerical analysis of data and fusion method characteristics influencing classifier fusion performance. Entropy, Vol. 21, No. 9, 2019, pp. 866.[LINK]

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Integration of Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Approaches for Real-time Applications in Dynamic Environments: Current Status and Future Directions. Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer Netherlands, 2019, pp. 1-32.[PDF][LINK]

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Bridging gaps among human, assisted, and automated driving with DVIs: a conceptional experimental study. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 20, No. 6, 2019, pp. 2096-2108.[LINK]

Xu, G.; Liu, M.; Jiang, Z.; Söffker, D.; Shen, W.: Bearing Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest Ensemble Learning. Sensors, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2019, pp. 1088.[PDF][LINK]

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Towards optimal power management of hybrid electric vehicles in realtime: An overview on methods, challenges, and the state-of-the-art solutions. Energies, MDPI, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2018.[PDF][LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Proportional-Integral-Observer-based backstepping approach for position control of a hydraulic differential cylinder system with model uncertainties and disturbances. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 140 (12), 2018, pp. 121006.

Beganovic, N.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Reduction of structural loads in wind turbines based on adapted control strategy concerning online fatigue damage evaluation models. Energies, MDPI, Vol. 11 (12), 2018, pp. 3429.[PDF]

Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.:: Estimation of Remaining Useful Lifetime of Lithium-ion Battery Based on Acoustic Emission Measurements. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 141, No. 4, 2018, pp. 041901.

Lawrynczuk, M.; Söffker, D.: Wiener Structures for Modeling and Nonlinear Predictive Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, pp. 1-22.[LINK]

Madadi, E.; Dong, Y.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of Different Model-Free Control Methods Concerning Real-Time Benchmark. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, Vol. 140(12), Paper No: DS-17-1204, 2018, pp. 121014.[LINK]

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-Free Control of Unknown Nonlinear Systems using an Iterative Learning Concept: Theoretical Development and Experimental Validation. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, pp. 1-13.[LINK]

Njiri, J. G.; Beganovic, N.; Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: Consideration of Lifetime and Fatigue Load in Wind Turbine Control. Renewable Energy, Vol. 131, 2018, pp. 818-828.[PDF][LINK]

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Learning and representation of event-discrete situations for individualized situation recognition using fuzzy SOM-based CBR. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 72, 2018, pp. 357-367.[LINK]

Spiller, M.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: The uncertainty learning filter: a revised smooth variable structure filter. Signal Processing - An International Journal, 2018, pp. 217-226.[LINK]

Wirtz, S.F.; Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Investigation of damage detectability in composites using frequency-based classification of Acoustic Emission measurements. Structural Health Monitoring, 2018, pp. 1-12.[PDF][LINK]

Wirtz, S.F.; Cunha, A.P.A.; Labusch, M.; Marzun, G.; Barcikowski, S.; Söffker, D.: Development of A Low-Cost FPGA-Based Measurement System for Real-Time Processing of Acoustic Emission Data: Proof of Concept Using Control of Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids. Sensors, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2018, pp. 1775.[LINK]

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Identification and Classification of Failure Modes in Laminated Composites by using a Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Wavelet Coefficients. Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Vol. 96, 2017, pp. 77-87.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Remaining lifetime modeling using State-of-Health estimation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 92, 2017, pp. 107-123.[PDF][LINK]

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Water (stress) models and deficit irrigation: System-theoretical description and causality mapping. Ecologic Modeling, 2017, pp.135-156.[LINK]

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Fuzzy SOM-based Case-Based Reasoning for individualized situation recognition applied to supervision of human operators. Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017, pp. 1-12.

Söffker, D.; Rothe, S.: New Approaches for Supervision of Systems with Sliding Wear: Fundamental Problems and Experimental Results Using Different Approaches. Applied Sciences, Vol. 7, 2017, pp. 843.[PDF]

Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Structural Health Management utilization for lifetime prognosis and advanced control strategy deployment of Wind Turbines: An overview and outlook concerning actual methods, tools, and obtained results. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 64, 2016, pp. 68-83.[PDF][LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Online power management with embedded offline-optimized parameters for three-source hybrid powertrain with experimental emulation application. Energies, MDPI, Vol. 9, No. 6, 2016, pp. 439.[PDF]

Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: State-of-the-Art in Wind Turbine Control: Trends and Challenges. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 60, 2016, pp. 377-393.[PDF][LINK]

Nowak, X.; Söffker, D.: Data-driven Stabilization of unknown Nonlinear Dynamical Systems using a Cognition-based Framework. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, pp. 1-15.

Söffker, D.; Wei, C.; Wolff, S., Saadawia, M.S.: Detection of Rotor Cracks: Comparison of an old Model- with a new Signal-based approach. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 83, 2016, pp. 1153-1170.[LINK]

Al-Shrouf, L.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Online feature-based multisensor stone detection system for bucket-wheel excavators. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Springer, No. 170, 2015, pp. 1-14.

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Wear Detection by Means of Wavelet-based Acoustic Emission Analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 60-61, August, 2015, pp. 198-207.[LINK]

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Petri-Net-based modeling of human operator's planning for the evaluation of task performance using the example of air traffic control. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2015, pp. 1-10.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Optimal rule-based powermanagement for online, real-time applications with multiple sources and objectives: A review. Energies - Open Access Energy Research, Engineering and Policy Journal, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 9049-9063.[PDF]

Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: A brief review and a first application of time-frequency-based analysis methods with application to strip rolling mills. Journal of Process Control, Vol. 35, 2015, pp. 65-79.[LINK]

Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization Strategy for PID-Controller Design of AMB Rotor Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 24(3), 2015, pp. 788-803.[LINK]

Zareba, S.; Wolff, A.; Jelali, M.: Mathematical modelling and parameter identification of a stainless steel annealing furnace. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2015, pp. 15-39.

Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Review and Comparison of Power Management Approaches for Hybrid Vehicles with Focus on Hydraulic Drives. Energies - Open Access Energy Research, Engineering and Policy Journal, Vol. 7, 2014, pp. 3512-3536.[PDF]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Event-discrete representation of a semi-automated manufacturing process as framework for human guidance and assistance concepts. Int. J. of Production Research, Vol. 53(8), 2014, pp. 2321-2341.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Robust control approach for input-output linearizable nonlinear systems using high-gain disturbance observer. Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 24, 2014, pp. 326-339.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Marx, M.; Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Power management of a hybrid electric powertrain system - design, power flow control, and optimisation targets. International Journal of Powertrains (IJPT), Vol. 3, No. 2, 2014, pp. 221-241.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: A data-driven quadratic stability condition and its application for stabilizing unknown nonlinear systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, Springer Netherlands, 2014, pp. 1-13.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Al-Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Improved process monitoring and supervision based on a reliable multi-stage feature-based pattern recognition technique. Information sciences, 2013, pp. 282-294.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: The production of molds from resin-bonded mold materials in a semi-automatic production cell. CASTING Plant and Technology, Vol. 2, 2013, pp. 2-12.

Özbek, M.; Wang, S.; Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and control of a PEM fuel cell system: A practical study based on experimental defined component behavior. Journal of Process Control, Vol. 23, No.3, March, 2013, pp. 282-293.[PDF][LINK][MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Söffker, D.; Langer, M.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.: Herstellung von Formen aus harzgebundenem Formstoff in einer teilautomatisierten Fertigungszelle. Giesserei Praxis, Vol. 1, 2013.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Variable high-gain disturbance observer design with online adaption of observer gains embedded in numerical integration. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 82, Issue 5, January, 2012, pp. 847-857.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Aljoumaa, H.; Söffker, D.: Multi-Class Approach based on Fuzzy-Filtering for Condition Monitoring. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 38, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 66-73.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive modeling of reliability properties for control and supervision purposes. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS), International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science - Issues in Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Vol.21, Issue 3, No. 3, September, 2011, pp. 479-486.

Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: Analysis and quantification of systems a formalized definition of reliability topologies and characteristic values for system quantification. Proc. of the Inst. of Mechanical Engineers, Part 0, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 226, No.2, April, 2011, pp. 203-220.

Oberheid, H.; Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Know your options - analyzing human decision making in dynamic task environments with state-space methods. in: D. de Waard, N. Gérard, L. Onnasch, R. Wiczorek, and D. Manzey (Eds.): Human Centred Automation, Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing, 2011, pp. 285-300.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Quadratic Stabilization of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using a Novel Neural-Network-Based Controller. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, Vol. 54, No. 5, May, 2011, pp. 1126-1133.

Baloian, N.; Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments. Readings of the Summer Academy, Duisburg, 2009, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2010.

Shibly, H.; Söffker, D.: Mathematical models of shape memory alloy behavior for online and fast prediction of the hysteretic behavior. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 62, 2010, pp. 53-66.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Söffker, D.; Özbek, M.; Marx, M.: Powermanagement eines hybridelektrischen Antriebs Auslegung, Optimierung und Leistungsregelung. at - Automatisierungstechnik, Vol. 58, No. 10, Oktober, 2010, S. 580-589.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Söffker, D.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.; Langer, M.: Teilautomatisierte Herstellung von Grogussformen - Projektvorstellung: Entwicklung einer modernen, bedienerzentrierten Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle zur Alltagsbewältigung in Giessereien. GIESSEREI, Vol. 4, 2010, S. 76-84.

Baloian, N.; Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction in different Application Scenarios. Readings of the Summer Academy, Santiago de Chile, 2008, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009.

Heidtmann, F.; Söffker, D.: Virtual Sensors for Diagnosis and Prognosis Purposes in the Context of Elastic Mechanical Structures. IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 9, No. 11, 2009, pp. 1577-1588.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Active Flutter Suppression of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using PI-Observer. in: Ulbrich, H.; Ginzinger, L. (Eds.): Motion and Vibration Control, Springer, 2009, pp. 367-376.[MANUSKRIPTVERSION]

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Interaction of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems - Part II: Realisation of Cognitive Technical Systems. MCMDS-Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 14. No. 4, 2008, pp. 319-339.

Söffker, D.: Interaction of Intelligent and Autonomous Systems - Part I: Qualitative Structuring of Interactions. MCMDS-Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 14. No. 4, 2008, pp. 303-318.

Söffker, D.; Gamrad, D.; Ahle, E.: Von der Automatisierungstechnik zu Kognitiven Technischen Systemen. Industrie Management, Schwerpunktheft: Kognitive Automatisierung, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, S. 57-60.

Al-Sweiti, Y.; Söffker, D.: Planar cargo control of elastic ship cranes with the Maryland Rigging system. Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2007, pp. 241-267.

Al-Sweiti, Y.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and Control of an Elastic Ship-Mounted Crane Using Variable Gain Model-Based Controller. Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2007, pp. 657-685.

Al-Sweiti, Y.; Söffker, D.: Cargo pendulation suppression of ship cranes with elastic booms. MCMDS-Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 13, Issue 6, Dec., 2007, pp. 503-529.

Söffker, D.; Ahle, E.: Idea, conception, and realisation of learning abilities for robot control using a Situation-Operator-Model. Int. J. Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2/3, 2007, pp. 271-283.

Söffker, D.; Luther, W.; Ahle, E. (Eds.): Guidance and Control of Autonomous Systems. Readings of the DAAD German Summer Academy, Duisburg 2005, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2006.

Söffker, D.; Weber, J.: Über den Charakter von Maschinen und Technikgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert (english: On Designing Machines and Technologies in the 21st Century. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue). Ein interdisziplinärer Dialog. International Review of Information Ethics, Vol. 6, No. 12, 2006, pp. 92-108.[LINK]

Referenzierbare und mehrfach referierte Konferenzbeiträge

Benrabia, I.; Söffker, D.: Building Energy Management System Using RB-NMPC: Modeling, validation, and test methods. IEEE CPEEE 2025: 15th International Conference on Power, Energy, and Electrical Engineering, Japan, 2025, submitted.

Legel, T.; Söffker, D.; Schatzle, R.; Donandt, K.: Towards Explainable Deep Learning for Ship Trajectory Prediction in Inland Waterways. ESREL SRA-E 2025, European Safety and Reliability and Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 15-19 June 2025, 2025, submitted.

Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Damage detection in CFRP using Acoustic Emission . XX INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMIC PROBLEMS OF MECHANICS, Águas De Lindóia, SP, Brazil, March 9-14, 2025, accepted.

Shyshova, O.; Jiang, Q.; Söffker, D.: Online controlled safety-relevant criteria in autonomous systems. ESREL SRA-E 2025, European Safety and Reliability and Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 15-19 June 2025, 2025, submitted.

Shyshova, O.; Kamdoum Mayouche, A.; Seesunkur, M.; Söffker, D.: _Performing Best: Organizing Suitable Human-AI Teaming for Improved Performance Ð an Experimental Study on Human Recognition Processes Under Time Pressure. 2025 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspectsof Situation Management (CogSIMA), Duisburg, Germany, June 2-5. 2025, 2025, submitted.

Söffker, D.; Shyshova, O.: Reliability or ethics: Why should the human decision be initial or final?. ESREL SRA-E 2025, European Safety and Reliability and Society for Risk Analysis Europe Conference, Stavanger, Norway, 15-19 June 2025, 2025, submitted.

Surjana, A. I.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Study on the Performance of an Event-Based Cloud Multiple NMPC. 2025 8th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), Emden, Germany, May 12-15 , 2025, submitted.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Improved Situation Awareness with User Intention-Based Lane Change Assistant . 2025 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspectsof Situation Management (CogSIMA), Duisburg, Germany, June 2-5. 2025, 2025, submitted.

Benrabia, I.; Söffker, D.: Energy management of residential buildings based on MPC across varied prediction horizons, price models, and storage configurations. IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids, Oslo, Norway, 17-20 September, 2024.[LINK]

Donandt, K.; Söffker, D.: Incorporating Navigation Context into Inland Vessel Trajectory Prediction: A Gaussian Mixture Model and Transformer Approach. 27th IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2024), Venice, Italy, July, 7-11, 2024, accepted.[LINK]

Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Analysis of multiple reflected ultrasonic waves generated during a drilling process. 10th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Sendai, Japan, December 8-10, 2024, accepted.

Rosenthal, R.; Gerz, F.; Al-Shrouf, L.; Jelali, M.: Innovative Machine Learning Based Approach for Reliable and Accurate Measurement of Guide Roll Alignment in Continuous Casting Plants. 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Potsdam, 2024.[LINK]

Rosenthal, R.; Koldorf, S.; Shvydkii, E.; Albersmann, N.; Al-Shrouf, L.; Jelali, M.: Improving Steel Quality in Continuous Casting: A Novel Machine Learning-based Framework for Guide Roll Alignment Control and Quality Prediction. 11th European Continuous Casting Conference, Essen, 2024, accepted.

Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.:  Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control based on bias/variance trade-off. GAMM Fachausschuss "Dynamik und Regelungstheorie", Berlin, Germany, Februrary 5-6, 2024.

Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.: On the PID-structured model-free adaptive control: a comparison of different approaches. 22nd European Control Conference (ECC24), Stockholm, Sweden, 25-28 June, 2024, accepted.

Shyshova, O.; Boschmann, W.; Söffker, D.: Risk-Based Analysis of Autonomous System Guidance of Inland Waterway Vessels . ESREL 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Cracow, Poland, June 23-27, 2024.[LINK]

Shyshova, O.; Gadhavi, P.; Tenzer, M.; Söffker, D.: Preparation times: An experimental-based discussion about limits for take over in highly automated systems. 2024 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspectsof Situation Management (CogSIMA), Montreal, Canada, May 7-10, 2024.[LINK]

Shyshova, O.; Gadhavi, P.; Tenzer, M.; Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Takeover time: Requirements for highly automated inland vessels: First experimental-based results. IEEE ICHMS, 4th IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Toronto, Canada, May 15-17, 2024.[LINK]

Surjana, A.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Application of Event-based Cloud NMPC with Time Delay Compensation. ICPS2024, 2024.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Kahar, H.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and control of chaotic jumping of an inverted flexible pendulum system. ASME IDETC , Boston, USA, August 20-23rd, 2023, accepted.

Bakhshande, F.; Spiller, M.; Hering, J.; Söffker, D.: Computationally efficient neural network-based model predictive control for real-time implementation . ASME IDETC , Boston, USA, August 20-23rd, 2023, accepted.

Bejaoui, A.; Gadhavi, P.; Shyshova, O.; Söffker, D.: Integration of human factors-related knowledge into decision support systems applied to assisted and automated operating vehicles using examples for inland vessels . European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Southampton, United Kingdom, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

Bejaoui, A.; Söffker, D.: Situated and sequential planning and prediction of human driving behavior as decision making support system. 13th Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management COGSIMA, Philadelphia, 2023.[LINK]

Bejaoui, A..; Söffker, D.: Situated and event discrete decision making support system applied to remotely operated vehicles. 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, Southampton, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

Benrabia, I.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and evaluation of dynamical properties of different energy storage systems using machine learning methods. IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion (VPPC), Milan, Italy, October 24-27, 2023, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Boschmann, W.; Söffker, D.: Quantification of reliable detection range using lidar-based object detection approaches and varying process parameters. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA, 2023, pp. 2838-2843.[LINK]

Boschmann, W.;Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Complementary object detection: Improving reliability of object candidates using redundant detection approaches. ESREL, Southampton, 2023, 225-232.[PDF][LINK]

David, R.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of Different Hyperparameter Optimization Methods on Driving Behavior Recognition. 13th Cognitive Situation Management (CogSIMA) conference, 2023.[LINK]

David, R.; Söffker, D.: A modified Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based state machine model for driving behavior recognition: Effectiveness of features using different sub-HMMs . 13th Cognitive Situation Management (CogSIMA) conference, 2023.[LINK]

David, R.; Söffker, D.: A state machine-based approach for estimating the capacity loss of Lithium-Ion Batteries. 15th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

Diepers, F.; Polke, D.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of Different Gaussian Process Models and Applications in Model Predictive Control. 23rd IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS), Yeosu, South Korea, 2023, pp. 54-59.[LINK]

Donandt, K.; Böttger, K.; Söffker, D.: Improved context-sensitive transformer model for inland vessel trajectory prediction. IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Bilbao, Spain, Sep, 24-28, 2023, pp. 5903-5908.[LINK]

Donandt, K.; Söffker, D.: Spatial and social situation-aware transformer-based trajectory prediction of autonomous systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Honolulu, Oahu, HI, USA, Oct, 1-4, 2023, pp. 4488-4493.[LINK]

Gerz, F.; Al-Shrouf, L.; Jelali, M.: A Comparative Analysis of Concept Drift Detection Methods with a Systematic and Innovative Approach of Method Selection. in: Proc. of the: 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 12.-14.09., 2023, pp. 1571-1578.[LINK]

Katepalli, B.; Moulik, B.; Ali, A. M.; Söffker, D.: An Eco-Driving Technique for Energy Aware Driving With an Electric Vehicle. International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), Greater Noida, India, Nov, 3-4 , 2023, pp. 493-498.[PDF][LINK]

Kipchirchir, E.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: A µ-Synthesis Approach for Robust Control of Wind Turbines. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2023 (IDETC-CIE 2023), Boston, Massachusetts, August 20-23, 2023, accepted.

Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Experimental analysis of ultrasonic wave's reflection behavior at material boundaries. Latam-SHM 2023, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, December 5-8, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

Liebeton, J.; Soon, S.; Söffker, D.: Improving the diagnostic reliability of AE-based failure mode detection and distinction in CFRP. European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), Southampton, United Kingdom, September 4-8, 2023.[PDF][LINK]

Neugebauer, J.; Reckers, L.; Qi, Y.; Zydeck, M.; Theilen, L.; Söffker, D.; el Moctar, O.: Sloshing-Induced Impact Loads and Free Surface Elevation in a Pool in Waves. 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2023.[LINK]

Owino, L., Söffker, D.: Dynamic Water Stress Threshold Determination for Precision Deficit Irrigation Control using Progressive Clustering Approach. IFAC World Congress 2023, Yokohama, Vol. 56(2), 2023, pp: 5287-5292.[PDF][LINK]

Polke, D.; Surjana, A.; Diepers, F.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Development of a Modular Automation Framework for Data-Driven Modeling and Optimization of Coating Formulations. 27th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) , Sinaia, Romania, 01. Aug, 2023, pp. 1-8.[LINK]

Salighe, S.; Trivedi, N.; Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Decoupled model-free adaptive control of a nonlinear MIMO system: An experimental comparison of approaches applied to a three-tank system. ASME IDETC , Boston, USA, August 20-23rd, 2023, accepted.

Zydeck, M., Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Neural network-based structured mpc: A model predictive control approach. ASME IDETC-2023, Boston, 2023, accepted.

Bejaoui, A.; F; Söffker, D.: Supervision concept for situated human driving applied to inland shipping. IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Macau, China, 2022, pp. 244-249.[PDF][LINK]

Bejaoui, A.; He, C.; Söffker, D.: Novel model-based decision support system for reliable human machine systems in complex situations. Annual Conference of the PHM Society 2022, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Boschmann, W.; Söffker, D.: Complementary and situation sensitive object detection, review performance, and performance dependencies of common approaches. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022), Macau, China, 2022, pp. 888-892.[PDF][LINK]

David, R.; Söffker, D.: Effect of environmental and eye-tracking information: An Artificial Neural Network-based state machine approach for human driver intention recognition. IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA), Salerno, Italy, 2022, pp. 16-22.

David, R.; Söffker, D.: Effect of environmental and eye-tracking information: An Artificial Neural Network-based state machine approach for human driver intention recognition. The 12th IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA), Salerno, Italy, 2022, pp. 16-22.[LINK]

Denker, J.; Iannino, V.; Laudenberg, C.; Tenner, A.; Daun, M.; Jelali, M.: Improved temperature monitoring and control of production lines in casting through BaSyx framework and edge intelligence. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Padua, Italy, 2022.[LINK]

Diepers, F.; Polke, D.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Data-Driven Force Control of an Automated Scratch Test. 10th International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA), Belval, Luxembourg, 2022, pp. 94-99.[PDF][LINK]

Donandt, K.; Böttger, K.; Söffker, D.: Short-term Inland Vessel Trajectory Prediction with Encoder-Decoder Models. IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022), Macau, China, 2022, pp. 974-979.[PDF][LINK]

Gerz, F.; Bastürk, T.; Kirchhoff, J.; Denker, J.; Al-Shrouf, L.; Jelali, M. : A comparative study and a new industrial platform for decentralized anomaly detection using machine learning algorithms.. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Padua, Italy, 2022.[LINK]

He, C.; Bejaoui, A. ; Söffker, D.: Situated and personalized monitoring of human operators during complex situations. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Dublin, Ireland, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Söffker, D.: Identification of human driver critical behaviors and related reliability evaluation in real time. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Dublin, Ireland, 2022.[PDF]

Kipchirchir, E.; Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Mixed-Sensitivity Robust Disturbance Accommodating Control for Load Mitigation and Speed Regulation of Wind Turbines. European Control Conference (ECC) 2022, London, 2022, pp. 1012-1017.[PDF][LINK]

Liebeton, J.; Söffker, D.: Practical experiences to know making Acoustic Emission-based SHM successful. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, (EWSHM) Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Palermo, Italy, Vol. 3, 2022, pp. 812 - 819.[PDF][LINK]

Owino, L.; Söffker, D.: Deficit irrigation-based growth control of maize plants using hybrid model predictive / trellis decoding algorithm. IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agricontrol, Munich, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Polke, D.; Diepers, F.; Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Development of a Framework for Data-Driven Modeling with Cloud Services in the Process Industry. IEEE International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Engineering, Wuhan, China, 2022, pp. 109-115.[PDF][LINK]

Severin, T.; Söffker, D.: Sensor optimization for altitude estimation of spraying drones in vineyards. IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agricontrol, Munich, Vol. 55(32), 2022, pp. 107-112.[PDF][LINK]

Thind, N. S; Söffker, D.: Probabilistic ship behavior prediction using generic models. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2022), Macau, China, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Thind, N. S.; Ameyaw, D. A.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive situated and reliable prediction of object trajectories. European Conference of Safety and Reliability (ESREL), Dublin, 2022.[PDF]

Viehöfer, S.; Brauer, P.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and simulation of aquaculture systems. IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agricontrol, Munich, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Wei, X.; Jochmann, F.; Demmerling, A. L.; Söffker, D.: Application of transfer learning in metalworking fluid distinction. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (ASME IDETC), St. Louis Missouri, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Wei, X.; Söffker, D.: A new unsupervised learning approach for CWRU bearing state distinction. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2022) , Vol. 270, 2022, 312-319.[PDF][LINK]

Wei, X.; Söffker, D.: A new data processing method for Acoustic Emission signals for metalworking fluid classification. Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM 2022), Nashville, Tennessee, 2022.[PDF][LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: What makes the difference? State-of-the-art and new perspectives on precision and task-oriented drones for agricultural use. AgEng2020 Conference, Portugal, 2021, accepted.

David, R.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Lane changing behavior recognition based on Artificial Neural Network-based State Machine approach. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation ( ITSC), Indianapolis, USA, 2021.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Lum, Y.; Lee, K.; Söffker, D.: Human reliability estimation based on fuzzy logic-modified CREAM approach. 2021 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA), Tallinn, Estonia, 2021, pp. 45-50.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Söffker, D.: Human reliability analysis in situated driving context considering human experience using a fuzzy-based clustering approach. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems, Magdeburg, Germany, 2021, pp. 8-10.[PDF][LINK]

Owino, L., Söffker, D.: Modeling and prediction of corn growth during vegetative phase. AgEng 2021 conference, Évora, 2021, pp. 426-432.[LINK]

Owino, L., Söffker, D.: State machine-based model for estimation and prediction of above ground biomass in corn during vegetative stage. AgEng 2021 conference, Évora, 2021, pp. 433-440.[LINK]

Owino, L.; Söffker, D.: Predictive precision irrigation-based control of maize leaf growth under laboratory conditions. Gesellschaft fur Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V, 63. Jahrestagung, Rostock, September 28-30, 2021, pp. 261-262.[LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: Robust Control of Relative Degree Two Systems Subject to Output Constraints with Time-Varying Bounds. 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Austin, Texas, 2021,  pp. 5402-5409.[PDF][LINK]

Wei, X.; Demmerling, A. L.; Söffker, D.: Metalworking Fluid Classification Based on Acoustic Emission Signals and Convolutional Neural Network. European Conference of the PHM Society, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2021, pp. 471-476.[PDF][LINK]

Ali, A. M.; Söffker, D.: Real-time applicable power management of multi-source fuel cell vehicles using situation-based model predictive control. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual, 2020, Vol. 4, pp. V004T04A029.[PDF][LINK]

Ali, A.M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Optimizing the fuel efficiency of fuel cell-based hybrid electric vehicles considering real implications. Proff, H.: Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität, Springer, Duisburg, Germany, Vol. 1 , 2020, pp. 185-194.

Ameyaw, D. A.; Söffker, D.: False alarm improved detection capabilities of multi-sensor-based monitoring of vibrating systems. 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2020) - Special Collection, 2020, pp. 467-480.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Spiller, M.; King, Y.L; Söffker, D.: Computationally Efficient Model Predictive Control for Real Time Implementation experimentally applied on a Hydraulic Differential Cylinder. Proc. of the IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Deng, Q.; Saleh, M.; Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Online Intention Recognition Applied to Real Simulated Driving Maneuvers. IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA 2020), British Columbia, Canada, 2020, pp. 1-6.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: Wind Turbine Lifetime Control Using Structural Health Monitoring and Prognosis. 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: Robust Structural Load Mitigation Control for Wind Turbines in Low Wind Speed Region. 2020 European Control Conference (ECC), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020, pp. 2074-2079.

He, C.; Söffker, D.: Establishing a modified CREAM approach for reliability evaluation. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), Rome, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-6.[PDF][LINK]

He, C.; Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Human online reliability estimation applied to real driving maneuvers. 2020 IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation management (CogSIMA), Victoria, BC, Canada, 2020, pp. 149-154.[PDF][LINK]

Moulik, B.; Bhaumik, K.; Beganovic,N; Ali, A.M.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive prioritization of a situation-based power management for hybrid electric vehicles. IEEE-VPPC2020 Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Gijón, Spain, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Improved model-free adaptive control method using recursive least-squares estimation algorithm. 2020 European Control Conference (ECC), Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020, pp. 47-52.[LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Modified Model-Free Adaptive Control using Compact-Form Dynamic Linearization Technique. 21st IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2020), Berlin, Germany, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Modified Model-Free Adaptive Predictive Control Applied to Vibration Reduction of Mechanical Flexible Systems. ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, August 16-19, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Does the precision value influence the fusion performance? A method-based experimental study. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring - Special Collection of 2020 Papers, Rizzo, P., Milazzo, A. (Eds.), Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Vol. 2, 2020, pp. 754-764.[LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: Chattering mitigated sliding mode control of uncertain nonlinear systems. Proc. of the IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: Output constrained sliding mode control: A variable gain approach. Proc. of the IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin, Germany, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Spiller, M.; Söffker, D.: Automated Target Interception Based on Multiple Object Tracking. 2020 European Control Conference , Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2020, pp. 1763-1768.[LINK]

Spiller,M.; Bakhshande,F.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive neural network based predictive control of nonlinear systems with slow dynamics. Proceedings of the ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Virtual, August 17–19, 2020, Vol. 2, pp. V002T02A029a.[PDF][LINK]

Wei, X.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of CWRU dataset-based diagnosis approaches: review of best approaches and results. 10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2020) - Special Collection, Vol. 127, 2020, pp. 525-532.[PDF][LINK]

Wirtz, S.F.; Doruk, S.O.; Söffker, D.: Acoustic Emission-Based Diagnosis Using AlexNet: How Wave Propagation Effects Classification Performance. 8th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Cairns, Australia, 2020.[PDF][LINK]

Ali, M.A.; Moulik, B.; Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: A state-of-health-oriented power management strategy for multi-source electric vehicles considering situation-based optimized solutions in real-time. Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Ameyaw, D. A.; Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Probability of Detection (POD)-based metric for evaluation of Classifiers used in Driving Behavior Prediction. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 11(1) , Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Moulik, B.; Ali, A.M.; Söffker, D.: Lifetime model developement for integration in power management of HEVs by terms of minimizing fuel consumption and battery degradation. Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and Prediction of Human Behaviors based on Driving Data using Multi-Layer HMMs. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, 2019, pp. 2014-2019.

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Classifying Human Behaviors: Improving Training of Conventional Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), Auckland, New Zealand, 2019, pp. 1060-1065.

Do, M. H.; Söffker, D.: Robust observer-based load extenuation control for wind turbines. ASME 15th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), Anaheim, CA, 2019.

Jihin, R.; Kögler, F.; Söffker, D. : Data Driven State Machine Model for Industry 4.0 Lifetime Modeling and Identification of Irrigation Control Parameters. GIoTS'19 : 3rd Global IoT Summit (2019), Aarhus, Denmark, 2019.[LINK]

Jihin, R.; Söffker, D.: Lifetime Prediction Considering Nonlinearity in Degradation Progression. ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Anaheim, CA, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Jihin, R.; Söffker, D.: Health State Assessment and Lifetime Prediction Based On Unsupervised State Estimation. ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Anaheim, CA, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Kahar, H.; Söffker, D.: On nonlinear dynamics and control of an inverted flexible pendulum system with chaos. ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, California, USA, 2019, Vol. 8, pp. V008T10A034.[LINK]

Kahar, H.; Söffker, D.: Time-frequency energy analysis of chaotic mechanical system affected by additive impulses. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA for 38th International Vibroengineering (JVE) Conference, Rome, Italy, Vol.24, 2019, pp. 68-73.

Owino, L.; Söffker, D.: Development and test of predictive model for maize leaf appearance during vegetative phase. IFAC Agricontrol conference, Sydney, 2019, pp. 126-131.[LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Modified model-free adaptive control method applied to vibration control of an elastic crane. ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA, 2019, DETC2019-97654, V006T09A042.[LINK]

Söffker, D.; Kögler, F.; Owino, L.: Crop growth modeling- a new data driven approach. IFAC Agricontrol conference, Sydney, 2019, pp. 132-136.

Tanshi, F.; Dargahi Nobari, K.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Design of Conditional Driving Automation Variables to Improve Takeover Performance. 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Gdansk, Poland, 2019, pp. 170-175.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Modeling drivers takeover behavior depending on the criticality of driving situations and the complexity of secondary tasks. IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) 2019, Las Vegas, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of takeover variables with respect to driver situation awareness and workload for intelligent driver assistance.  2019 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'19), Paris, France, 2019.[LINK]

Wirtz, S.F.; Bach, S.; Söffker, D.: Experimental results of acoustic emission attenuation due to wave propagation in composites. Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 2019.[LINK]

Ali, M.A.; Shivapurkar, R.; Söffker, D.: Development and improvement of a situation-based power management method for multi-source electric vehicles. IEEE-VPPC-2018 Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, USA, 2018, pp. 1-6.

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Observer-based power management for multi-source electric vehicles using optimized splitting ratios. ASME-IDETC-2018, Quebec, Canada , 2018, Vol. 3: pp. V003T01A037.

Ameyaw, D. A.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Adaptation and Implementation of Probability of Detection (POD)-based Fault diagnosis in elastic structures through vibration-based SHM approach. The 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM), Manchester, 2018.[PDF]

Ameyaw, D. A.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Probability of Detection (POD)-oriented view to Fault Diagnosis for Reliability assessment of FDI approaches. ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers(IDETC/CIE). 30th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Quebec, Canada, 2018, DETC2018-85554, pp. V008T10A041.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Variable step size Kalman Filter using event handling algorithm for switching systems. Proceedings of the ASME 2018 IDETC/CIE, Quebec, Canada, 2018, Vol. 6, pp. V006T09A013.

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Improved driving behaviors prediction based on Fuzzy Logic-Hidden Markov Model (FL-HMM). 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Changshu, Suzhou, China, 2018, pp. 2003-2008.[PDF][LINK]

Deng, Q.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Prediction of human driver behaviors based on an improved HMM approach. 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Changshu, Suzhou, China, 2018, pp. 2066-2071.[PDF][LINK]

Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Structure load mitigation control for nonlinear wind turbines with unmodeled dynamics. 2018 American Control Conference, Milwaukee, USA, 2018.[LINK]

Jihin, R; Do, M. H.; Söffker, D. : Lifetime prediction of wind turbine blades using degradation model considering variable load profiles. PHME 2018: 4th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2018, Utrecht, Netherland, 2018.[LINK]

Kahar, H.; Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Experimental Investigation On The Dynamic Behavior Of Chaotic Jumping In Inverted Flexible Pendulum Under Harmonic Excitation. Proceedings ASME 2018 IDETC/CIE , Quebec, Canada, 2018, Vol. 8, pp. V008T10A019.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Towards an Adaptive Control Concept for Unknown Nonlinear MIMO Systems. ASME 2018 IDETC/CIE , Quebec, Canada, No. DETC2018-85357, 2018, pp. V006T09A012.

Sheng, W.; Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.: Wavelet Packet Transform-Based Feature Extraction for Acoustic Emission Pattern Recognition. European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018), UK, Manchester, 2018.[PDF]

Wirtz, S.F.; Cunha, A.P.A.; Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D. : High-speed data acquisition system for continuous Acoustic Emission monitoring and real-time signal processing using FPGA-based platform. European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018), UK, Manchester, 2018.[PDF]

Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.: Improved signal processing of Acoustic Emission for Structural Health Monitoring using a data-driven approach. European Workshop On Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2018), UK, Manchester, 2018.[PDF]

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Realtime Application of Progressive Optimal Search and Adaptive Dynamic Programming in Multi-Source HEVs. ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Tysons, Virginia, USA, August 26-29, 2017, Vol. 2, pp. V002T17A003.[LINK]

Ali, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Realtime power management of a multi-source hev using adaptive dynamic programing and probabilistic drive state model. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6-9, 2017, Vol. 3, pp. V003T01A025.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control approach for a hydraulic differential cylinder system using a Proportional-Integral-Observer-based backstepping control.  IEEE/American Control Conference (ACC), Seattle, WA, USA, 2017, pp. 3102-3107.[LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Proportional-Integral-Observer With Adaptive High-Gain Design Using Funnel Adjustment Concept. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017, pp. V006T10A011.[LINK]

Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali,M.: An Approach to Recursive Subspace Identification. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Melbourne, December 12-15, 2017, accepted.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Wind turbine control strategy deployment concerning remaining useful lifetime prognostic model. Conference for Wind Power Drives 2017, Aachen, March 7-8, 2017, pp. 1-8.

