© Jerome Hoffmeister

Fachgebiet: Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt Makrosoziologie und transnationale Prozesse
Lehr- und Forschungseinheit Makrosoziologie und Transnationale Prozesse


9.-10.10.2025, Campus Duisburg Forschungsworkshop des Netzwerks "Institutional Ethnography"

Das 2022 gegründete Netzwerk Institutional Ethnography (IE) lädt zum ersten Forschungsworkshop im deutschsprachigen Raum ein. Der Workshop findet vom 09.-10.10.2025 am Campus Duisburg statt.

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DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2951 Cross-border Labour Markets

Research Training Group "Cross-border Labour Markets. Transnational Market Makers, Infrastructures, Institutions"

Cross-border labour mobility and migration have developed into key issues within globalization research. Remarkably, however, ‘cross-border labour markets’ have not yet been addressed as a phenomenon sui generis in this context. Global structures and dynamics are largely scrutinized as factors impacting national labour markets, and the terms ‘emigration’ and ‘immigration’ that dominate the relevant literature underscore this focus on national labour markets as units of analysis.

The Research Training Group (RTG) 2951 takes a different approach, putting cross-border labour markets centre stage in its research programme. The emergence of cross-border labour markets can be observed in multiple sectors: in low-skilled labour (e.g. in domestic work or meat packing) as well as among highly-skilled workers and professionals (e.g. academics, consultants, medical doctors), or in sports, the arts, and the entertainment industry at large.

Against this background, the Research Training Group (RTG) 2951 puts cross-border labour markets centre stage in its research programme. The particular focus of the RTG is on investigating what makes it possible for cross-border labour markets to emerge and be consolidated, i.e., how are the coordination problems that are amplified in border crossing markets ‘solved’?

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Interdisziplinäre Veröffentlichungen zur Glokalisierung medizinischen Wissens

► Sommer, Ilka, Solmaz Assa, Cadja Bachmann, Wei Chen, Melih Elcin, Elisabeth Funk, Caner Kamisli, Tao Liu, Alexander H. Maass, Stefanie Merse, Caroline Morbach, Anja Neumann, Till Neumann, Benjamin Quasinowski, Stefan Störk, Sarah Weingartz, Götz Wietasch und Anja Weiss (04 April 2024). "Medical Care as Flea Market Bargaining? An International Interdisciplinary Study of Varieties of Shared Decision Making in Physician–Patient Interactions." Teaching and Learning in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1080/10401334.2024.2322456

► Quasinowski, Benjamin, Solmaz Assa, Cadja Bachmann, Wei Chen, Melih Elcin, Caner Kamisli, Tao Liu, Alexander Maass, Stefanie Merse, Caroline Morbach, Anja Neumann, Till Neumann, Ilka Sommer, Stefan Störk, Sarah Weingartz, Anja Weiß und Götz Wietasch (2023). "Hearts in their hands – Physicians’ gestures embodying globalized shared professional knowledge around the world." Sociology of Health & Illness 45(5) 1101-1122. Doi 10.1111/1467-9566.13639


“Migration Studies and Social Theory: Problematizing Ontologies, De-Centering Migration” IMISCOE SC “Reflexivities in Migration Studies” (with Iva Dodevska, Stefan Manser-Egli und Boris Nieswand) at the University of Tübingen, Germany, 14.-15.9.2023


Grenzsoziologie. Symposiumsbeitrag zu Steffen Mau, Sortiermaschinen: Die Neuerfindung der Grenze im 21. Jahrhundert. [Sociology of borders. Contribution to a Symposium on Steffen Mau, Sortiermaschinen] Soziologische Revue 45(3) 309-314. doi: 10.1515/srsr-2022-2019


► "Podcast von Anja Weiß  zur Soziologie Globaler Ungleichheiten in Das neue Berlin 1.10.2020"

20 Jahre deutschsprachige Soziologie in englischer Sprache reviewt

Hollstein, B. & R. Greshoff & U. Schimank & A. Weiß (Hrsg.), 2021: Soziologie. The State of Sociology in the German-speaking World. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, Oldenbourg. Open Access DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110627275

Weiß, Anja (2021). "Globalization and Transnationalization." In: Betina Hollstein, Rainer Greshoff, Uwe Schimank, and Anja Weiß (Hg.). Soziologie. The State of Sociology in the German-speaking World. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, Oldenbourg, S. 149-163.

Special Issue Current Sociology

Current Sociology Special Issue Online Event 6 July 15.00-16.30 ct "Theorizing societalization across borders: Globality, transnationality, postcoloniality"

► "Special Issue Current Sociology (Mit Amelina, Boatcă und Bongaerts) "Theorizing societalization across borders: Globality, transnationality, postcoloniality." Current Sociology Doi: 10.1177/0011392120952119" 

► Weiß, Anja (22.7.2020, online first) ‘Re-thinking Society. How can Sociological Theories Help Us Understand global and cross-border social contexts?’, Current Sociology.

Tagung: Transnationales Sampling und die quantitative Forschung zu Mobilitätsprozessen

Am 30. und 31. Januar 2020 findet ein Workshop an der Universität Hamburg statt zu Transnationalen Samplingstrategien und quantitativen Forschungen zu Mobilitätsprozessen, organisiert gemeinsam mit Katharina Manderscheid.

Das Programm kann hier heruntergeladen werden.

Methods workshop

Methods workshop on the documentary method in migration research Prof. Anja Weiß (UDE) and Prof. Nicolle Pfaff (UDE) collaborating with with Prof. Galya Ben-Arieh Ruffer (Northwestern University, USA) on june 15th and 17th, University of Duisburg-Esse

Anja Weiß (Juli 2017): Soziologie globaler Ungleichheiten. Berlin: Suhrkamp


Rezension von Stephan Lessenich in Soziopolis 5.1.2018