FIT Programm - Engineering Talents for Germany at UDE

International Talents in the Faculty of Engineering
- The Faculty of Engineering at UDE is working hard to close the skills gap in the engineering sector and at the same time meet the high demand for engineers. With around 8,000 students, the Faculty of Engineering is a key player in the education sector. Our engineering courses are important for Germany's industrial future and contribute significantly to the country's innovative power and competitiveness.
- In view of the declining interest in STEM subjects within Germany and the important role of international students for the future of engineering, we are focusing on targeted measures to support and integrate international students through our DAAD project “Engineering Talents for Germany”.
- Thanks to our commitment to „first generation academics“ in the Ruhr region, which is characterized by structural change, and our intensive partnerships with universities worldwide, we strive not only to promote academic success, but also to make a significant contribution to securing Germany's industrial future.
About the program
FIT stands for "Promotion of international talents for integration into studies and the labour market".

- To support international students in achieving academic success.
- To promote the integration of international students into the German job market after completing their studies.

- Courses for study preparation and ensuring academic success for international students
- Further development of career services
- Establishing a cooperative network with internal organizational units at UDE and external industry partners

- 01.04.2024 - 31.12.2028

Target groups
The measures are mostly - but not exclusively - complementary to the curricular, subject-oriented study programs in the Faculty of Engineering, depending on the following target groups:
- Target group 1: All regularly enrolled ISE students (Bachelor and Master)
- Target group 2: Double-degree students in the ISE Bachelor's program with partner universities in Southeast Asia and Mercator Office
- Target group 3: ISE students in the Bachelor's program according to §49 (5) and via Mercator Office
- Target group 4: ISE students in the Bachelor's program after the 1st and 2nd year of study from Zhengzhou University and Inner Mongolia University

