Course Evaluation
In order to improve the quality of teaching, the Faculty of Engineering regularly evaluates its courses. The participants of the courses are interviewed after about two thirds of the respective semester. This early point in time should enable lecturers to discuss the results with students before the end of the lecture period. This should make it possible to optimize the courses and the respective degree program as a whole.
About 500 courses are evaluated per semester. In total, an average of 20,000 questionnaires are evaluated per year, of which about two thirds are in German and one third in English.
Questionnaires from winter semester 2019/20
Starting in the winter semester 2019/20, newly designed questionnaires for course evaluation will be introduced. The changes in the questionnaires concern on the one hand the standardization of the answer scale and on the other hand the questions are now more clearly formulated.
Reporting of the course evaluation
The results of the course evaluation are stored in Moodle (only accessible with a university ID).