International Network
The international network is your platform for exchange and networking for international scientists.
It is not easy to pursue a scientific career in Germany as an international scientist. With this network, we are providing a space to exchange experiences, give advices and support each other as an international community here at UME. Every scientist who is working in Essen and who is interested in or feels addressed by these topics is welcome.
Next International Meeting
Tuesday, July 2nd
12-14 h
Seminarraum 1, ground floor,
Lehr- und Lernzentrum (LLZ)
Virchowstraße 163 a
Mattermost Channel of the International Network:
Lectures & discussion & networking
The international network is intended to promote the exchange among international workers at the Medical Faculty and at the University Medical Center Essen through regular meetings.
The meetings will be announced by eMail. If you like, you can put your name on the list. Just send an email to Dr. Silvia Vega Rubin de Celis.
Discussion of various topics
- Useful German language courses
- Support for mothers/parents
- Development of translation aids
- Recommendation of events
- and much more...
Contact and organization
Dr. rer. nat. Silvia Vega Rubin de Celis
University Hospital Essen
Institut für Zellbiologie (Tumorforschung)
Phone 0201/723-3941