Course Offerings
Our supplementary course offerings support international students from the above-mentioned target groups throughout their entire academic journey and include
- Courses at the beginning of studies
- Courses throughout the study program and
- Courses for entering the German job market.
To register for courses and workshops, please click the button below.
Study preparation and start of studies
Study preparation
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
Language courses A1, A2 and B1
⇒ Target groups 2, 3 and 4
In the A1 language course, participants learn basic expressions and everyday phrases and acquire basic knowledge of German grammar and vocabulary in order to be able to communicate in everyday situations.
The A2 course builds on the basics of the A1 course and expands language skills. Here, participants learn to understand and use simple sentences and frequently used expressions. They can talk about familiar topics such as family, leisure and work and begin to make themselves understood beyond basic needs.
In the B1 language course, vocabulary and grammar are further deepened. Participants learn to communicate fluently in most everyday situations and to speak in more detail about familiar topics. They can express their opinions and experiences clearly and begin to deal with more complex topics.
German language course B2 at the Mercator offices
⇒ Target groups 2 and 4
This course is part of the BAMF integration course under the topic “Living in Germany”. Contents are e.g:
- the German legal system, history and culture
- Rights and duties in Germany
- Forms of living together in society
- Values that are important in Germany, e.g. freedom of religion, tolerance and equal rights for women and men.
ICC1: "Intercultural Communication Competence" at the Mercator Offices
⇒ Targetgroups 2, 3 and 4
Course: "Intercultural Communication Competence" (2 weeks)
- What is culture? Which impact can culture have?
- Theories and models of culture
- Self-reflection about own culture
- Reflection about German culture / Facts & Figures about Germany
- Similarities and differences to German culture
- Intercultural Communication
- Manage cultural differences
- Helpful advice for living in Germany
STEM course at the Mercator Offices
⇒ Target groups 3 and 4
STEM course on the fundamentals of technical subjects from the German perspective.
Start of studies
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
German language course B2 at UDE
⇒ Target groups 1 (only ISE-Bachelor) and 3
This course is part of the integration course of the BAMF under the topic “Living in Germany”.
- the German legal system, history and culture
- Rights and duties in Germany
- Forms of living together in society
- Values that are important in Germany, e.g. freedom of religion, tolerance and equal rights for women and men.
ICC 2: "Intercultural competence in everyday university life in Germany" an der UDE
⇒ Target groups 1, 3 and 4
Course: "Intercultural competence in everyday university life in Germany"
- Intercultural competence and theoretical foundations
- Culture shock and adaptation strategies
- Self-reflection on one's own university experience
- The university system and student life in Germany
- Academic culture: Communication, practices, and behavioural norms
- Expectations of students and academic requirements
- Dealing with cultural differences in university life
- Recognising, avoiding, and resolving intercultural misunderstandings and critical situations
- Consequences of violating rules, and dealing with decisions/rejections
- Practical recommendations for integration into German student life
Orientation course (Living in Germany) at der UDE
⇒ Target groups 2, 3 and 4
Course: „Living in Germany: A guide to law, culture and society for international students"
An orientation course on integration into German society is designed to enable international students to arrive in Germany easily and concentrate on their studies.
This course is particularly interesting and important because it helps international students to navigate confidently and well-informed in a new, often complex environment. It not only provides basic knowledge of the German legal system and political structures, but also a deep understanding of the country's cultural and social characteristics. This enables participants not only to meet formal requirements, but also to operate successfully in social and academic life. The course thus lays the foundation for smooth integration and at the same time offers preparation for the naturalization test, which for many is a decisive step towards a permanent life in Germany.
Module I: Politics in democracy
Gain a sound understanding of the political system in Germany, from the foundations of democracy to current political developments. -
Module II: History and responsibility
Immerse yourself in German history and learn how historical events shape today's society. -
Module III: People and society
Get to know social structures and cultural characteristics in order to feel safe and integrated in your new environment
Important information: After completing the course, you will be optimally prepared to successfully pass the naturalization test “Living in Germany” - an important prerequisite for acquiring German citizenship.
Credit Points: 2 ECTS
Course language: German
Number of participants: max. 30
Get Ready at UDE
⇒ Target groups 2 and 4
This course covers some key aspects, such as
- Start of the semester
- Semester organisation
- Offers at the UDE
- Performance assessment and study organisation
- Scholarship
- Making friends and learning German
- Motivation
- Self-management
- Learning techniques
- Stress management and relaxation
- Exam preparation
- Exam preparation
- Student jobs (SHK/WHK and working student)
- Travelling abroad (EU)
- Preparing and finding a bachelor thesis
Further information will follow
Course of studies
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
ICC 3: "Intercultural communication - Navigating German Bureaucracy and Authorities " at UDE
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Course: "Intercultural communication - Navigating German Bureaucracy and Authorities "
- Health insurance system
- Statutory vs. private health insurance
- Notification of illness: Deadlines, procedures, special features of electronic sick notes.
- Social security system
- Unemployment insurance
- Long-term care insurance
- Basics of pension insurance
- Pension insurance
- Pension account clarification
- Reimbursement of paid-in pension contributions
- Pension provision
- Understanding employment contracts (rights and obligations of the employer and employee)
- Typical contractual clauses
- Time limits
- Right to an employer's reference
- Educational leave
- Tax system
- Tax classes
- Tax identification number
- Deductions from gross salary
- Tax return
- Deductible costs
- Filing the tax return
- Protection against discrimination
- Rights in the workplace
- Discrimination in everyday life
Peer-to-Peer study help
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Subject-specific learning and discussion centers (LuDi) are offered to improve the study conditions. In study rooms, which are to be supervised by a coordinator and several tutors, learning space is provided for joint learning. Students also receive homework help here, have the opportunity to discuss specific issues outside of lectures and prepare for the exam phases. The LuDi are primarily aimed at students in their first two semesters in order to support the difficult start to their studies, especially for foreign students. However, they can also be used as study rooms by higher semesters. Visiting the LuDis should be non-binding, possible at any time and low-threshold. The times at which the LuDi are accessible are built into the semester timetable and vary in order to enable as many students as possible to use the LuDi.
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
The mentoring concept that has already been implemented at the Faculty of Engineering provides for a review of students' performance after their second semester. On the one hand, students are invited to a consultation if their credit points fall below a threshold value in order to jointly discuss the reasons for the unscheduled course of study and, if necessary, to define support measures. Secondly, students' grades and credit points are examined in order to identify high-achieving students so that they can be shown the possibility of study support in the form of a scholarship. In addition, the examination results are checked for failed attempts after each examination phase throughout the course of study. If there is more than one failed attempt, students are invited to an interview to discuss the reasons for the failed attempts, offer support measures and thus ensure the success of their studies.
Personal support for highly gifted and seeking advice students.
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Support in dealing with authorities:
As part of this future measure, individual counselling and practical support will be offered to international students in all bureaucratic matters - from visa and residence matters to visits to the authorities.
- Coping with everyday life:
Support covers all aspects of daily life, from opening a bank account to practical issues such as driving licences, shopping, healthcare, finding accommodation, internet access and energy supplies.
- Psychosocial support:
Particular attention is paid to psychosocial support for students. In the event of excessive demands and self-doubt, counsellors will be available in future to work out individual solutions and point out perspectives.
- Study organisation and personal development:
Targeted assistance with study organisation, time management, developing effective learning strategies and achieving a good work-life balance will be offered as part of this future measure. Topics such as stays abroad in Europe, finding an internship and personal development will also be considered.
Courses for entering the German job market
The information and course dates are regularly updated.
Writing convincing applications (plus individual career coaching on the developed application portfolio) at UDE
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Course: The booster for your career - writing convincing applications (plus individual career coaching on an application portfolio)
International students learn about the special features of the German labour market and are able to organise their job search in a targeted manner at the end of the course. They also learn how to analyse job offers and write individual application letters in German. To this end, the course deals intensively with the structure and language used in written job applications in Germany. During the course, students write their CV and cover letter in German and therefore also know how a typical German CV is structured. In addition, attachments such as job references versus references, third page, etc. are discussed in the course. Overall, at the end of the course, students feel more confident in written application situations, can continue to apply their new skills independently and have created their own application portfolio in German. Students are offered a short, individual career coaching session of around 20-25 minutes a). on the application documents developed in the course and b). on further strategic career planning.
"The first 100 days on the job" at UDE
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Course: ‘The first 100 days on the job’
Further information will follow
Workshops and training courses on the application process at the UDE
⇒ Target groups 1, 2, 3 and 4
The faculty plans to organise further workshops and training courses on the application process and the development of leadership skills. This measure supports students in successfully shaping their professional careers.
The cooperative network
Internal actors Organizational units at UDE
External actors Practice partners and other stakeholders
- Mercator Offices
- Trade associations and regional companies
- Federal Employment Agency
- NRW Chamber of Industry and Commerce
- Association of German Engineers
- Online portal for skilled workers “Make it in Germany”
- IW Sponsors' Association

Project team
- Project manager: Dr.-Ing. Frank Schwarz
- Project coordinator: Björn Cieminski
- Project assistant: Christina Iffarth
- For general enquiries, please send an e-mail to: