Laptops for Students

The rectorate has provided special funds to support students with digital teaching in order to provide them with laptops if necessary. This is to ensure that students who do not have their own PCs can also participate in the digital courses. After a successful needs assessment by the AStA, these laptops can be borrowed for one semester only.

The laptops are equipped with Windows 10 and other software required for digital teaching.
The following softwares are available on borrowed laptops:

  • MS-Office 365
  • Firefox and Chrome
  • Acrobat Reader
  • (VPN-Client)
  • Citavi und Endnote
  • and ZOOM

Additional softwares can be used through Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). The VMware Horizon Client required for this has already been preinstalled on the laptop by us.

Application/ Needs Assessment

The prerequisite for borrowing a laptop is a needs assessment by the AStA's Department for Social Policy (please click for detailed information).

If you have any questions about the application/needs assessment, please send an e-mail to this adress provided by AStA:

After a successful needs assessment, you will receive a certificate from the AStA by e-mail. This certificate entitles you to borrow a laptop for just one semester!


  • Winter Semester: October 1st – March 31st


  • Summer Semester: April 1st – September 30th

Laptop Collection

As soon as you have received the certificate for borrowing a laptop from the AStA, send it by e-mail to the ZIM service center where you want to collect the laptop:

Campus Duisburg

Campus Essen

After checking the certificate, we will contact you to arrange the appointment for laptop collection.

To pick up the laptop, you must present the following documents:

  • Identity card or passport
  • Student ID/ Student Certificate
  • Further documents: Form