Cunha, A. P. A.; Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.; Beganovic, N.: Implementation of frequency-based classification of damages in composites using real-time FPGA-based hardware framework. ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, August 6-9, 2017, pp. 1-8.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: Safety unit-based safe behavior assurance for autonomous and semi-autonomous aerial systems: requirements, concept, and simulation results. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, CA, USA, June 11-14, 2017, pp. 1546-1551.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: A Simplified Situational Environment Risk and System Reliability Assessment for Behavior Assurance of Autonomous and Semi-autonomous Aerial Systems: A Simulation Study. The 2017 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'17), Miami, FL, USA, June 13-16, 2017, pp. 951-960.[LINK]

Jihin, R.; Söffker, D.; Beganovic, N.: Integrated Prognostic Model For RUL Estimation Using Threshold Optimization. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 640-647.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Frequency analysis of leaf temperature oscillations: Analysis of dynamic plant behavior for deficit irrigation applications. in: Kage, H.; Sieling, K.; Francke-Weltmann, L.: (Eds.): Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V., Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Volume 29, Verlag Liddy Halm, Göttingen, Witzenhausen, Vol. 29, 2017, pp. 88-89.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Frequency analysis (FA) of leaf temperature oscillations of corn (zea Mays) under water stress: Experimental results of infrared thermography measurements processed by explorative FA-methods (e.g. Hilbert-Huang-Transform, Phase Portrait). Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft, Kiel, 2017, p. 116.

Madadi, E.; Dong, Y.; Söffker, D.: Model-free control approach of a three-tank system using an adaptive-based control . ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017), Cleveland, Ohio, No. DETC2017-67487, Vol. 6, 2017, pp. V006T10A013.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of different model-free iterative learning control methods concerning a nonlinear mechanical structure. The 2017 Asian Control Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, December 17-20, 2017, pp. 1560-1565.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Battery aging and fuel efficiency as optimization objectives as part of a real-time operating system of a multi source HEV. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, California, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 631-639.

Rothe, S.; Wirtz, S.F.; Kampmann, G.;Nelles, O.; Söffker, D.: Ensure the reliability of damage detection in composites by fusion of differently classified Acoustic Emission measurements. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, Stanford, USA, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1380-1387.

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Online learning for an individualized lane-change situation recognition applied to driving assistance system. IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA 2017), SAVANNAH, GA, March 27-31, 2017, pp. 1-6.

ter Beek, M.; Söffker, D.: Reduction of belt flutter by active control of torsional vibrations in drivelines with power transmission belts. Proc. of the 12th International Conference on Vibration in rotating machines SIRM2017, Graz, Austria, February 15-17, 2017, pp. 288-298.

Wirtz, S.F.; Demmerling, A. L.; Söffker, D.: In-situ wear monitoring: An experimental investigation of Acoustic Emission during thread forming. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, USA, Stanford, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1198-1205.

Wirtz, S.F.; Söffker, D.: Application of shape-based similarity measures to classification of Acoustic Emission waveforms. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2017, USA, Stanford, September 12-14, 2017, pp. 1177-1184.

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Jipp, M.; Söffker, D.; Lemmer, K.: Modeling Driver Behavior at Roundabouts: Results from a Field Study. 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Redondo Beach, USA, June 11-14, 2017, accepted.[PDF][LINK]

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Söffker, D.; Jipp, M.; Lemmer, K.: Impact of Surrounding Cyclists on Car Driver Behavior Recognition at Roundabouts. IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Yokohama, Japan, October 16-19, 2017, accepted.

Beganovic, N.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Identification of diagnostic and prognostic features by means of AE and hydraulic pressure measurements. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, Spain, July 5-8, 2016.[PDF]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: System Safety Surveillance and Control system concept for autonomous or semi-autonomous systems fall-back layer realization. ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, October 12-14, 2016, pp. V002T29A003.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: Fall-back layer concept for autonomous or semi-autonomous systems and processes: requirements, concepts, and first tests. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, Hungary, October 9-12, 2016, pp. 916-921.[LINK]

Hägele, G.; Söffker, D.: Strictly Formalized Situation-Operator-Modeling technique for fall-back layer modeling for autonomous or semi-autonomous systems requiring software-based fail-safe behavior. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Budapest, Hungary, October 9-13, 2016, pp. 886-891.[LINK]

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Plant System Behavior at Deficit Irrigation: Experimental Data Collection and System Dynamical Characteristics for Irrigation Control. in: Kage, H.; Sieling, K.; Francke-Weltmann, L.: (Eds.): Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e. V., Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Volume 28, Verlag Liddy Halm, Göttingen, Gießen, Vol. 28, 2016, pp. 36-37.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Towards an optimal learning for robust iterative-based intelligent PID. ASME 2016 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vol. 1, 2016, pp. V001T02A003.

Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Comparison of Different Information Fusion Methods Using Ensemble Selection Considering Benchmark Data. 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), Heidelberg, Germany, July 5-8, 2016, pp. 73-78.[LINK]

Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Feature Selection for Situation Recognition in Fuzzy SOM-based Case-Based Reasoning. IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, USA, March 21-25, 2016, pp. 145-151.[LINK]

Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Automatic selection of relevant features using Rough Set Theory for real-time situation recognition based on fuzzy SOM-based CBR. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2016), Budapest, Hungary, October 9-12, 2016, pp. 832-837.[LINK]

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Improving driving efficiency for hybrid electric vehicle with suitable interface.  IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Budapest, Hungary, October 9-12 , 2016, pp. 928-933.[LINK]

Wirtz, S.F.; Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Experimental results of frequency-based classification of damages in composites. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, Spain, July 5-8, 2016.[PDF]

Wirtz, S.F.; Beganovic, N.; Tenberge, T.; Söffker, D.: Frequency-based damage detection of spur gear using wavelet analysis. European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, Spain, July 5-8, 2016.[PDF][LINK]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Proportional-Integral-Observer: A brief survey with special attention to the actual methods using ACC Benchmark. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 532-537.[PDF]

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Reconstruction of nonlinear characteristics by means of advanced observer design approaches. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 2, 2015, pp. V002T23A007.[LINK]

Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali, M.: An Algorithm Combining the Subspace Identification Methods ORT and CCA. 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015, pp. 3361-3366.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Baccar, D., Söffker, D.: Wear aging and related impact on system reliability. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 353-401.

Beganovic, N.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: LI-O battery aging process: A smart review with respect to the integration of aging into system's powermanagement. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 28-30, 2015, pp. V001T13A004.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Njiri, J. G.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Application of Diagnosis and Prognosis to Wind Turbine System Based on Fatigue Load. Proc. IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management PHM 2015, Austin, TX, USA, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Beganovic, N.; Söffker, D.: Wear Process Lifetime Prediction Based on Parametric Model Applied to Experimental Data. Proc. IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management PHM 2015, Austin, TX, USA, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-free approaches applied to the control of nonlinear systems: a brief survey with special attention to intelligent PID iterative learning control. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 1, 2015, pp. V001T03A004.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Modeling, Control, and Powermanagement Optimization for an Emulated Multi-Source Hybrid Drivetrain. MathMod 2015 Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 18-20, 2015, pp. 657-658.[PDF]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Online Powermanagement with Embedded Optimization for a Multi-source Hybrid with Dynamic Power Sharing between Components. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 3, 2015, pp. V003T41A001.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Optimized Powermanagement for Human Driver-HEV using Online Identification of Velocity Patterns. Proc. IEEE-Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 19-22, 2015, pp. 1-5.[LINK]

Muthig, O.; Wang, J.; Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Integrating situated human interaction modeling and stochastic state automata for improved technical situation awareness. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 87-92.[PDF]

Njiri, J. G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Multivariable Control of Large Variable-Speed Wind Turbines for Generator Power Regulation and Load Reduction. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 544-549.[PDF]

Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Multi-objective Optimal Conrol of Wind Turbines for Speed Regulation and Load Reduction. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 1, 2015, pp. V001T05A002.[LINK]

Rothe, S.; Leite, A.; Padrao, P.; Söffker, D.: Improvement and comparison of wear-oriented state-of- health classification methods using optimization techniques. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 625-632.

Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Development of a state-related evaluation for diagnostic-oriented data filtering approach. In: Chang, F.K.; Kopsaftopoulos (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2015, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, pp. 593-600.

Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Signal-based fault prognosis approach bases on time-frequency analysis applied to industrial data. IWSHM 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford, USA, September 1-3, 2015, accepted.

Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Case indexing in Case-Based Reasoning by applying Situation-Operator Model as knowledge representation model. IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 48(1), 2015, pp. 81-86.[PDF]

Tamimi, H.; Söffker, D: Modeling of flexible structures by means of least square support vector machine. Proc. ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Ohio, USA, Vol. 2, 2015, pp. V002T34A005.[LINK]

Tamimi, H.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of Elastic Robotic Arm Using a Soft-Computing Algorithm. MathMod 2015 Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna, Austria, February 18-20, 2015, pp. 655-656.[PDF]

Wang, J.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Towards interactive driver assistance system to realize a safe and an efficient driving. IEEE-Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference, Montreal, Canada, October 19-22, 2015, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Baccar, D.; Schiffer, S.; Söffker, D: Acoustic Emission-based Identification and Classification of Frictional Wear of Metallic Surfaces. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM -7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.[PDF]

Beganovic, N.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Establishing a wear-related deterioration model based on experimental data. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM -7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.[PDF]

Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Application and Comparison of Pressure Control Strategies to a Series Hybrid Hydraulic Powertrain. Proc. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, Coimbra, Portugal, October 27-30, 2014, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Toward On-line Optimized Power Management for a Series Hybrid Hydraulic Powertrain. Proc. Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), IEEE, Coimbra, Portugal, October 27-30, 2014, pp. 1-6.[LINK]

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Dynamics and Control of the Bucket-Wheel Excavator- Part I: Dynamic Modeling of the Bucket-Wheel Boom. Proc. ASME IDETC/CIE 2014. International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo, New York, August 17-20, 2014.[LINK]

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Dynamics and Control of the Bucket-Wheel Excavator- Part II: Vibration Control of the Bucket-Wheel Boom. Proc. ASME IDETC/CIE 2014. International Design and Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Buffalo, New York, August 17-20, 2014.[LINK]

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Combined Voltage-Current Control of DC/DC Converters for Powermanagement of a Multi-Power Source Hybrid with HIL Tests. Proc. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Vol. 2, 2014, pp. V002T36A003.[LINK]

Njiri, J. G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Disturbance Attenuation using Proportional-Integral-Observer for Wind Turbine Speed Regulation. Proc. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Vol. 3, 2014, pp. V003T53A005.[LINK]

Nowak, X.; Söffker, D.: A new model-free stability-based cognitive control method. Proc. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Vol. 3, 2014, pp. V003T47A002.[LINK]

Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Wear-oriented state-of-health calculation and classification using operating data. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM -7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.[PDF]

Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Development of a Fault detection Approach Based on SVM Applied to Industrial Data. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM -7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.[PDF]

Schiffer, S.; Rothe, S.; Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Classifiation of system's health condition using the new Adaptive Fuzzy-based Feature Classification Approach AFFCA in comparison to a macro-data-based approach. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM -7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.[PDF]

Schiffer, S.; Söffker, D.: Classification of complex machine data to be used for structural health monitoring purposes. Proc. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. V001T08A006.[LINK]

Söffker, D.; Muthig, O.; Fu, X.: Modeling for Cooperation and Coordination within Structured and Complex Situations like Unknown Emergency Situations. Proc. 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 21-23, 2014.[LINK]

Söffker, D.; Rothe, S.: Comparison of three - easy to apply and innovative - signal-based approaches for diagnosis of a technical system with wear. Proc. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control (DSC) Conference, Vol. 1, 2014, pp. V001T08A005.[LINK]

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Towards a driver supervision and assistance system: intention detecting and option providing. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San Diego, CA, October 5-8, 2014, pp. 3966-3971.[LINK]

Zareba, S.; Lakshminarayanan, S.; Jelali, M.: A New Controller Tuning Method Based on the Relative Damping Index. Proc. 5th International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes, 2014, pp. 432-437.

Al-Shrouf, L.; Gedenk, J.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Modular signal-based condition monitoring of a hydraulic servo-system. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 1360-1367.

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Application of acoustic emission Technique for online evaluation and classification of wear state. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 1218-1225.

Fu, X.; Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Toward a modeling of human-centered, rule-based cooperative teamwork. 17th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2013), Whistler, BC, Canada, June 27-29, 2013, pp. 471-476.[LINK]

Gedenk, J.; Zareba, S.; Jelali, M.: Condition monitoring for hydraulic systems in rolling mills using unscented Kalman filter. Proc. 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), 2013, pp. 1081-1088.

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: A Human Cognitive Performance Measure Based on Available Options for Adaptive Aiding. 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-15, 2013, pp. 442-449.[PDF]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: User assistance by situational, task- and model-based process information filtering in interactive, semi-automated human automation systems. 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA, USA, Vol. 3, February 25-28, 2013, pp. 106-113.[LINK]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Model-based, event-discrete representation of a semi-automated manufacturing process as framework for human guidance and assistance concepts. 2013 IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), San Diego, CA, USA, February 25-28, 2013, pp. 1-23.

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Dynamic stability of the bucket-wheel boom during operation of the bucket-wheel excavator. DINAME 2013 - XV International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Buzios, RJ, Brazil, February 17-22, 2013.

Moulik, B.; Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Size and parameter adjustment of a hybrid hydraulic powertrain using a global multi-objective optimization algorithm. 9th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Beijing, China, October 15th - 18th, 2013.

Saadawia, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Model- and feature-based diagnostics in rotating machinery. DINAME 2013 - XV International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Buzios, RJ, Brazil, February 17-22, 2013.

Söffker, D.; Rothe, S.; Schiffer, S.; Aljoumaa, H.; Baccar, D.: Smart, tough, and successful: Three new innovative approaches for diagnosis and prognosis of technical systems. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2013, 2013, pp. 81-88.

Söffker, D.; Wang, J.; Schiffer, S.; Marx, M.; Fu, X.: Know your options - Interfacing consequences and forecasted performance analysis: A concept for the novel type of information system KYO-ICPA. 12th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, August 11-15, 2013.[PDF]

Wei, C.; Gausmann, R.; Söffker, D.: Controller design and optimization strategy for active magnetic bearing systems. SIRM 2013: 10. International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Berlin, Germany, February 25-27, 2013, Paper ID: ABS-213.

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Classification of wear by means of acoustic emission and signal processing techniques. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, July 3-6, 2012.[PDF]

Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Wavelet-based online evaluation and classification of wear state using acoustic emission. ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Stone Mountain, GA, USA, 2012.[LINK]

Ertle, P.; Tokic, M.; Bystricky, T.; Ebel, M.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D.: Conceptual design of a dynamic risk-assessment server for autonomous robots. 7th German Conference on Robotics (Robotik 2012), Munich, Germany, 2012.

Ertle, P.; Tokic, M.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D.: Towards Learning of Safety Knowledge from Human Demonstrations. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems IROS 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012, pp. 5394-5399.[LINK]

Ertle, P.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D.: Utilizing dynamic hazard knowledge for risk sensitive action planning of autonomous robots. IEEE International Symposium on Robotic and Sensors Environments, ROSE 2012 - Proceedings, Magdeburg, November 16-18, 2012, pp. 162-167.[LINK]

Flesch, G.; Söffker, D.: Cognitive Modeling of Distributed Interacting Intelligent Systems. Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference (SICE), Akita, Japan, Print ISBN: 978-1-4673-2259-1, 2012, pp. 812-818.

Flesch, G.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of Interaction of Multiple Intelligent Systems in a Real-World Environment. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00016, 2012, pp. 91-96.[PDF]

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of individualized cognitive driving supervision for intelligent vehicles. The 8th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference IEEE VPPC 2012, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 9-12, 2012, pp. 1317-1322.[LINK]

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Toward a human-centered intelligent supervision and assistance for complex technical systems. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Seoul, Korea, Oct., 2012, pp. 1536-1541.[LINK]

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Representation of action spaces in multiple levels of details. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00061, 2012, pp. 346-351.[PDF]

Hussein, M.T.; Söffker, D.: State variables estimation for control of elastic crane using vision sensor data. Joint Conference MOVIC and ASME DSCC (Dynamic Systems and Control Conference), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 17-19, 2012.[LINK]

Hussein, M.T.; Söffker, D.: State variables estimation of flexible link robot using vision sensor data. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00034, 2012, pp. 193-198.[PDF]

Hussein, M.T.; Söffker, D.: Variable gain control of elastic crane using vision sensor data. in: Proc. of 12th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision, ICARCV 2012, Guangzhou, China, December 5-7, 2012, pp. 1783-1788.[LINK]

Karbaschian, M.A.; Söffker, D.: Performance and efficiency of a hydraulic hybrid powertrain. 2nd International Energy Efficient Vehicles Conference (EEVC) 2012, Dresden, Germany, June 18-19, 2012.

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Situation-based process guiding and supervision assistance system for semi-automated manufacturing processes. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man, and Cybernetics, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 14-17, 2012, pp. 820-825.[LINK]

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and simulation of higher couplings of a guided nonlinear elastic beams. Joint Conference MOVIC and ASME DSCC (Dynamic Systems and Control Conference), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 17-19, 2012.[LINK]

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Nonlinear modeling of the dynamical behavior of the three-dimensional elastic beam. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00036, 2012, pp. 205-209.[PDF]

Marx, M.; Shen, X.; Söffker, D.: A data-driven online identification and control optimization approach applied to a hybrid electric powertrain system. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00027, 2012, pp. 153-158.[PDF]

Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of the powerflow control of a hybrid electric powertrain including load profile prediction. The 8th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference IEEE VPPC 2012, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 9-12, 2012, pp. 395-400.[LINK]

Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: A new optimal power and energy management approach applied to a fuell cell/supercap-based hybrid-power train system. Joint Conference MOVIC and ASME DSCC (Dynamic Systems and Control Conference), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 17-19, 2012.[LINK]

Saadawia, M., Söffker, D.: Feature-based resampling for classification using discrete Wavelet transform for diagnostic purposes of industrial processes with periodic data. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, July 3-6, 2012.[PDF]

Shen, X.; Söffker, D.: A model-free stability-based adaptive control method for unknown nonlinear systems. Joint Conference MOVIC and ASME DSCC (Dynamic Systems and Control Conference), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, October 17-19, 2012.[LINK]

Shen, X.; Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of unknown nonlinear systems using a cognition-based framework. IFAC Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 7, Part 1, DOI: 10.3182/20120215-3-AT-3016.00049, 2012, pp. 282-287.[PDF]

Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Event detection using multisensor fusion and filtering techniques based on CWT and SVM. 6th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Dresden, Germany, July 3-6, 2012.[PDF]

Söffker, D.; Fu, X.; Hasselberg, A.; Langer, M.: Modeling of Complex Human-Process Interaction as Framework for Assistance and Supervisory Control of Technical Processes. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), Vol. 7, No.1, 2012, pp. 46-66.

Söffker, D.; Langer, M.; Hasselberg, A.; Flesch, G.: Modeling of cooperative human-machine-human systems based on game theory. IEEE Conf. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Wuhan, China, May 23-25, 2012, pp. 274-281.[LINK]

Tokic, M.; Ertle, P.; Palm, G.; Söffker, D.; Voos, H.: Robust exploration/exploitation trade-offs in safety-critical applications. 8th IFAC Symposium Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes Safeprocess 2012, Mexico City, Mexico, Vol. 8, Part 1, 2012, pp. 660-665.[PDF]

Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Improving PID-Control of AMB-rotor system I: Optimization strategy. ISMB 13: the 13th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Arlington, Virginia, USA, August 6-9, 2012.

Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Improving PID-Control of AMB-rotor system II: Experimental results. ISMB 13: the 13th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Arlington, Virginia, USA, August 6-9, 2012.

Al-Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive classification based on multisensoric decision fusion. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1309-1316.

Al-Shrouf, L.; Söffker, D.: Multi-classifier fusion method based on the reliability of the individual classifiers statements. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 127-134.

Aljoumaa, H.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive Fuzzy-based Approach for Classification of Systems states. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 290-297.

Baccar, D.; Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: FPGA-based realization of online damage state and wear detection using acoustic emission. Proc. 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART'11, Saarbrücken, July 6-8, 2011, pp. 474-481.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Baccar, D.; Söffker, D.: Examination of wear phenomena by using filtering techniques for FDI purposes. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1037-1044.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Concept for SOM-based computer supported cooperative work. IEEE Conf. Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011, pp. 261-267.[LINK]

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Human guidance and supervision of a manufacturing system for semi-automated production. Proc. 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), Jordan, Ammam, Dec. 6-8, 2011.[LINK]

Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Integrated optimization of the powermanagement system of a hybrid electric powertrain system. Proc. 2011 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, September 6-9, 2011, pp. 1462-1466.[LINK]

Marx, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of Complex Dynamic Systems with Respect to their Behavior in Time and Frequency Domain. Proc. ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Washington D.C., USA, August 28-31, 2011.

Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Wavelet-based SVM system for evaluation of wear states and remaining life time. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2011, 2011, pp. 1349-1356.

Söffker, D.; Flesch, G.; Fu, X.; Hasselberg, A.; Langer, M.: Assistance and supervisory control of operators in complex human-process-interaction. Proc. 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT), Jordan, Ammam, Dec. 6-8, 2011.[LINK]

Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimal Control of a Flexible Rotor by Using Magnetic Bearing. Proc. SIRM 2011: Ninth International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machines, Darmstadt, Germany, February 21-23th, 2011.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: A data-driven online stability monitoring method for unknown discrete-time nonlinear systems. Proc. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC), Dec. 12-15, 2011, pp. 7356-7361.[LINK]

Aljoumaa, H.; Söffker, D.: Condition Monitoring and Classification Approach based on Fuzzy-Filtering. Proc. International Conference on Soft Computing and Applications 2010 (ICSCA'10), San Francisco, USA, October 20-22, 2010, pp. 503-508.

Ertle, P.; Gamrad, D.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D: Action Planning for Autonomous Systems with respect to Safety Aspects. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, October 10th - 13th, 2010, pp. 2465-2472.[LINK]

Ertle, P.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D.: Development of Safe Autonomous Mobile Service Robots using an Active Integrated Approach. Proceedings for the joint conference of ISR 2010 (41st International Symposium on Robotics) and ROBOTIK 2010 (6th German Conference on Robotics), Munich, Germany, Vol. 2, June 07-09, 2010, pp. 1121-1128.

Ertle, P.; Voos, H.; Söffker, D.: On Risk Formalization of On-Line Risk Assessment for Safe Decision Making in Robotics. 7th IARP Workshop on Technical Challenges for Dependable Robots in Human Environments, Toulouse, France, June 16-17, 2010, pp. 15-22.[PDF]

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: System theoretic modeling of human interaction with respect to rulebased driving interactions. Proc. 11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Valenciennes, France, August 31 - September 3, 2010, pp. 99-104.[PDF]

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Learning from conflicts in real world environments for the Realization of Cognitive Technical Systems. 2010 IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Istanbul, October 10th - 13th, 2010, pp. 1995-2002.[LINK]

Ghanem, S.A.M.; Shibly, H.; Söffker, D.: Enhanced adaptive controller using combined MRAC and STC adaptive control approaches for the control of shape memory alloy wire. Proc. International Conference on Engineering and Computer Science 2010 (WCECS'10), San Francisco, USA, October 20-22, 2010, pp. 996-1001.

Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: Analysis, quantifiation, and optimization of system reliability-formalized definition of reliability topologies and values for system optimization. Proc. of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2009), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010, pp. 941-946.

Kazeminia, A.; Junglas, M.; Söffker, D.: An approach for reliability optimization of mechatronic systems during design phase. Reliability, Risk and Safety - Theory and application. Proc. of the European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2009), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010, pp. 1505-1512.

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Bedienerzentrierte Prozessführung auf Basis einer interaktiven Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle zu teilautomatisierten Fertigungsprozessen. VDI-GMA Konferenz Automation 2010, Baden-Baden, 15.-16. Juni, 2010.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Contact Force Estimation for an Elastic Beam Using Optimal High-Gain Disturbance Observer. Proc. 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 13-15, 2010, pp. 891-897.

Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Application of Support Vector Machine for Evaluation of Wear State and Remaining Life Time. Proc. 7th. EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Prague, 2010.

Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: MIMO-control of a Flexible Rotor with Active Magnetic Bearing. Proc. ISMB 12: The Twelfth International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings, Wuhan, China, August 22-25, 2010.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic Wing Section Using Modified Model-Free Control with Self-Improvement of Control Performance. AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Aug. 2-5, 2010, AIAA-2010-8284.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Hockmann, D.; Söffker, D.: New approaches to detect and to classify wear phenomena. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2009, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 9-11, 2009, pp. 1225-1232.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Marx, M.; Kashi, K.; Nissing, D.; Söffker, D.: Concept and components for disturbance decoupling and energy harvesting. Proc. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), San Diego CA, USA, Vol. 6, 2009, pp. 863-868.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Classification of wear phenomena by specific ultrasonic emission detection for prognostic purpose. Proc. Int. Conf. Prognostics and Health Monitoring, San Diego, USA, Oct., 2009.[PDF][LINK]

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Health prognosis based on a novel approach for damage accumulation calculation. Proc. Int. Conf. Prognostics and Health Monitoring, San Diego, USA, Oct., 2009.[PDF][LINK]

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Online definition of reliability characteristics based on experimental data. Proc. 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes, SafeProcess 2009, Barcelona, Spain, 2009, pp. 1474-1479.[PDF]

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Wear prognosis based on identified wear accumulation models. in: Bris, R., C.; Soares, G. and Martorell, A.: (Eds.): Reliability, Risk and Safety - Theory and application, Proc. ESREL 2009, Volume 1, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, 2009, pp. 215-220.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Wear prognosis based on identified damage accumulation models. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2009, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 9-11, 2009, pp. 1538-1545.

Fu, X.; Gamrad, D.; Mosebach, H.; Lemmer, K.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and implementation of cognitive-based supervision and assistance. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 2063-2068.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Automated detection of human errors based on multiple partial state spaces. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 651-659.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Simulation of Learning and Planning by a Novel Architecture for Cognitive Technical Systems. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2009, pp. 2233-2238.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Reduction of Complexity for the Analysis of Human-Machine-Interaction. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man, and Cybernetics, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2009, pp. 1263-1268.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Implementation of a Novel Approach for the Simulation of Cognition based on Situation-Operator-Modeling and High-Level Petri Nets. Proc. ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, 2009, pp. 1404-1410.

Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: A practical approach for determination of reliability-oriented system topology in mechatronic systems. in: Bris, R., C.; Soares, G. and Martorell, A.: (Eds.): Reliability, Risk and Safety - Theory and application, Proc. ESREL 2009, Volume 1, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, 2009, pp. 1517-1524.

Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: Reliability-based design of future highly reliable systems. Proc. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), San Diego CA, USA, Vol. 3, 2009, pp. 731-737.

Kazeminia, A.; Junglas, M.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of system component reliability characteristics at early design stage with economically reasonable uncertainty level. in: Bris, R., C.; Soares, G. and Martorell, A.: (Eds.): Reliability, Risk and Safety - Theory and application, Proc. ESREL 2009, Volume 1, Taylor & Francis Group, London, Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 1, 2009, pp. 1623-1627.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Improvement of Optimal High-Gain PI-Observer Design. Proc. European Control Conference ECC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, August, 2009, pp. 4564 - 4569.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Robust control approach for input-output linearizable nonlinear systems with modeling errors based on high-gain PI-Observer. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 193-199.

Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Model-based analysis of agents incentives in a distributed air traffic management process. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 512-523.

Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and simulation of the dynamics of fuel-cell driven hybrid powertrains. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 1974-1982.

Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: About the system design of a fuel-cell/SuperCap hybrid powertrain. Proc. ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), San Diego CA, USA, Vol. 3, 2009, pp. 371-378.

Söffker, D.:, Aljoumaa, H.: Signal-based modeling - a new method for classifying system states. In: Chang, F.K. (Ed.): Structural Health Monitoring 2009, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 9-11, 2009, pp. 1519-1527.

ter Beek, M.; Elspaß, A.; Söffker, D.: Subharmonic Oscillations of Vehicle Drivelines induced by Nonlinear Clutch Characteristics. Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods, Keble College, Oxford, Great Britain, April 5-8, 2009.

ter Beek, M.; Söffker, D.: Observer-based Identification of Nonlinear Clutch Friction under Operating Conditions. Proc. European Control Conference ECC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, August, 2009, pp. 5051 - 5056.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Intelligent control using online-stability-based knowledge representation. Proc. 6th Vienna Conference on Mathematical Modeling on Dynamical Systems MATHMOD 2009, Vienna, Austria, 2009, pp. 200-208.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of a Nonlinear Prototypical Wing Section with Selfimprovement of Control Performance. Proc. 4th International Scientific Conference on Physics and Control, Catania, Italy, September 1-4, 2009.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Nissing, D.; Kashi, K.; Söffker, D.: Mechanical system for disturbance decoupling using an electro-mechanical actuator. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Defining features for diagnosis and prognosis - Part I: Idea and experimental motivation. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Formalization and Automated Detection of Human Errors. Proc. SICE International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2008, pp. 1761-1766.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Learning from Errors: A Bio-inspired Approach for Hypothesisbased Machine Learning. Proc. SICE International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2008, pp. 647-652.

Heidtmann, F.; Söffker, D.: Experimental-Modeling-Based Observer Approach for the Analysis of Structural Changes in Elastic Mechanical Systems. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Heidtmann, F.; Söffker, D.: Numerical Optimizations in Observer-Based Monitoring of Elastic Mechanical Systems. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, Denver, USA, October 6-9, 2008.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: New Development of Optimal High-Gain PI-Observer Design. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Oberheid, H.; Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Closed Loop State Space Analysis and Simulation for Cognitive Systems. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, 2008, pp. 39-44.

Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Cooperative Arrival Management in Air Traffic Control - A Coloured Petri Net Model of Sequence Planning. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, Vol. 5062, 2008, pp. 348-367.

Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and Simulation of a Fuel Cell-based Hybrid Powertrain. Proc. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, Beijing, China, October 12-15, 2008, pp. 298-303.

Özbek, M.; Wülbeck, L.; Roes, J.; Heinzel, A.; Söffker, D.: Hardware-in-the-Loop-based Simulation of a Fuel Cell-driven Powertrain System Conception, Modeling, and Simulation Results. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Söffker, D.; Al-Joumaa, H.; Saadawia, M.: Defining features for diagnosis and prognosis - Part II: Data driven adaption of diagnosis filter. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

ter Beek, M.; Söffker, D.: Optimized Control Strategy for Active Vibration Absorbers. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Active Flutter Suppression of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using PI-Observer. Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC 2008, Munich, Sept. 15-18, 2008.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Supervision of Open Systems using a Situation-Operator-Modeling Approach and Higher Petri Net Formalisms. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Montreal, Canada, 2007, pp. 925-930.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Robust Approach for Position Control of Hydraulic Differential Cylinder. Proc. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Vol. 1, Part A, 2007, pp. 27-32.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: A Robust Control Design Approach combining Exact Linearization and High-Gain PI-Observer. Proc. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Vol. 5, Part A, Nov. 15-16, 2007, pp. 609-614.

Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Designing for Cooperation - Mechanisms and Procedures for Air-Ground Integrated Arrival Management. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Montreal, Canada, 2007, pp. 253-259.

Söffker, D.; Liu, Y.; Qiu, Z.; Zhang, F.; Müller, P.C.: Robust Control of Uncertain Systems with Nonlinearities using Model-Based Online Robustness Measure. Proc. ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE), Las Vegas, NV, USA, Vol. 1, Part A, 2007, pp. 33-41.

Söffker, D.; Wolters, K.; Özbek, M.; Dettmann, K.-U.: Feature-based Diagnosis and Prognosis for an Integrated Diagnostic Approach. Structural Health Monitoring 2007 (Chang, F.K. (Editor)), Proc. of the 6th Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 2007, pp. 754-761.

Ahle, E., Söffker, D.: A Cognitive-Oriented Architecture to Realize Autonomous Behavior - Part I: Theoretical Background. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 3, 2006, pp. 2215-2220.

Ahle, E., Söffker, D.: A Cognitive-Oriented Architecture to Realize Autonomous Behavior - Part II: Application to Mobile Robotics. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 3, 2006, pp. 2221-2227.

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Cognitive modeling to realize autonomous behavior in mobile robotics. Proc. 5th IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Febr., 2006.

Al-Sweiti, Y.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and Control of an Elastic Ship-mounted crane using variable Gain Model-Based Control. Proc. 5th IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Febr., 2006.

Kashi, K.; Nissing, D.; Kesselgruber, D.; Söffker, D.: Fault Diagnosis of an active suspension control system. Proc. 6th IFAC Symposium Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes Safeprocess, Beijing, China, Vol. 1, 2006, pp. 498-503.[PDF]

Söffker, D.: Cognitive Approaches realizing flexible Interaction behavior of Cognitive Technical Systems: a Comparison. Proc. 5th IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Febr., 2006.

Söffker, D.; Ahle, E.: Supervision of human operators using a situation-operator modeling approach. Proc. 6th IFAC Symposium Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes Safeprocess, Beijing, China, Vol. 6, Part 1, 2006, pp. 956-961.[PDF]

Weitere Konferenzbeiträge

Kahar, H.; Söffker, D.: Experimental study on an elastic mechanical system showing chaotic dynamical behavior. ECCOMAS Multibody Dynamics Conference 2019, Duisburg, Germany, 2019.

Owino, L.; Söffker, D.: Deficit irrigation-based control of leaf appearance in early vegetative stages of maize growth. Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V, Berlin, 62. Jahrestagung, 2019, pp. 63-64.[LINK]

Pham, H. A.; Söffker, D.: Model-Free Adaptive Control Method Applied to Vibration Reduction of a Flexible Crane as MIMO System. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) - Wiley Online, 2019.[PDF][LINK]

Ameyaw, D. A.; Rothe, S.; Söffker, D.: Fault diagnosis using Probability of Detection (POD)-based sensor/information fusion for vibration-based analysis of elastic structures. PAMM-Wiley Online, 2018.[LINK]

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Improved human driving behaviors prediction based on Fuzzy Logic-Hidden Markov Model. 7. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Braunschweig, Germany, 2018.

Kahar, H.; Söffker, D.: Analysis of the nonlinear chaotic behavior of an inverted flexible pendulum system affected by impulses. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, PAMM-Wiley Online, Munich, Germany, Dec 07, 2018, Vol. 18, pp. e201800310.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Steuerung des Pflanzenwachstums durch Bewässerung. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V, Kiel, September 25-27, 2018.

Owino, L.; Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Moisture measurement and control in germination paper: use of model predictive control to effect required moisture level. 61. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften e.V, Kiel, September 25-27, 2018, pp. 43-44.[PDF]

Tanshi, F.; Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Analysis of Driver Assistance and Supervision Approaches with Respect to Research Goals and Cognitive Efficiency. 7. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Braunschweig (DLR), June 21-22, 2018.

Deng, Q.; Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Defining Feature Properties for Optimal HMM-based Situation Recognition for Human Drivers. Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Neubiberg bei München, Germany, 2017.

Sarkheyli-Hägele, A.; Söffker, D.: Individualized situation recognition and its importance for supervision of human driver operators. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, München, March 27-29, 2017.

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Towards improving driving efficiency of HEV with a suitable designed feedback. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, München, März 27-29, 2017.

Zhao, M.; Käthner, D.; Söffker, D.; Jipp, M.; Lemmer, K.: Modeling Driving Behavior at Roundabouts: Impact of Roundabout Layout and Surrounding Traffic on Driving Behavior. 6. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Munich, Germany, March 27-29, 2017.

Demmerling, A.; Söffker, D.: Condition monitoring: A review of real-time measurement techniques for tool condition monitoring and analysis of metalworking fluids. 11. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), Aachen, November 15-16, 2016.[LINK]

Rothe, S.; Wirtz, S. F.; Söffker, D.: About the reliability of diagnostic statements: fundamentals about detection rates, false alarms, and technical requirements. 11. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung, Aachen, Germany, November 15-16, 2016.[LINK]

Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Reliable Situation Recognition based on case-based reasoning for individualized supervision of human operator. 5. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bochum, März 14-16, 2016.

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Driving efficiency improvement of HEV with suitable designed feedback. 5. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bochum, März 14-16, 2016.

Wirtz, S.F.; Beganovic, N.; Tenberge, P.; Söffker, D.: Gear transmission monitoring 4.0: What can be expected from upcoming diagnostic and prognostic systems. 11. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), Aachen, November 15-16, 2016.[LINK]

Muthig, O.; Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Situierte Entscheidungsunterstützung für komplexe Einsatzszenarien: Anforderungen und Realisierungsvorschläge. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 57. Fachausschusssitzung, Rostock, 2015, pp. 45-60.

Padrao, P.; Rothe, S.; Leite, A.; Söffker, D.: Optimal Threshold Synthesis for State-of-Health Classification and Evaluation of a Tribological System. Proc. 17th International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, Natal, Brazil, February 22-27, 2015.

Wang, J.; Muthig, O.; Söffker, D.: Personalisierte Assistenz am Beispiel der Fahrzeugführung: ein Überblick. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 57. Fachausschusssitzung, Rostock, 2015, pp. 61-77.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: High-Gain Scheduling of the Proportional-Integral-Observer. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2014, pp. 927-928.

Rother, A.; Jelali, M.; Söffker, D.: Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Fehlerdiagnose mittels Support Vector Machine auf Basis von gemessenen Betriebsdaten. 10. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), Aachen, 2014, pp. 33-40.

Söffker, D.; Beganovic, N.; Rothe, S.: Von der Diagnose zur Prognose: signal- und modellbasierte Methoden zur aktiven Anlagenüberwachung am Beispiel der Überwachung eines Verschleißprozesses. 10. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), Aachen, 2014, pp. 293-303.

Söffker, D.; Muthig O.; Hägele, G.; Sarkheyli, A.; Rothe, S.: Automat oder/und Mensch - Assistenz, Führung, wechselnde Rollenverteilung: Überlegungen zur Berechnung und Steigerung der Gesamtsystemverlässlichkeit. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 56. Fachausschusssitzung, Ottobrunn, Deutschland, Oktober, 2014, pp. 281-284.

Söffker, D.; Muthig O.; Wang, J.: Integration menschlicher sowie automatisierter Führungs- und Entscheidungsfähigkeiten am Beispiel der Fahrzeugführung. Tagungsband DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik 56. Fachausschusssitzung, Ottobrunn, Deutschland, Oktober, 2014, pp. 191-206.

Tamimi, H.; Söffker, D.: A Soft-Computing Algorithm-Based Cognitive Observer for an Elastic Robotic Arm. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2014, pp. 933-934.

Zareba, S.; Chemnitz, M.; Vollmer, A.; Jelali, M.: Fehlerdiagnose von hydraulischen Stellantrieben in Walzanlagen mittels eines Unscented KalmanFilters. 10. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), Aachen, 2014, pp. 535-540.

Karbaschian, M.A.; Marx, M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Multiobjective NSGA II-based control optimization of hydraulic and electric hybrid propulsion systems with respect to their dynamic behavior in time domain. Antriebstechnisches Kolloquium (ATK), Aachen, Germany, March 19-20, 2013.

Liu, Y.; Marx, M.; Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Experiment-based simulation and optimization of wind powertrain systems based on electric power flow emulation. Proc. of the first Conference for Wind Power Drives (CWD 2013), Aachen, March 19-20, 2013.

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Nonlinear modeling of the elastic beam with different order couplings. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 127-128.[PDF][LINK]

Shen, X.; Söffker, D.: A model-free stability-based adaptive control method for unknown nonlinear systems. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 471-472.[PDF][LINK]

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Necessary and Suffcient Stability Condition for Arbitrarily Switched Linear Systems from a Data-Driven Perspective. Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 13, No. 1, December, 2013, pp. 479-480.[PDF][LINK]

Söffker, D.; Aljoumaa, H.; Baccar, D.; Rothe, S.: Smart, robust und einfach: Drei innovative Konzepte zur Maschinendiagnose. 9. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2012.

Söffker, D.; Saadawia, M.; Wei, C.: Model- and feature-based diagnostics in rotating machinery. 9. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2012.

Liu, Y.; Susilo, M.; Söffker, D.: Advanced control design for wind turbines. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 823-824.[PDF][LINK]

Marx, M.; Sacher, O.; Söffker, D.: Integrated design and optimization of a complex nonlinear hybrid electric powertrain including simulations in time domain. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 825-826.[PDF][LINK]

Marx, M.; Söffker, D.: Online powermanagement optimization of a fuel cell-based hybrid electric powertrain. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 827-828.[PDF][LINK]

Shen, X.; Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of unknown nonlinear systems using a cognition-based framework. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 11, Issue 1, December, 2011, pp. 845-846.

Al-Shrouf, L.; Saadawia, M.; Szczepanski, N.; Söffker, D.: Multisensorfusionsbasierte Prozessüberwachung. Berichtsband 8. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2010, pp. 413-422.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Realisierung signalbasierter Diagnose zur Lebensdauerüberwachung eines mechanischen Systems. DVM Bericht 903, Frauenhofer Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit (LBF)(Ed.), 3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises: Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, Darmstadt, 14.-15. April, 2010, S. 103-111.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Überwachung und Echtzeitbestimmung des Verschleißgrades eines technischen Systems und Verwendung zur verschleißorientierten Betriebsführung. VDI Tagung Schwingungsanalyse und Identifikation, Leonberg, 23.-24. März, 2010, S. 223-230.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Cognitive Awareness of Intelligent Vehicles. In: Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI), Technology Advanced Control and Navigation, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, April, 2010.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of Individualized Human-Driver Models for Automated Personalized Supervision. In: Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI), Technology Advanced Control and Navigation, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, April, 2010.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Representation of Knowledge for Technical Systems to Realize Cognitive Functions for Mobile Robotic Applications. Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme EKA 2010, Magdeburg, May 25-27, 2010, pp. 273-282.

Hockmann, D.; Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Merkmalsbasierte Zustandsbeschreibung werkstoffseitiger Verschleißzustände. DVM Bericht 903, Frauenhofer Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit (LBF)(Ed.), 3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises: Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, Darmstadt, 14.-15. April, 2010, S. 93-102.

Junglas, M.; Eick, R.; Kazeminia, A.; Söffker, D.: Analyse, Quantifizierung und Optimierung von sicherheitskritischen zuverlässigen mechatronischen Systemen. DVM Bericht 903, Frauenhofer Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit (LBF)(Ed.), 3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises: Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, Darmstadt, 14.-15. April, 2010, S. 31-40.

Junglas, M.; Kazeminia, A.; Eick, R.; Söffker, D.: Reliability-oriented mechatronic system structures: Optimizing of system parameters during design stage. In: Reliability and Robust Design in Automotive Engineering, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, April, 2010.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Robuste Regelung eines Hydraulikzylinders bei unbekannten Eigenschaften von Reibung und dynamischer Last. VDI Tagung Schwingungsanalyse und Identifikation, Leonberg, 23.-24. März, 2010, S. 83-90.

Marx, M.; Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Power Management Investigations on a Fuel Cell-based Hybrid HiL Powertrain. In: Advanced Fuel Cell Vehicle Applications, SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, April 2010. SAE 2010 World Congress, Detroit, April, 2010.

Oberheid, H.; Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Know your options - analyzing human decision making in dynamic task environments with state-space methods. Proc. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) - Annual Meeting of the Europe Chapter, Berlin, Germany, October 13-16, 2010, pp. 285-300.

Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: Anwendung der Support Vector Machine für die Bewertung des Verschleisszustandes und der Restlebensdauer. Berichtsband 8. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2010, pp. 271-281.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Hockmann, D.; Söffker, D.: Detection and Classification of wear. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive modeling of reliability properties for control and supervision purposes. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Ertle, P.; Söffker, D.: Towards Risk Analysis and Cognitive Systems to Enable Save Service Robots. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 33-35.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Modeling of personalized Human Driver Model for Cognitive Supervision and Autonomous Driving. VDI-Bericht 2085 'Der Fahrer im 21. Jahrhundert: Fahrer, Fahrerunterstützung und Bedienbarkeit', 2009, S. 45-52.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Cognitive-based Driving Supervision and Assistance. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 36-43.

Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and supervision of human operations within driver-vehicle interactions. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Modeling and Analysis of Interaction for the Realization of Cogntive Technical Systems. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 19-26.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Architecture for Cognitive Technical Systems allowing Learning from Interaction with Unknown Environments. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Hasselberg, A.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: State-Space-based Analysis of Human Decision Making in Air Traffic Control. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Marx, M.; Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Comparison and Evaluation of Power Management Approaches applied to a Fuel Cell-based Hybrid HiL Powertrain. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.

Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Incentives in Arrival Management: Agents' Interests vs. Designers' Expectations. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 27-32.

Saadawia, M.; Söffker, D.: SVM-based Fault Diagnosis System for Materials Change Detection. Proc. IAR/ACD Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Zielona Góra, Poland, November 19-20, 2009.[PDF]

Söffker, D.: From Action to Intelligent Interaction: Cognitive Architectures realizing Flexible Behavior. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Interface and Interaction Design for Learning and Simulation Environments, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2009, pp. 1-18.

Söffker, D.; Dettmann, K.-U.: Lebensdauerabschätzung technischer Komponenten und Systeme auf Basis online-identifizierter Schadensmodelle. VDI Bericht 2065, 24. Tagung Technische Zuverlässigkeit 2009, 2009, S. 99-110.

Söffker, D.; Aljoumaa, H.; Saadawia, M.; Dettmann, K.-U.: Beschreibung des Maschinenzustandes durch komplexe Merkmale zur Schadenfrüherkennung und zum Condition Monitoring. 7. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2008, S. 33-50.

Wolters, K.; Kock, B.; Söffker, D.: Einsatz der Telediagnose zur Maschinenzustandsüberwachung. 7. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung AKIDA, Aachen, 2008, S. 57-64.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Wolters, K.; Kirchenkamp, S.; Söffker, D.: Diagnose und Prognose: modell- und signalbasierte Ansätze zum Einsatz im Antriebsstrang. Aussprachetag GMA FA 7.61 auf der RailTEC, Dortmund, 41944, 2007.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Konzeption und Implementierung eines kognitiven Fahrer-Fahrzeugüberwachungs- und Assistenzsystems. Fahrer im 21. Jahrhundert. VDI-Bericht 2015, 2007, S. 285-290.

Gamrad, D.; Söffker, D.: Formalisierung menschlicher Interaktionen durch Situations-Operator-Modelle. VDI GMA Fachausschuss 5.15 Proc. Computational Intelligence, GI Fachgruppe Fuzzy-Systeme und Soft-Computing, Bommerholz, 2007, S. 253-259.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: A robust control design for nonlinear SISO systems. Proc. IAR Annual Meeting 2007, 2007.

Söffker, D.; Wolters, K.; Özbek, M.; Dettmann, K.-U.: Überwachung und Diagnose technischer Systeme auf Basis eines neuen, integrierten qualitativen Ansatzes. VDI-Bericht 1982 Schwingungsüberwachung und Diagnose von Maschinen, 2007, S. 251-267.

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme am Beispiel eines Überwachungsautomaten für Überholvorgänge von Kraftfahrzeugen. Tagungsband EKA 2006 Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 9. Fachtagung, TU Braunschweig, 29.-31. Mai, 2006, S. 259-276.

Heidtmann, F.; Söffker, D.: Model-based diagnosis of elastic mechanical 2D-/3D-structures. Symposium Diagnosis and Control of Smart Structures and Multifunctional Materials. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, Beijing, China, August 23-26, 2006, 4 pages.

Kashi, K.; Nissing, D.; Kesselgruber, D.; Söffker, D.: Diagnosis of active dynamic control systems using virtual sensors and observers. in: Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM06), Budapest, Hungary, July 3-5, 2006, pp. 113-118.

Özbek, M.; Söffker, D.: Feature-based fault detection approaches. in: Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics (ICM06), Budapest, Hungary, July 3-5, 2006, pp. 342-347.

Özbek,M.; Schramm, D.; Söffker, D.: Fault detection on a plasting bearing using acoustic information. Proc. IAR Annual Meeting 2006, Nancy, Nov. 16-17, 2006.

Söffker, D.: Integration von Diagnose, Zuverlässigkeit und modellgestützten Methoden zur Realisierung sicherer mechatronischer Systeme. Tagungsband ASB Kongress der Antriebstechnik, Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik, Stuttgart, 21.-22. Februar, 2006.

Söffker, D.; Krajcin, I.; Heidtmann, F.: Observer-based control and disturbance compensation of elastic mechanical 2D-/3D-structures. Symposium Diagnosis and Control of Smart Structures and Multifunctional Materials. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, Beijing, China, August 23-26, 2006, 4 pages.

Söffker, D.; Wolters, K.: Ein Ansatz zur ausfallvermeidenden Betriebsführung hochintegrierter adaptronischer Systeme. DVM-Bericht 901, Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, 1. Tagung DVM-Arbeitskreis Zuverlässigkeit mechatronischer und adaptronischer Systeme, Fraunhofer-Institut für etriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF, 15.-16. März, 2006, S. 135-145.

Söffker, D.; Wolters, K.: Konzept zum Entwurf ausfallsicherer mechatronischer Systeme. Tagungsband EKA 2006 Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 9. Fachtagung, TU Braunschweig, 29.-31. Mai, 2006, S. 161-174.

Söffker, D.; Zhang, F.; Liu, Y.; Qiu, Z.: A novel approach controlling uncertain systems. Proc. IAR Annual Meeting 2006, Nancy, Nov. 16-17, 2006.

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: Active supervision of structural integrity of smart structures using reliability-based approaches. Symposium Diagnosis and Control of Smart Structures and Multifunctional Materials. Proc. 2nd International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, Beijing, China, August 23-26, 2006, 4 pages.


Salighe, S.; Söffker, D.:  Model complexity optimization of equivalent dynamical linearization data models used in model-free adaptive control based on bias/variance trade-off. The GAMM Annual Meeting 2024, Magdeburg, Germany, 18-22 March, 2024.

Shyshova, O.; Gadhavi, P.; Tenzer, M.; Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Preparation for takeover: A discussion about limits for take over in highly automated systems using the experimental exam-ple of takeover situations on highly automated inland waterway vessels.  Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS 2024), Duisburg, Germany, September 10-11, 2024.[LINK]

Söffker, D.: Predicting and assistance of human decision behaviors: methods and application fields. Lecture Series 2024 - IEEE SMC , Italy Chapter, 31. May, 2024.[LINK]

Bejaoui, A., Boschmann, W., Donandt, K., Shyshova, O., Thind, N. S., Söffker, D. : Addressing safety and reliability in autonomous inland shipping. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS), Duisburg, Germany, Sep, 5-6, 2023.[LINK]

Sagheer, S., Donandt, K., Bernath, A., Ehret, U. : Hybrid Transformer-CNN model with spatial awareness for inland vessel trajectory prediction. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS), Duisburg, Germany, Sep, 5-6, 2023.[LINK]

Söffker, D.: Predicting and assistance of human decision behaviors ... and more. KS Workshop (Prof. A. Schulte), University of the Armed Forces, Munich, Neubiberg, April 4th, 2023.

Söffker, D.: Predicting and assistance of human decision behaviors. DLR Institute of Flight Dynamics and Simulation, Braunschweig, Germany, Dec. 20th, 2023.

Zydeck, M.; Söffker, D.: Machine learning-based prediction of the free fluid surface motion within a partially filled LNG container under consideration of vessel-based external roll excitations. AISS, Duisburg, 2023.

Benrabia, I.; Moulik, B.; Söffker,D.: Role of energy management systems (EMS) in the development of Eco-cities: a system-oriented review introducing an agent perspective. Wissenschaftsforum Mobilität 2022, Duisburg, 2022.[LINK]

Mohd Fadil, M. K.; Boschmann, W.; Söffker, D.: Localization of inland vessels in a waterway environment: Application of point cloud registration and SLAM approaches.. AIC, Duisburg, 2022.

Bejaoui, A.; Bakhshande, F; Söffker, D.: Modeling and formalization of Human operator behavior for mobile systems and inland vessels using the Situation-Operator-Modeling approach. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping, Duisburg, 2021.[LINK]

Boschmann, W.; Söffker, D.: Increasing detection performance using redundant object detection approaches. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping, Duisburg, 2021.

Donandt, K.; Söffker, D.: Deep Learning-based Vessels Driving Behavior Prediction in Inland Navigation. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS) 2021, Duisburg-Essen, Nov 2-3, 2021.[LINK]

Kipchirchir, E.; Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive robust observer-based structural load mitigation of wind turbines. Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 25-28 May 2021, Hannover, May 25-28, 2021.[LINK]

Kipchirchir, E.; Do, M. H.; Njiri, J. G.; Söffker, D.: Prognostics-based adaptive control strategy for lifetime control of wind turbines. Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 25-28 May 2021, Hannover, May 25-28, 2021.[PDF][LINK]

Mathew, J.; Rajput, R. R.; Söffker, D.: Optimizing hybrid powertrains using MATLAB & Simulink. MATLAB Day at University of Duisburg-Essen, Mathworks, invited talk, Apr 21, 2021.

Thind, N.S.; Spiller,M.; Söffker, D.: Data-driven prediction of inland vessel trajectories. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference (AISS), Duisburg, Okt 15, 2021.

Bakhshande, F.; Boschmann, W.; Dahlke, L.; Henn, R.; Höpken, J.; Kracht, F.; Maas, N.; Oberhagemann, J.; Schramm, D.; Sieberg, P.; Singh-Thind, N.; Söffker, D.; Spiller, M.: The AutoBin project – Key concepts, status, and intended outcomes. Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference - AISS2020, Duisburg, Germany, Oct 23, 2020.

Moulik, B.; Söffker, D.: Limits and options for configuration and power management approaches for electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Proff, H.: Neue Dimensionen der Mobilität, Springer, 2020.

Deng, Q.; Söffker, D.: Multi-Level HMMs-based Cognitive modeling for Human Driving Intentions Recognition. 2019 KS Workshop, Duisburg, Germany, März 26-28, 2019.

He, C.; Söffker, D.: A modified CREAM approach to situated human driving context. 8. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Duisburg, März 26-28, 2019.

Söffker, D.: From data-driven NDT of systemsto BIG DATA-based modeling. Graduate Seminar, Dept. Mechanical Engineering (Prof. G. Mauer), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Apr 03, 2019.

Tanshi, F.; Söffker, D.: Understanding the Dependencies Of Human Takeover Behavior from Various Dimensions of Criticality. 8. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme, Duisburg, Germany, March 26-28, 2019.

Söffker, D.: Intention and option: Modeling and Recognition of human driver behavior. KogWiss 2018, Darmstadt, September 3-6, 2018.

Söffker, D.: From data-driven NDT of systems to BIG DATA-based modeling. Invited keynote speech. 10th Int. Symposium NDT in Aerospace, Dresden, Germany, October 24-26, 2018.

Söffker, D.: From model-based and model free control to data driven supervision. Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, Dec 03, 2018.

Söffker, D.: Urban and sub-urban mobility: about the WHY and aspects of HOW of electromobility - A discussion from a control-engineering point of view. Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Amity University, Noida, India, 37926, 2018.

Söffker, D.: Diagnostics and prognostics of mechanical systems: new approaches for evaluating systems health and lifetime. Invited keynote speech, SRI Conference 2018, Jomo Kenyatta Universtity of Agriculture and Technology, Juja, Kenya, May 2-4, 2018.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control of a hydraulic cylinder using observer-based nonlinear controllers: Theoretical development and experimental validation. 51. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, February 15-17, 2017.

Kögler, F.; Söffker, D.: Deficit Irrigation model-based control of plant growth - Experimental modelingof the adaptability of corn to water stress. 2nd Workshop on Plant Development and Growth, Pacific Grove, CA, 2017, p. 46.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-free control of nonlinear systems using a modified adaptive concept. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Karlsruhe, June 8-9, 2017.

Söffker, D.: Remaining lifetime modeling and prognosis or Wear evolution: First ideas for diagnosis and prognosis, modeling, and control. Sino-German Symposium “Diagnosis, Fault-Tolerant Control and Lifetime Management of Complex Automatic Control Systems”, Qingdao, China, August 13-18, 2017.

Söffker, D.: Detection, Diagnosis, Monitoring, and Supervisionof Technical Systems (DDMS) – Part II: Discussion of actual research results and methods.. Department of Logistics Engineering (Prof. Xiuzhong Xu), Shanghai Maritime University, Dec 07, 2017.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive gain scheduling of Proportional-Integral-Observer using funnel adjustment concept. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Freiberg, May 12-13, 2016.

Madadi, E.; Söffker, D.: Model-free control of nonlinear systems using a robust iterative-based framework. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Freiberg, May 12-13, 2016.

Söffker, D.: Automation is more than control: from control and diagnostics to cognition and assistance. Department of Logistics Engineering (Prof. Xiuzhong Xu), Shanghai Maritime University, 38808, 2016.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust estimation of unknown inputs by using adaptive observer. 18. Workshop GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Hamburg, März 14-15, 2015.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: Robust control of a hydraulic cylinder using observer-based sliding mode control method. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Duisburg, October 1-2, 2015.

Bathelt, A.; Söffker, D.; Jelali, M.: A Combined Algorithm of the Subspace Identification Methods ORT and CCA. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Duisburg, October 1-2, 2015.

Muthig, O.; Söffker, D.: Anwendung und Erweiterung eines stochastischen Modells zur Beschreibung des menschlichen Verhaltens bei der Fahrzeugführung. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.

Nowak, X.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive stabilizer for unknown nonlinear dynamic MIMO systems using a cognitive-based framework. 49. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, März 4-6, 2015.

Sarkheyli, A.; Söffker, D.: Knowledge Structure of Case-Based Reasoning in Trargeting of Case-Base Refinement. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.

Söffker, D.: Wear evolution: Ideas for diagnosis and prognosis, modeling and control. NASA AMES, Intelligent Systems Division (Dr. Kai Goebel), Palo Alto, USA, 46600, 2015.

Söffker, D.: Automation is more than control: from control and diagnostics to cognition and assistance. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seminar Series (Prof. A. Gadsden), University of Maryland BC, Oct 23, 2015.

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Towards Driver-Vehicle interaction with integrated interface. 4. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Bielefeld, März 23-25, 2015.

Bakhshande, F.; Söffker, D.: High-Gain Scheduling of the Proportional-Integral-Observer. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Anif/Salzburg, 45536, 2014.

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Integration of prediction uncertainty into a human operator planning model realized with coloured petri nets. 3. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Magdeburg, März 25-27, 2014.

Luu, Q.K.; Söffker, D.: Model-based disturbance rejection approaches applied to the control of the Bucket-Wheel Excavator. GAMM Jahrestagung, Erlangen, March 10-14, 2014.

Muthig, O.; Söffker, D.: Ist eine technische Realisierung des Situationsbewusstseins möglich?. 3. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Magdeburg, March 25-27, 2014.

Nowak, X.; Söffker, D.: A new model-free stability-based cognitive control method. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Anif/Salzburg, 45536, 2014.

Schiffer, S.; Söffker, D.: Adaptive fuzzy-based classification method for diagnosis and control. GAMM Jahrestagung, Erlangen, March 10-14, 2014.

Wang, J.; Söffker, D.: Integrating prediction and optimization display elements effecting the human driving behavior. 3. Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme: Mensch, Teams, Systeme und Automaten, Magdeburg, March 25-27, 2014.

Dylla, E.; Rehder, T.; Helker, S.; Fu, X.; Söffker, D.: Konzept zur Überwachung und Assistenz von Mensch-Maschine Systemen am Beispiel der kooperativen Durchführung eines Praktikumsversuches zur Regelung eines Drei-Tank-Systems. In: Söffker, D.; Kluge, A. (Eds.): Online Journal Kognitive Systeme, Heft 1, 2013.[PDF]

Hägele, G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Virtuelle Sensoren im Einsatz - Positionsregelung eines Differenzialzylinders unter Verzicht auf Wegmessungen. O+P Ölhydraulik und Pneumatik, Heft 04, 2013, S. 52.[PDF]

Hägele, G.; Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Vom mathematischen Modell direkt zur SPS-Programmierung. SPS-MAGAZIN ATLAS STE, 2013.[PDF]

Hasselberg, A.; Söffker, D.: Bewertung von Bedienentscheidungen mit Hilfe von Zustandsraummethoden. In: Söffker, D.; Kluge, A. (Eds.): Online Journal Kognitive Systeme, Heft 1, 2013.[PDF]

Söffker, D.: Application of acoustic emission Technique for online evaluation and classification of wear state. Graduate Seminar, Dept. Mechanical Engineering (Prof. G. Mauer), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 43709, 2013.

Söffker, D.: Improving wind energy conversion system's efficiency with respect to component monitoring and the quality of output. , National Renewable Energy Laboratory NREL (Prof. C. Johnson), Golden, Co., 45536, 2013.

Langer, M.; Söffker, D.: Visuelle Prozessführungsassistenz bei teilautomatisierten Fertigungssystemen basierend auf modellbasierter Informationsfilterung. DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik - 54. Fachausschusssitzung, Koblenz, Deutschland, 30.-31. Oktober, 2012.

Shen, X.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of unknown nonlinear systems using a cognition-based framework. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Stuttgart, March 9-10, 2012.

Söffker, D.: Systemtheoretische Betrachtung komplexer Mensch-Maschine-Systeme: Modellbildung, Überwachung und Assistenz, Beispiele. SFB/TR 62 Kolloguium: Eine Companion-Technologie für kognitive technische Systeme, Otto-von-Guericke Universität, Magdeburg, 41244, 2012.

Söffker, D.; Langer, M.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.: Herstellung von Formen aus harzgebundenem Formstoff in einer teilautomatisierten Fertigungszelle. 9. Formstoff-Tage, Duisburg, 28.-29. Februar, 2012.

Söffker, D.; Langer, M.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.: Teilautomatisierte Fertigung zur Herstellung von Formen aus harzgebundenem Formstoff. Große Gießereitechnische Tagung Österreich, Salzburg, Österreich, 26.-27. April, 2012.

Marx, M.; Wei, C.; Söffker, D.: Optimization of complex dynamic systems with respect to their behavior in time and frequency domain. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Bayreuth, Vol. 3, Parts A and B, October 14-15, 2011, pp. 441-449.

Söffker, D.: Hybrid-electric powertrains: Modeling, control, and realization of hybrid powertrains with special respect to powermanagement and aging. Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik, Prof. Kücükay, TU Braunschweig, April 27th, 2011.

Söffker, D.: Cognitive Technical Systems: Realizing flexible, robust, and situation-based interaction and control. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Seminar Series, Prof. G.F. Mauer, 39692, 2011.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Kognitive und robuste Stabilisierung einer Klasse nichtlinearer Systeme ohne vorausgesetzte Modellkenntnis. 45. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 23.-25. Februar, 2011.

Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Development of wear-estimation techniques for integration into monitoring and supervision concepts. The Third International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control ICDVC-2010, Hangzhou, China, May 12-14, 2010.

Ravelin, J.; Dettmann, K.-U.; Söffker, D.: Examinations classifying wear states using signal-based approaches (Posterbeitrag). Gordon Reserarch Conference on Tribology, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA, June 27-July 2, 2010.

Söffker D.; Quack, U.; Wolff, H.; Langer, M.: Entwicklung einer Demonstrationseinrichtung zur teilautomatisierten Herstellung von Formen aus kaltharzgebundenem Formstoff unter besonderer Berücksichtigung einer hochentwickelten Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle. 8. Formstoff-Tage, Duisburg, 23.-24. Februar, 2010.

Söffker, D.: Sichere technische Systeme - Vom Systemdesign zum intelligenten sicheren und zuverlässigen System. RAMSSYS (RAMS/LCC, Quality Engineering in spurgeführten Verkehrsystemen), Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme (IVT), ETH Zürich, 4.-5. Oktober, eingeladener Einführungsvortrag, 2010.

Söffker, D.; Fu, X.; Langer, M.; Gamrad, D.: Bedienerunterstützung und -überwachung bei komplexen interaktiven Prozessen. DGLR L6.4 Anthropotechnik - 52. Fachausschusssitzung, Berlin, Deutschland, 7.-8. Oktober, 2010.

Söffker, D.; Zhang, F.: Cognition-based robust control of unknown nonlinear aeroelastic systems. 1st International Conference on Scientific Computing in Aerodynamics (ICSCA' 10), National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics, Key Laboratory of Mathematics, Informatics and Behavioral Semantics, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang University), Beijing, China, Nov. 26-28, invited talk, 2010.

Zhang, F.; Söffker, D.: Stabilization of a nonlinear aeroelastic system using a cognitive controller. The Third International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control ICDVC-2010, Hangzhou, China, May 12-14, 2010.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Robuster PI-Beobachter zur Schätzung unbekannter Eingänge sowie zur Anwendung bei nichtlinearen Systemen. 43. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, 41332, 2009.

Roes, J.; Söffker, D.; Wülbeck, L.: Hybridisierung der Fahrzeugantriebe. 2. Workshop AiF-Brennstoffzellenallianz, Duisburg, 41322, 2009.

Söffker, D.: Von der Automatisierung zur Assistenz: Ist Technik gut oder schlecht?. Clustermeeting der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung mit Stipendiaten der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Greifswald, 41500, 2009.

Söffker, D.; Dettmann, K.-U.: Integration von Diagnose und Prognose zur Realisierung sicherer technischer Systeme. 2. Jahreskonferenz Condition Monitoring Forum 2009, Maritim Hotel Düsseldorf, 28./29. Januar, 2009.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Automated detection of human errors. Japan aerospace exploration agency (JAXA), Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 12th, 2008.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Simulation of human-machine-interaction for the detection of human errors. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction in Different Application Scenarios, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, 2008, pp. 146-156.

Oberheid H., Söffker D.: Modeling cooperation in 4D-arrival management. Tsinghua University (Prof. Peng Cheng), Beijing, China, July 3rd, 2008.

Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Multi-modal human-machine interaction and cooperation in 4D-cooperative arrival management. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction in Different Application Scenarios, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, 2008, pp. 157-167.

Özbek, M.; Heinzel, A; Roes, J.; Wülbeck, L.; Söffker, D.: Development, testing and optimisation of a new power train concept with fuel cell technology. Fuell Cells Science and Technology 2008, Scientific Advances in Fuell Cell Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct. 8-9th, 2008.

Söffker, D.: Modeling the human-machine-interaction in the context of knowledge-guided behavior. In: Baloian, N. Luther, W.; Söffker, D.; Urano, Y. (Eds.): Multimodal Human-Machine Interaction in Different Application Scenarios, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, 2008, pp. 124-145.

Söffker, D.: Aktuelle mechatronische Fragestellungen der Antriebstechnik. Workshop Mechatronik auf der Informationstagung der Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik, 41610, 2008.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Implementation of a situation-operator-modeling approach using tools for higher petri net formalisms. University of Nevada, Las Vegas (Prof. Georg Mauer), USA, October 4th, 2007.

Liu, Y.; Söffker, D.: Approaches improving the robustness of the control for systems with uncertainties. GAMM FA Dynamik und Regelungstheorie, Würzburg, 4.- 5. Mai, 2007.

Söffker, D.: Integrated diagnosis, prognostics, and control of elastic mechanical structures for structural health monitoring. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County (Prof. Weidong Zhu), USA, April 2nd, 2007.

Söffker, D.: Integration von Diagnose und Prognose. 6. Workshop des GMA Fachausschusses 7.61 Autorail, Braunschweig, June 29th, 2007.

Söffker, D.: Kognitive technische Systeme: Automatisierungstechnische Beispiele zur lernfähigen, handlungsflexiblen Interaktion mobiler Systeme sowie zur Bedienerüberwachung. VDI-VDE GMA Fachausschuss 4.63 - Steuerung und Regelung von Robotern, Frankfurt, 43299, 2007.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Simulation of cognitive technical systems with CPN tools using a situation-operator-modeling approach. 7th Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Colored Petri Nets and the CPN Tools, Aarhus, Denmark, Oct. 24-26, 2006.

Gamrad, D.; Oberheid, H.; Söffker, D.: Werkzeug zur Simulation und Überwachung des Verhaltens autonomer, interagierender Systeme. 5. Workshop des GMA Fachausschusses 7.61 Autorail, Fulda, Dec 08, 2006.

Söffker, D.: Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Von der Modellbildung zum Überwachungsassistenten. Seminar der Kraftwerk-Simulator-Gesellschaft / Gesellschaft für Simulatorforschung, Essen, 41389, 2006.

Söffker, D.: Mensch-Maschine- und autonome Systeme: Von der Modellbildung zum Überwachenden und autonomen Automaten. Schiffstechnisches Kolloquium, eingeladener Hauptvortrag, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 41413, 2006.

Söffker, D.: Integrated monitoring and control of elastic mechanical structures. School of Mechanical Engineering (Prof. Z.P. Qiu), Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Aug. 18th, 2006.

Söffker, D.: From Human-Machine to Autonomous Systems: an information-science-based approach modeling cognition. School of Mechanical Engineering (Prof. Z.P. Qiu), Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Sept., 2006.

Söffker, D.: Mensch und Automat: Modellbildung der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion mit Anwendung auf die automatisierte Überwachung freier menschlicher Bedienhandlungen bei technischen Systemen. 8. Bieleschweig Workshop Systems Engineering: Modellbasierte Entwicklung & Human-Centered Engineering, System Safety Society, German Section, DLR, Braunschweig, November 8-9, 2006.

Söffker, D., Ahle, E.: Fahrerüberwachungsautomaten und autonome Systeme: Anwendungen eines kognitiven technischen Systems. 4. Workshop des GMA Fachausschusses 7.61 Autorail, Dresden, 41455, 2006.

Söffker, D.: Modeling the Human-Machine-Interaction in the Context of Knowledge-Guided Behavior. In: Söffker, D.; Luther, W.; Ahle, E. (Eds.): Guidance and Control of Autonomous Systems, Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, 2005, pp. 258-279.


Söffker, D.; Kashi, K.; Wolters, K.: Konzept zum Entwurf ausfallsicherer mechatronischer Systeme. Automatisierungstechnische Praxis atp 47 (2005), Heft 7, S. 90-94. [PDF]

Söffker, D.:
New results of the development and application of robust observers. in: Ulbrich, H.; Günthner, W. (Eds.): Vibration control of Nonlinear Mechanism and Structures, Solid Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 130, Springer, Dordrecht NL, 2005, pp. 319-330.

Krajcin, I.; Söffker, D.: Diagnosis and control of 3D elastic mechanical structures. Proc. 12th SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, USA, Vol. 5764, March 6-10, 2005, pp. 335-347. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Krajcin, I.; Wolters, K.: Fault tolerant design and improved availability of active composite elastic structures. Proc. 12th SPIE Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, CA, USA, March 6-10, 2005, pp. 522-529. [PDF]

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: An Approach to Affect the Probability of Failure by changed Operation Modes. Proc. ESREL 2005, European Safety and Reliability Conf., Gdansk, Vol. 2, June 27-30, 2005, pp. 2047-2051. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Kashi, K.; Wolters, K.: Integration of Reliability Concepts, Diagnosis and Control to realize Safe Systems. Proc. ESREL 2005, European Safety and Reliability Conf., Gdansk, Vol. 2, June 27-30, 2005, pp. 1863-1868.

Krajcin, I.; Söffker, D.:
Design of Proportional-Integral Oberservers for Unknown Input Estimation in Experimental Approaches. Proc. ASME DETC Conferences 2005, Sept. 2005, Palm Beach CA, USA.

