Interlibrary Loan: FAQs

NoticeLogin to Interlibrary loan disrupted for external users

Currently, login to interlibrary loan is not possible for external users. In urgent cases, please contact with your library user number and order details, and we will place the order for you. Work is underway to resolve the issue.

We have the answers!

What is interlibrary loan?

For the purposes of research, education and advanced training, you can order media and articles from books or journals which are not available at the Duisburg-Essen University Library via interlibrary loan from another library.

Access via the homepage of the Duisburg-Essen UL (please call up the "Search & Find" section in the menu).

Please check our catalogue Primo first, to see if a title is available locally.

If you need a title which is not yet available at our library or if you want to recommend more copies, please use our web form. We will make every effort to purchase the media as soon as possible.

Who can order?

All library users with a valid library card can use interlibrary loan services.

How do I order books or extracts from books?

  • Call up the interlibrary loan.
  • The login is handled via Shibboleth:
    • UDE members use their university ID and the corresponding password to log in.
    • External users enter their user number and password.
    Please accept the terms of use.
  • Enter significant words from the title and maybe the authors name (like this: last name, first name).
  • Select the title from the result list.
  • Choose wether you want to order the complete book or a chapter and click on the Button "Choose" (= "Auswählen").
  • Select a pick-up location and click on "Continue" (= "Fortsetzen").
  • Decide on delivery terms and click on the Button "Order" (= "Bestellen"). 
  • Finally, you will get an order confirmation as well as your order details.

If the required title does not come up in the result list, please check your search for typing errors or try different spellings for author and title.

In exceptional cases, you can place your order "with manual data input for a book or a book chapter" (= "freie Bestellung für ein Buch oder für einen Abschnitt aus einem Buch").

How do I order journal articles?

  • Call up the interlibrary loan.
  • The login is handled via Shibboleth:
    • UDE members use their university ID and the corresponding password to log in.
    • External users enter their user number and password.
    Please accept the terms of use.
  • Enter significant words from the journal title (!) and click on "Continue" (= "Weiter").
    Please do not use any abbreviations. Alternatively, you can search using the ISSN.
  • Select the title from the result list.
  • Click on the Button "Select" (= "Auswählen").
  • Select a pick-up location and click on "Continue" (= "Fortsetzen").
  • Complete the form and provide the article details.
  • Decide on delivery termns.
  • Please note: You can order only one article at a time.
  • Select wether you are prepared to pay extra costs. The default setting is 8.00 €; the amount can be changed.
  • Click on the Button "Order" (= "Bestellen"). 
  • Finally, you will receive an order confirmation as well as your order details.

If the required title does not come up in the result list, please check your search for typing errors or try different title spellings.

In exceptional cases, you can place your order "with manual data input for a journal article" (= "freie Bestellung für einen Zeitschriftenartikel").

Which media can not be ordered?

Not all materials listed in the library catalogues are available via interlibrary loan. For example, reference works, books in reserved collections or those permanently on loan are excluded.

These media can also not be ordered:

  • media and e-books available in the Duisburg-Essen University Library
  • media or books which are available on the market below the price of 15.00 €
  • media or books which are particularly valuable or which are in bad condition (often, photocopies or reproductions can be made at your expense)
  • loose-leaf collections and unbound journals
  • e-journals, e-books, full text databases
  • TV recordings
  • newspaper articles and articles from so-called consumer magazines (e.g. Stern, Focus, Geo magazine, Newsweek)

Which media are difficult to obtain via interlibrary loan?

  • New literature: please ensure that the title is already published and there is proof of availability in library catalogues providing a shelfmak - you will often find titles in catalogues which are still on order, have not been published yet or are still in process.
  • Diploma theses, bachelor theses, master theses and accreditation papers (there may be special conditions of use)
  • Data media (CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, videos ...) are often not available for copyright or security reasons.
  • Holdings of specialized libraries (usually part of their reference collection)
  • Entire volumes of journals and newspapers are usually not available due to preservative reasons.
  • Non-book material (games, large-sized maps, records et al.) which can get damaged during shipment .

Please note:
Although articles can be found in some catalogues (for example GBV and SWB), please use the article order form to place your order.

Can I order media from abroad?

If a book published in a foreign country is not available in one of the participating German libraries, you will receive a notification from the interlibrary loan department. Your order can be passed to international interlibrary loan services. Usually, you have to expect a longer waiting time and higher charges.

For detailled information concerning individual orders, please contact the adress named in the notification.

How do I cancel an order?

You can not cancel an order yourself once it has been submitted.

If you have mistakenly ordered a book twice or do no longer need it, please contact central information.
In case of a cancellation, the flat-rate charge is due anyway.

How much does an interlibrary loan order cost?

For each order, a flat-rate charge of 1.50 € is levied.
There is also a postal charge for notifications sent by letter (but no charges for e-mail notifications).

The flat-rate charge is due as soon as the order is placed.

Charges are debited to your user account.

Specifically, there are the following flat-rate charges:

UDE students 0.50 € (reduced flat-rate charge)

UDE members, doctoral and postdoctoral students

0.00 €
(there will be no charge for orders which are placed for scientific or public purpose)
External users 1.50 €

Do I have to pay for a cancelled order?

Yes. The flat-rate charge is due even when a book can not be delivered or an order got canceled.

Can there be additional costs?

In addition, there may be extra charges if an article of more than 20 pages is delivered from a library outside NRW. The default setting for interlibrary loan of articles is therefore 8.00 €. You can reject them completely or choose a higher cost limit.

The information about extra charges can be found on page one or two of your order. If the charged amount is within your chosen setting, the additional charges will be added to your user account.

When can I pick up or access my interlibrary loan?

Usually, books or media will be delivered within 10 working days. It may take longer if the required item is on loan everywhere or is not present in any of the participating libraries.

Normally, articles will be delivered within 5 working days. It may take longer if an article can only be delivered from outside NRW.

Please note that a reservation may delay the delivery.

Where do I pick up my order? Where do I return it?

At the lending desk in the
LK Library during the entire opening hours
Humanities and Social Sciences Library during the entire opening hours
Medical Library collection only from mon - fri from 8am - 4pm
return during the entire opening hours

Please note:
UDE employees can receive ordered articles via in-house mail. Please choose the option in the order form.

How do I receive ordered articles?

You will receive an email with a download link to a PDF file that you can access within 30 days. In exceptional cases, paper copies will still be delivered and made available for you at your chosen collection point.

Where can I use reference copies?

If the supplying library provides its media just for the use in the reading room, your notification will inform you about that.

These are the possible locations and the service hours for use:

Where? When?
LK Library Information desk, 1st floor during the entire opening hours
Humanities and Social Sciences Library Service desk, ground floor during the entire opening hours
Medical Library Lending and information desk  mon - fri from 8am - 4pm

How long will the media be available?

Items which can be borrowed currently remain ready for collection until the end of the loan period.
Reference copies are available for the whole loan period.
Ordered articles can be accessed via a download link sent by email within 30 days.

How long is the loan period? Can I renew it?

The loan period is fixed by the supplying library. It is usually 28 days and starts on the day the book is provided for you.

Please note:
A renewal is not possible.
In exceptional cases, the supplying library can determine a shorter loan period.

Are there any restrictions?

The supplying library can determine special conditions for the use of its media. These can be: use only in the reading room, ban on copying, shorter loan periods.

The Duisburg-Essen University Library is bound by these conditions and has to pass them to its users.

Can I follow my interlibrary loan orders online?

You can check the state of your order in your ILL account of the Digital Library at any time:

  • Choose the link Interlibrary loan:
  • After logging in, you will receive a list of your interlibrary loan orders sorted chronologically downwards with the current processing status.
  • Click on the title to get a detailled overview of the state of your order from the time it was placed.

Please note:

It may take up to 14 days from the date of shipment in the supplying library and the arrival in your library. You will get a notification when your order has arrived.

If your order can not be settled online from one of the participating libaries, it is no longer possible to follow it or to determine the date of delivery. Please expect longer delivery times.

If you have further questions on the state of your order, please contact central information and provide the order or transaction number.

What is the "EVA order number"?

The abbreviation "EVA" stands for "Erwerbungsvorschlagsassistent", an aquisition request which is automatically generated and forwarded to our subject librarians.

If you order a book through interlibrary loan that has been published in the past 10 years and is still available in bookstores, our subject librarians will check wether the requested title should be acquired for the UL collection. During a short period of time (usually within one working day), your interlibrary loan order is not listed in your Primo user account.

You can of course find the state of your order in your ILL account of the Digital Library. Every order will receive a temporary EVA order number. Up to this point, there will be no charges.

If the ordered title is purchased for the library's holdings, an interlibrary loan order is no longer necessary. We will reserve our own copy for you instead. The reservation is indicated in your user account. Once the book has arrived and is ready, you will receive an e-mail notification as usual.

In case the book is not purchased, we will inform you in an e-mail. Your order will be forwarded via interlibrary loan to a supplying library as usual and the flat-rate charge is debited to your user account.