Al-Sweiti, Y.; Söffker, D.:
Modeling and Simulation of an Elastic Ship-Mounted Crane. Proc. ASME DETC Conferences 2005, Palm Beach CA, USA, Vol. 1, Part A, Sept., 2005, pp. 117-127.[PDF]

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: The potential of the Safety and Reliability Control Engineering Concept as framework for reliability based utilization strategies. Structural Health Monitoring 2005 (Chang, F.K. (Editor)), Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 2005, pp. 1353-1360.

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: A concept for a cognitive-oriented approach to build autonomous systems. Proc. Int. Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, Vol. 3, October 10-12, 2005, pp. 2929-2935.

Söffker, D.; Kashi, K.; Wolters, K.: Entwurf ausfallsicherer Systeme durch die Integration von zuverlässigkeitstechnischen Konzepten, Diagnoseverfahren und modernen Regelungsstrategien. 7. GMA-Kongress 2005 - Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Baden-Baden, 7.-8. Juni 2005.

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Entwurf eines Überwachungsautomaten für Überholvorgänge von Kraftfahrzeuge. 7. GMA-Kongress 2005 - Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung. Baden-Baden, 7.-8. Juni 2005, pp. 53-60.

Söffker, D.; Ahle, E.: Idea, Conception, and Realization of Learning Abilities for Robot Control using a Situation-Operator-Model. Proc. of the Workshop on Automatic Learning and RealTime ALART05, University of Siegen, September 7-8, 2005, pp. 131-141. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Closing loops: Unified view from control to information science. Second International Seminar on Applied Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Dynamical Systems of the COE (Center of Excellence) Program by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) at TU Munich, June 30 - July 1, 2005, Invited Keynote Lecture.

Söffker, D.: From Human-Machine-Interaction to Autonomous Systems: Development of a Cognitive-Oriented Approach Describing Interaction. Lecture University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Seminar Series, Prof. G.F. Mauer, Sept. 22, 2005.

Söffker, D.: Integration von Diagnose, Zuverlässigkeit und modellgestützten Methoden zur Realisierung sicherer mechatronischer Systeme. Vortrag Seminar des Instituts für Mechanik und Regelungstechnik, Universität Siegen, 25. Oktober 2005.

Krajcin, I.;Söffker, D.: Advanced model-based disturbance compensation control using proportional-integral-observer. Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference - DETC2005, Long Beach, California, USA, Vol. 1, Part C, September 24-28, 2005, pp. 2179-2186.

Söffker, D.; Kashi, K.; Wolters, K.: Konzept zum Entwurf ausfallsicherer mechatronischer Systeme. VDI Berichte, (1883), 2005, pp. 275-283.


Krajcin, I.; Söffker, D.: Model-Based Estimation of Contact Forces in Flexible Structures. Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 10, Issue 3-4, 2004, pp. 303-316.

Söffker, D.: Understanding MMI from a system-theoretic view - Part I: Formalization MMI introducing modified situation-operator concept. Proc. 9th IFAC, IFIP, IFORS,IEA Symposium Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 7-9, 2004. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Understanding MMI from a system-theoretic view - Part II: Concepts for supervision of Human and Machine. Proc. 9th IFAC, IFIP, IFORS,IEA Symposium Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 7-9, 2004. [PDF]

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: Improving systems availability by combining reliability and control engineering techniques. Proc. 2nd European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Munich, July 7-9, 2004, pp. 711-720.

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Learning from Interaction with the Environment using a Situation-Operator Calculus with Application to Mobile Robots. Proc. Int. Conf. on System, Man and Cybernetics, The Hague, Netherlands, Vol. 4, October 10-13, 2004, pp. 3839-3844.

Kashi, K.; Söffker, D.:
Model-Based Estimation of a Force and Displacement of a Hydraulic Cylinder. Proc. 7th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control KIVI-NIRIA, Arnheim, Netherlands, 2004. [PDF]

Ahle, E.; Söffker, D.: Modeling the Decision Process of the Lane-Change Maneuver Using a Situation-Operator Model. Proc. IEEE Conf. on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS), Singapore, Dec. 1-3, 2004, pp. 1106-1110.

Kashi, K.; Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: An Integrated Concept for Failure Avoidance System Design. IAR Annual Meeting 2004, Karlsruhe, Nov 17-18, 2004, pp. 15-19.

Söffker, D.: Mensch-Maschine-Systeme: Entwicklung eines Beschreibungsansatzes für wissensgeleitete Interaktionen. Vortrag Institut für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, Universität Kassel, Prof. Dr. G. Johannsen, 27. Januar 2004.

Gunnarsson, S.; Norrlöf, M.; Rahic, E.; Özbek, M.: Iterative Learning Control of a Flexible Robot Arm using Accelerometers. in Proc. of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, Vol. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2-4, 2004, pp. 1012-1016.


Söffker, D.: Systemtheoretische Modellbildung der wissensgeleiteten Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Habilitationsschrift, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2001; auch Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2003.

Söffker, D.; Ahrens, J.; Ulbrich, H.; Krajcin, I.: Modellgestützte Schätzung von Kontaktkräften und Verschiebungen an rotierenden Wellen. In: Irretier, H.; Nordmann, R.; Springer, H. (Hrsg.): Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen V. Verlag Vieweg, 2003.

Krajcin, I.; Söffker, D.: Model-Based Estimation of Contact Forces in Rotating Machines. Proc. 4th IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, February 5-7, 2003, 6 pages. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Closing loops: a Unified View from Control to Information Science. Proc. 4th IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, February 5-7, 2003, 8 pages. [PDF]

Seelecke, S.; Söffker, D.:
An inverse compensator method for the control of SMA actuators. Proc. SPIE Conf. on Smart Structures and Materials, Conf. on Modeling, Signal Processing and Control, March 2-6 2003, San Diego, California, USA.

Kirchenkamp, S.; Söffker, D.:
Reconstruction of the Dynamic Rail-Wheel Contact Forces. Proc. 2003 ASME DETC Conferences, Chicago, IL, USA, Vol. 5, Part A, Sept. 2-6, 2003, pp. 485-493. [PDF]

Krajcin, I.; Söffker, D.: Modified PIO Design for Robust Unknown Input Estimation. Proc. 2003 ASME DETC Conferences, Chicago, IL, USA, Vol. 5, Part B, Sept. 2-6, 2003, pp. 1459-1464.

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.: Control of damage dependent online reliability characterictics to extend system utilization. In: Structural Health Monitoring 2003 (Chang, F.K. (Editor)), Proc. of the 4th Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 15-17, 2003, pp. 796-804.

Kashi, K.; Söffker, D.: Model-based Estimation of Internal and External Forces on a Hydraulic Cylinder. Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology, ISBN 0-9578574-1-1, FPNI 2003, 2003.

Kashi, K.; Söffker, D.; Nissing, D.; Kesselgruber, D.: Vehicle Dynamics Investigation using an Hydraulic Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Rig. Proc. 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology, ISBN 0-9578574-1-1, FPNI 2003, Australia. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Ulbrich, H.: Model-based estimation of contact forces. Proc. Diname - X Symposion on dynamics problems of mechanics. Ubatuba, Sao Paulo, BR, March 10-14, 2003. [PDF]

Wolters, K.; Söffker, D.:
The SRCE-concept - A probabilistic avoidance of failures. IAR Annual Meeting 2003, Duisburg, November 27-28 2003, pp. 229-234.

Söffker, D.: Modellbildung der wissensgeleiteten Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Braunschweiger Verkehrskolloquium, Vortrag DLR - Institut für Verkehrsführung und Fahrzeugsteuerung, Prof. Dr. K. Lemmer, 6. März 2003. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Control and Diagnoses of Elastic Mechanical Structures using Model-based Techniques. Lecture University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Seminar Series, Prof. G.F. Mauer, Sept. 9, 2003.

Otto, C.: Modellierung virtueller Sensoren im Kraftfahrzeug mit neuronalen Netzen. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 12 Nr. 532, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.

Scholt, T.: Modellbasierte Methoden zur Analyse und Reglung mechatronischer Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 988, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.

Bröcker, M.: Reglersynthese zur Entkopplung und Reduktion von Störgrößen für nichtlineare Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 997, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.

Ellis, S.: Zur Untersuchung der Frequenzdynamik nichtstationärer Fahrzeugsignale mittels Wavelet-Methoden. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 1004, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.

Nissing, D.: Identifikation, Regelung und Beobachterauslegung für elastische Großhandhabungssysteme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 939, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.

Vos, S.: Eine indirekte Methode zur Identifikation fahrsicherheits- und komfortrelevanter Reifenkenngrößen. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 12 Nr. 551, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2003.


Söffker, D.; Kirchenkamp, S.; Müller, P.C.: Model-Based Validation within the Rail-Wheel-subgrade Modeling. In: Popp, K.; Schiehlen, W. (Eds.): Lecture Notes in Applied Mechanics, Vol. 6, Springer, 2002, pp. 211-228. [PDF]

Ahrens J.; Söffker, D.; Ulbrich, H.:
Model-Based Estimation of Contact Forces of a Rotating Blade. Proc. of the 6th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Sydney, 2002, pp. 160-166. [PDF]

Kirchenkamp, S.; Söffker, D.: A virtual measurement device for improving the wheel-rail-subgrade modeling. GAMM Jahreskonferenz 2002, Augsburg, March 2002.

Söffker, D.: A modeling approach for open interacting systems like human-machine-interactions and autonomous systems. Proc. of IAR Workshop 2002, German French Institute for Automation and Robotics, November 20-21, 2002, Grenoble, France, 8 pages.

Söffker, D.: Systemtheoretische Modellbildung der wissensgeleiteten Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Vortrag Seminar des 'Instituts für Mechatronik und Systemdynamik' der Gerhard-Mercator-Universität Duisburg, 14. Februar 2002.

Söffker, D.; Kirchenkamp, S.; Müller, P.C.: Model-based validation within the rail-wheel-subgrade modeling. Final Colloquium of the Priority Program 'Systemdynamik und Langzeitverhalten von Fahrwerk, Gleis und Untergrund' of the German Research Council, March 13-15, 2002.

Söffker, D.: Mechatronik Lehre in Duisburg. Vortrag Arbeitskreis 'Mechatronik Lehre an deutschsprachigen Universitäten', Frankfurt, 12. April 2002.

Söffker, D.: Einsatz der Störgrößenbeobachtertechnik bei elastischen mechanischen Strukturen: Von der Wellenrissdetektion zur Kontaktmodellvalidierung. Vortrag Seminar des Lehrstuhls für Angewandte Mechanik der TU München, Prof. Dr. H. Ulbrich, 9. Juli 2002.

Polzer, J.: Nutzung unterschiedlicher mathematischer Theorien zur Analyse und Regelung nichtlinearer Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 962, Düsseldorf, VDI-Verlag 2002.

Wey, T.: Nichtlineare Regelungssysteme - Ein differentialalgebraischer Ansatz. Habilitationsschrift, Universität Duisburg, 2001; auch B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 2002.


Söffker, D.: Systemtheoretische Modellbildung der wissensgeleiteten Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Habilitationsschrift, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2001; auch Logos Wissenschaftsverlag, Berlin, 2003.

Söffker, D.: From human-machine-interaction modeling to new concepts constructing autonomous systems: a phenomenological engineering-oriented approach. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 32, Issue 2, 2001, pp. 191-205. [PDF]

Abicht, C.; Bormann, J.; Müller, P.C.; Söffker, D.; Ulbrich, H.: Model-Based Estimation of Impact Forces affecting Elastic Structures: Simulation and Experiment. 18th ASME-DECT Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, Symposium on Vibration Including Friction and Impacts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, Vol. 6, Part B, September 9-12, 2001, pp. 1701-1706. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: A Novel Strategy for Probability-Based Failure Avoidance of Operating Technical Systems. 15th ASME Conference on Reliability, Stress Analysis and Failure Prevention, Pittsburgh PA, USA, September 9-12, 2001, pp. 39-45.

Söffker, D.:
Modeling of the Knowledge-Based 'Intelligent System'-Environment Interaction: Part I: Description and Application to Human-Machine Interaction, Part II: Systemtheoretic Aspects leading to a New Type of Autonomous Systems. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Tucson AZ, USA, October 7-10, 2001, 10 pages. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Kirchenkamp, S.: A scheme for validation of dynamic vehicle-wheel-track-subgrade models. 17th IAVSD (International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics) Symposium 'Dynamics of Vehicles on Road and Tracks', TU Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, August 20-24, 2001, 3 pages. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Monitoring and Controling Reliability Characteristics as a Base for Safe and Economical Operating of Technical Systems. Proc. of 3rd Int. Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Sept. 12-14, 2001, 10 pages.

Söffker, D.: Safety and Reliability Control Engineering. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lecture University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Seminar Series, Prof. G.F. Mauer, Sep. 18, 2001.

Hisseine, D. and Lohmann, B.: Robust control for a flexible-link manipulator using sliding mode techniques and nonlinear H_inf-control design methods. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'01, pp. 3865-3870, Seoul, 2001.

Kesselgruber, D.: Zur analytischen Modellbildung und schätzerbasierten Überwachung von PKW-Bremsbetriebsparametern. Berichte aus der Fahrzeugtechnik. Aachen: Shaker-Verlag 2001.

Riege, B.: Zur Modellbildung, Strukturuntersuchung und Regelung elastischer Handhabungssysteme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 881, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2001.


Söffker, D.: Zur Online-Bestimmung von Zuverlässigkeits- und Nutzungskenngrößen innerhalb des SRCE-Konzeptes. at-Automatisierungstechnik. 48 (2000), S. 383-391. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: From Human-Machine-Interaction Modeling to Virtual Agents Controling Autonomous Systems: a phenomenological Engineering-oriented Approach. In: Troch, I.; Breitenecker, F. (Eds.): 3rd IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, February 2-4, 2000, ARGESIM Report No. 15, pp. 425-428.

Söffker, D.: Human-Machine-Interaction: Modeling of Individual Human Planning, Cognition, Mental Representation and Action using a Situation-Operator Model. Preprints of the 7th IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Symposium on Automated Systems based on Human Skills published by VDI/VDE Gesellschaft für Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik, June 15-17, 2000, Aachen, pp. 123-126.

Söffker, D.; Bormann, J.; Müller, P.C.; Ulbrich, H.: Model-based Control of Elastic Structures with Impacts. Preprints 1st IFAC-Conference on Mechatronic Systems, Darmstadt, September 18-20, 2000, pp. 1021-1026.

Söffker, D.; Müller, P.C.; Sampaio, R.; Weber, H.I.: Ermittlung von Kontaktkräften stoßbehafteter elastischer Systeme: Simulation und Experiment. GAMM 2000, Göttingen, April 2-7, 2000, 2 pages.

Söffker, D.: Beobachtergestützte Kraftschlussregelung für elektrische Triebfahrzeuge: Konzeption und Simulation. VDI-Berichte 1568 'Dynamik von Fahrzeug und Fahrweg', 2000, S. 333-352.

Söffker, D.:
Zur Online-Bestimmung von Zuverlässigkeits- und Nutzungskenngrößen innerhalb des SRCE-Konzeptes. XIX. Sicherheitswissenschaftliches Symposion 'Instandhaltung'. Gesellschaft für Sicherheitswissenschaft, Weltkonferenz für Sicherheitswissenschaft, Wuppertal, 6./7. November 2000, Verlag TÜV Rheinland, erscheint demnächst. [PDF]

Hisseine, D.; Lohmann, B.: Modeling and control of a flexible-link manipulator. In Proc. 3rd IMACS Symposium on Mathematical Modelling (MATHMOD), pp. 879-882, Vienna, Austria, 2000.

Hisseine, D.; Lohmann, B.: Nonlinear tracking control for a lightweight flexible robot. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC'00, pp. 3360-3365, Nashville, USA, 2000.

Hisseine, D.; Lohmann, B.:
Sliding mode tracking control for a single-link flexible robot arm. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, SYROCO'00, pp. 579-584, Vienna, Austria, 2000.

Wang, J.: Robuste Regelung elastischer Roboter mit Hilfe der Multizeitskalen-Singular-Pertubation-Methode. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 840, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 2000.

Söffker, D.: Pl-Beobachtergestützte Kraftschlussregelung für elektrische Triebfahrzeuge: Konzeption und Simulation. VDI Berichte, (1568), 2000, pp. 333-352.


Söffker, D.: Observer-based measurement of contact forces of the nonlinear rail-wheel contact as a base for advanced traction control. in: Wallaschek, J.; Lückel, J.; Littmann, W. (eds.): Mechatronics and Advanced Motion Control, Proc. 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Band 49, pp. 305-320.

Söffker, D.: Automatic generation of the equations of motion of the moving nonlinear elastic beam. System Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation SAMS, Vol. 35, 1999, pp. 61-74. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Rinne, M.: The application of the SRCE - concept for monitoring high speed automotive tires. In: Schueller, G.I.; Kafka, P.: Safety and Reliability, Proc. of ESREL'99, München-Garching, September 13-17, 1999, pp. 1083-1089. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Regelungstechnische Methoden zur Überwachung technischer Komponenten und zur lebensdaueroptimierten Betriebsführung in der Stromerzeugung. In: VDI-GET (Hrsg.): Technische Konzepte zur Kostendämpfung in der Stromerzeugung. VDI-Berichte 1474, 1999, S. 199-213.

Söffker, D.: Überwachung, Diagnose und lebensdaueroptimierte Betriebsführung schwingungsfähiger Maschinen - Teil 1: Prinzipvergleich bestehender modellgestützter und signalanalytischer Verfahren am Beispiel der Wellenrissdetektion bei Turborotoren. VDI-EKV Schwingungstagung, Frankenthal, 27./28. Mai 1999, in: VDI-Berichte 1466, 1999, S. 609-626. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Überwachung, Diagnose und lebensdaueroptimierte Betriebsführung schwingungsfähiger Maschinen - Teil 2: Entwicklung lebensdauer- und belastungsabhängiger Ausfallraten im SRCE-Konzept. VDI-EKV Schwingungstagung, Frankenthal, 27./28. Mai 1999, in: VDI-Berichte 1466, 1999, S. 627-638. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Modeling the Human-Machine Interaction: Relations between Human Planing, Cognition, Mental Representation and Action. In: Biswas, G.; McIlraith, S.: Hybrid Systems and AI: Modeling Analysis and Control of Discrete plus Continous Systems. Technical Report SS-99-04 Knowledge System Lab, Stanford University, California. Paper from the AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium, Stanford University, California, March 22-24, 1999.

Söffker, D.: Applications of the PIO-technique to elastic mechanical structures. In: Hofer, E.P.; Weber, H.I.; Pamplona, D.: Dynamic Problems in Mechanics and Mechatronics, Proc. Int. Symp. EURODiname'99: Ulm Research Confererences, 1999, S. 119-124.

Söffker, D.: The Situation-Operator Model: from a System Theoretic Human-Machine-Interaction Modeling Approach to New Ideas for Automatic Control. Lecture Department of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. G.F. Mauer, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 18, 1999.

Söffker, D.:
Safety Engineering and Human Factors. Lecture Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro PUC-Rio, Brazil, Prof. Dr.-Ing. H.I. Weber, Prof. Dr. R. Sampaio, September 22, 1999.

Söffker, D.: Observer-based Supervision and Control of Elastic Mechanical Structures. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lecture Federal University of Espirito Santos, Vitoria, Prof. Dr. M. Mattos, Brazil, October 4, 1999. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Seelecke, S.:
Shape Memory Alloy Actuators - Thermomechanical Modeling and Control Aspects. In: Wallaschek, J.; Lückel, J.; Littmann, W. (eds.): Mechatronics and Advanced Motion Control, Proc. of 3rd International Heinz Nixdorf Symposium, HNI-Verlagsschriftenreihe, Band 49 (1999), pp. 145-160.

Hisseine, D.; Lohmann, B.; Kuczynski, A.:
Two control approaches for a flexible-link manipulator. In Proc. IASTED int. Conf. "Robotics and Applications", RA'99, pp. 192-197, Santa Barbara, USA, 1999.

Torre Flores, P.: Zur analytischen Modellbildung und schätzerbasierten Koppelkraftregelung von Sattelzügen. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 12 Nr. 421, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Vier, E.: Automatisierter Entwurf geregelter hydrostatischer Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 795, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Senger, M.:
Algebraische Formulierung und Lösung zentraler systemtheoretischer Aufgaben. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 770, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Bernzen, W.: Zur Regelung elastischer Roboter mit hydraulischen Antrieben. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 788, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Berg, H.: Robuste Regelung verstellbarer Hydromotoren am Konstantdrucknetz. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 764, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Spielmann, M.: Zur Verwendung graphentheoretischer Verfahren bei nichtlinearen Systemen. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 759, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1999.

Wang, J.-Q.; Wend, H.-D.: Robust decentralised control of robot manipulaters. Int. Journal of Systems Science. 1999 / 30. pp. 323 - 330.

Bernd, T.; Otto, C.: Nutzung von Expertenwissen zur Modellierung eines pneumatischen Antriebs mit Fuzzy- und neuronalen Netzwerken. 9. Workshop Fuzzy Control. Dortmund, 4.11.1999. pp. 197-210, 1999.

Bernzen, W.: Active vibration control of flexible robots using virtual spring-damper systems. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems.1999, 24(1). pp. 69 - 88.

Bernzen, W.: Zur Regelung elastischer Roboter mit hydrostatischen Antrieben. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8. Nr. 788. Düsseldorf: VDI, 1999.

Nissing, D.; W. Bernzen; Schwarz, H.:
On vibration control of a concrete pump. European Control Conference (ECC'99). Karlsruhe, 1999, F1058-2.

Wey, T.; Lemmen, M.: Flatness based control for hydraulic drives. In: Stability and Control: Theory and Applications 1. pp. 22-40, 1999.


Söffker, D.; Rakowsky, U.K.; Müller, P.C.; Peters, O.H.: Perspektiven regelungstheoreticher Methoden zur Überwachung dynamischer Systeme aus sicherheitstechnischer Sicht. at Automatisierungstechnik 46 (1998), S. 295-301. [PDF]

Seelecke, S.; da Silva, E.; Söffker, D.: Simulation of Feedback Control for SMA Actuators. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies ICAST´98, MIT, Cambridge, USA, October 14-16, 1998, pp. 238-246.

Söffker, D.: Schadensdiagnose bei elastischen mechanischen Strukturen - Entwicklung eines modellbasierten Ansatzes ohne Verwendung schadenspezifischer Information. GMA-Kongress '98 Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik - Neue Entwicklungen, Technologie, Anwendungen. VDI-Berichte 1397, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1998, S. 479-486.

Söffker, D.: Analyse der Crew-Kommunikation des verunfallten Birgenair-Flugzeuges auf der Basis eines qualitativen Beschreibungsmodelles menschlichen Handelns. Vortrag in der Flugunfalluntersuchungsstelle des Luftfahrtbundesamtes, Braunschweig, 9. März 1998.

Söffker, D.:
Qualitative Beschreibung menschlichen Entscheidungsverhaltens am Beispiel eines Flugzeugunfalles. Diskussionsbeitrag mit Videovorführung. GMA - GI Workshop, Emmelndorf, 16.-18. März 1998 (Veranstalter: Prof. J. Lunze, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Prof. P. Struss, TU München).

Söffker, D.: Analyse der Crew-Kommunikation des verunfallten Birgenair-Flugzeuges auf der Basis eines qualitativen Beschreibungsmodelles menschlichen Handelns. Vortrag Flugunfalluntersuchungsstelle des Luftfahrtbundesamtes, Braunschweig, 9. März 1998.

Söffker, D.: Perspektiven der Regelungstechnik zur Überwachung und Regelung schwingungsfähiger mechanischer Systeme. Vortrag Seminar des Fachgebietes Thermodynamik des Fachbereiches Verfahrenstechnik der Technischen Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Ingo Müller, 20. April 1998.

Söffker, D.: Regelungstechnische Methoden in der Mechanik. Workshop Dynamik mechanischer Systeme. (Veranstalter: Prof. C. Woernle), Vortrag Universität Rostock, Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Schifftstechnik, Rostock, 7.-9. September 1998.

Söffker, D.: Regler Mensch: Menschliches Entscheidungsverhalten am Beispiel eines Flugzeugunfalles. Vortrag Tag des wiss. Nachwuchses, 7. November 1998, Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal - BUGH Wuppertal, schriftlicher Beitrag in: output 4/98, S. 22-23.

Lemmen, M.: Flatness control for a hydraulic drive. Circuits Systems and Computers (CSC'98). Athen, 1998.

Riege, B.; Arteaga Pérez, M.A.: A simple robust control approach for a robot with hydraulic drives. IFAC Workshop on Motion Control. Grenoble. pp. 135 - 140, 1998.

Wang, J.-Q.; Wend, H.D.: Multiparameter singular perturbation approach to control of flexible-link manipulators. The Fifth Int. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision. Singapore, 1998. pp. 1305 - 1309.

Wend, H.-D.: Adaptive fuzzy PD controller for a pneumatic drive. Pragoregula ´98, 1998. Prag. pp. 81 - 88.

Bai, M.: Modellbildung, Simulation und Regelung elastischer Roboter. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 722, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1998.

Wey, T.: Modeling and observer design for hydraulic cylinders. 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Theory and Practice of Control and Systems. Alghero, Italien, 1998, pp. 66-71.

Lemmen, M.: Über Relative und dynamische Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 711, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1998.

Arteaga Pérez, M. A.: Ein Ansatz zur Modellbildung, nichtlinearen Regelung und Beobachterauslegung elastischer Handhabungssysteme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 689, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1998.


Söffker, D.: Einsatz regelungstheoretischer Methoden in der Rotordynamik - Von der Zustandsbeobachtung über aktive Lager zum aktiven Rotor. in: Irretier, H.; Nordmann, R.; Springer, H. (Hrsg.): Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen IV. Verlag Vieweg, 1997, S. 299-308.

Söffker, D.: Robust Fault Detection of large Vibrating Structures by Means of Control Theory. Proc. 12th ASME Conference on Reliability, Stress Analysis and Failure Prevention, Virginia Beach, April 1997, in: Pusey, H.C. (ed.): A Critical Link: Diagnosis to prognosis. A publication of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, 1997, pp. 751-761.

Söffker, D.; Rakowsky, U.K.: Perspectives of monitoring and control of vibrating structures by combining new methods of fault detection with new approaches of reliability engineering. Proc. 12th ASME Conference on Reliability, Stress Analysis and Failure Prevention, Virginia Beach, April 1997, in: Pusey, H.C. (ed.): A Critical Link: Diagnosis to prognosis. A publication of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, 1997, pp. 671-682. [PDF]

Rakowsky, U.K.; Söffker, D.:
Real-time Reliability Evaluation of Vibrating Mechanical Structures. Proc. 12th ASME Conference on Reliability, Stress Analysis and Failure Prevention, Virginia Beach, April 1997, in: Pusey, H.C. (ed.): A Critical Link: Diagnosis to prognosis. A publication of the Society for Machinery Failure Prevention Technology, 1997, pp. 625-636.

Kroll, A.: Fuzzy-Systeme zur Modellierung und Regelung komplexer technischer Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 612, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1997.

Söffker, D.: Kopplungen in Balkenelementen - Systematische nichtlineare finite Modellbildung und Simulation interner Kopplungen höherer Ordnung. GAMM Tagung 1996, Prag, CS, 1996, ZAMM-GAMM Sonderheft, 1997, S. 317-318. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Hoffmann, P.; Müller, P.C.:
Schätzen der Kontaktkräfte im Rad-Schiene Kontakt. GAMM Beitrag 1997, Regensburg, ZAMM-GAMM Sonderheft, 1997, S. 739-740. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Rakowsky, U.K.; Müller, P.C.; Peters, O.H.:
Perspektiven regelungstheoretischer Methoden zur Überwachung dynamischer Systeme aus sicherheitstechnischer Sicht. VDI-GMA Tagung Sicherheitstechnik und Automatisierung, Langen, 1997, VDI-Bericht 1336, Sicherheitstechnik und Automatisierung, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1997, S. 223-232. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Automatic generation of the equations of motion of the moving nonlinaer elastic beam. IMACS World Conference, Berlin, 1997, Sydow, A. (Ed.): Proc. 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, Berlin, 1997, 10 pages.

Söffker, D.: Modeling of human errors of the 'human vs. complex technical system' - interaction: a first qualitative engineering approach. Sydow, A. (Ed.): Proc. 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, pp. 167-172, Berlin, 1997.

Söffker, D.: Modellbildung und Regelung längenvariabler, elastischer Balkenstrukturen. Vortrag Seminar des Institutes für Verfahrenstechnik, Prof. Dr. I. Müller, TU Berlin, 7. Juli 1997.

Söffker, D.: Observer-based fault diagnosis for elastic mechanical structures: a new method applied to the classical problem of the cracked rotor. Lecture Seminario de Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, Prof. R. Sampaio, Prof. H.I. Weber, 10. September 1997.

Söffker, D.: Robust Observers for Fault Detection and Observer-based Control of flexible mechanical structures. Lecture Seminar of the Working Group Vibrating Structures, Departomento de Engenharia Mecanica, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien, Prof. R. Sampaio (PUC), Prof. F. Rochinha (Federal University), 24. September 1997. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: Ein multimediales, interaktives Praktikum: 'Modellgestütze Signalanalyse' - Motivation, Konzeption und Realisierung. Beitrag zum Multimediatag NRW, Veranstaltungsreihe des Audiovisuellen Zentrums der Bergischen Universität - Gesamthochschule Wuppertal, Wuppertal, 7. November 1997.

Söffker, D.: Ein multimediales Praktikum. AVMZ BUGH Wuppertal: Einsatz von Multimedia in der Lehre, Filmbeitrag BUGH Wuppertal anlässlich des Multimediatages der Hochschulen NRW, 7. November 1997.

Berger, M.: Zur strukturellen Bewertung und automatischen Reglersynthese von Fuzzy-Systemen. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 679, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1997.

Jelali, M.: Über die nichtlineare Approximation und Zustandsschätzung zeitkontinuierlicher dynamischer Prozesse. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 636, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1997.


Rakowsky, U.K.; Söffker, D.: Verknüpfung von Methoden der Regelungstheorie und der Technischen Zuverlässigkeit zur Modellierung dynamischer Systeme. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Mess - und Automatisierungstechnik, Baden - Baden, September 1996. GMA Bericht 1282, S. 753-763.

Söffker, D.: Der PI-Beobachter zur robusten Schätzung von nichtlinearen Kraft- und Momentenverläufen unbekannter Charakteristik in elastischen mechanischen Strukturen. Tagungsband des Workshops 'Simulation und Praxis der Kraftschlussausnutzung von hochleistungs-Triebfahrzeugen'. Institut für Elektrische Energietechnik - TU Berlin, Forschungsverbund Bahntechnik - Berlin, 27./28. Juni 1996, S. 133-144.

Söffker, D.; Müller, P.C.: Systematic representation of couplings in elastic beams - nonlinear modeling and simulation of internal, higher order effects. 31th Polish Solid Mechanics Conference, Mierki, Sept. 10-14, 1996.

Söffker, D.: Zur Modellbildung und Regelung elastischer, längenvariabler Roboterarme. Dissertation, Bergische Universität-GH Wuppertal, Fachbereich Sicherheitstechnik, 1995; auch als VDI-Fortschrittbericht, Reihe 8, Nr. 584, 1996.

Wey, T.: Ein graphentheoretischer Ansatz zur strukturellen Analyse und Synthese nichtlinearer Systeme. VDI Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 556, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1996.

Söffker, D.; Müller, P.C.: Modeling and control of elastic robot arms with varying length. ZAMM Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Vol. 76, SUPPL. 5, 1996, pp. 489-490.


Söffker, D.; Müller, P.C.: Betriebsüberwachung und Schadensdiagnose an rotierenden Maschinen - Bewährte Methoden versus Neue modellbasierte Ansätze. in: Irretier, H.; Nordmann, R.; Springer, H. (Hrsg.): Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen III. Verlag Vieweg, 1995, S. 85-93. [PDF]

Söffker, D; Yu, Tie-Jun; Müller, P.C.: State Estimation of Dynamical Systems with Nonlinearities by using Proportional-Integral Observer. International Journal of System Science, Vol. 26 (1995), No. 9, pp. 1571-1582. [PDF]

Söffker, D.: A New Model-based Tool for Failure Detection and Isolation in Machine- and Rotordynamics. ASME DE-Vol. 83-2, 1995, pp. 233-242.

Söffker, D.: Elastic Robot Arms with Varying Length - Part I: A Systematic Nonlinear Modeling Approach. in: Sinha, S.C.; Cusumano, J.P.; Pfeifer, F. (eds.): Vibration of Nonlinear, Random, and Time-Varying Systems - Time Varying Systems and Structures, ASME DE-Vol. 84-1, 1995, pp. 109-119.

Söffker, D.: Ein finites Balkenelement zur Modellbildung längenvariabler, elastischer Roboterarme. Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Mechanik 75 (1995), S. 131-132.

Söffker, D.; Müller, P.C.: Robust Control of Flexible Structures - A New PI-Observer-based Approach. Proc. IFAC - Workshop Motion Control, October, 9-11, 1995, Munich, Germany, pp. 904-912.

Söffker, D.: Schadendiagnose bei elastischen mechanischen Strukturen - Entwicklung eines modellbasierten Ansatzes zur kausalen Diagnose ohne Verwendung schadenspezifischer Information. Workshop 'Modellbasierte Prozessdiagnose unter Nutzung qualitativer Prozesskenntnisse', Veranstalter: GMA - Fachausschuss 1.6, Emmelndorf, 4.-6. Oktober 1995.

Schwarz, H.: Anwendung nichtlinearer Systemmodelle und Entwurfsverfahren bei hydrostatischen Antrieben. Entwurf nichtlinearer Regelungen. Hg. S. Engell. 165 - 187. München: Oldenbourg, 1995.

Svaricek, F.: Zuverlässige numerische Analyse linearer Regelungssysteme. Habilitationsschrift. Stuttgart: Teubner. 1995.

Ingenbleek, R.: Zustandsbeobachter für zeitdiskrete nichtlineare Systeme - Geometrische Analyse und Synthese. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 527, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Küpper, K.: Zur Modellierung technischer Systeme mittels Fuzzy-Logik. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 507, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Lemmen, R.: Zur automatisierten Modellerstellung, Konfigurationsprüfung und Diagnose hydraulischer Anlagen. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 503, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Bertram, T.: Zur systematischen Analyse und Synthese nichtlinearer Systeme mit Fuzzy-Logik. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 496, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Behmenburg, Cf.:
Zur adaptiven Fuzzy-Regelung technischer Systeme. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 485, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Reuter, H.: Zur Identifikation nichtlinearer Systemmodelle mit wenig A-priori-Informationen. Fortschritt-Berichte. Reihe 8 Nr. 471, Düsseldorf: VDI-Verlag 1995.

Söffker, D.: Elastic robot arm with variable length. Part II: Robust control of elastic vibration. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division (Publication) DE, Vol. 84 (3 Pt A/1), 1995, pp. 227-237.

Ausgewählte frühere Publikationen

Söffker, D.: Kleiner Beitrag zur Dynamik der 'Möwe Jonathan'. ZAMM 74 (1994), T88-T90. [PDF]

Müller, P.C.; Bajkowski, J.; Söffker, D.:
Chaotic Motions and Fault Detection in a Cracked Rotor. Nonlinear Dynamics, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 1994, pp. 233-254. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Bajkowski, J.; Müller, P. C.: Crack detection in turbo rotors, vibrational analysis and fault detection. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division (Publication) DE, Vol. 60, 1993, pp. 277-287.

Söffker, D.; Bajkowski, J.; Müller, P.C.:
Detection of Cracks in Turbo Rotors - a New Observer Based Method. ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements, and Control, 3, 1993, pp. 518-524. [PDF]

Söffker, D.; Müller, P. C.: Control of dynamic systems with nonlinearities and time varying parameters. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division (Publication) DE, Vol. 56, 1993, pp. 269-277.

Söffker, D.; Bajkowski, J.; Müller, P.C.: Analysis and Detection of the Cracked Rotor. GAMM '92, ZAMM 73 (1992), T87-T91. [PDF]